- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: internal.nfo internal

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                      `----'      `---`                           '---'      +

                      -------=======|-LEGi0N PRESENTS-|=======-------

         ┌──┤   Aleo Flash Intro and Banner Maker v3.2 WinALL Incl Patcher    ├──┐
        .│  └┬─│───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┬┘  │.
        │.                                   │                                   .│
        │:   CRACKER .............: YPOGEiOS │ RELEASE DATE ......: 27/03/2010   :│
        ││   SUPPLiER ............: YPOGEiOS │ FiLE TYPE ............: ZiP/RAR   ││
        ││   PACKER ..............: YPOGEiOS │ FiLE SiZE ..........: 01/5.00MB   ││
        ││   RELEASE TYPE .....: APPLiCATiON │ OS ....................: WinALL   ││
        ││   CRACK TYPE ...........: PATCHER . PROTECTOR ...............: NONE   ││
        .:                                                                       :.
        ┌[]██████████████████[ ..:: RELEASE DESCRiPTiON ::.. ]██████████████████[]┐
         :.                                                                     .:
         ││  Flash Intro and Banner Maker is a Flash authoring tool to help     ││
         ││  you create Flash intros, AD banners and ecards with ease.          ││
         ││                                                                     ││
         ││  There is no need for knowledge of Flash development studio and     ││
         ││  Actionscripts, all you need is to input texts and select from      ││
         ││  premade customizable background effects and text animation         ││
         ││  effects.                                                           ││
        ..│                                                                     │..
        ┌[]█████████████████████[ ..:: iNSTALL NOTES ::.. ]█████████████████████[]┐
         :.                                                                     .:
         ││  1. Install the application.                                        ││
         ││  2. Apply the patcher from ypogeios dir.                            ││
         ││  3. Enter any registration details if needed.                       ││
         ││  4. Enjoy this YPOGEiOS release!                                    ││
        ..│                                                                     │..
        ┌[]██████████████████████[ ..:: GROUP NOTES ::.. ]██████████████████████[]┐
         :.                                                                     .:
         ││  Currently we're looking for:                                       ││
         ││                                                                     ││
         ││  [] talented crackers who are able to crack applications for any    ││
         ││     Windows OS.                                                     ││
         ││                                                                     ││
         ││  [] talented crackers who are able to tackle the most used          ││
         ││     protectors such as Armadillo, Asprotect, ActiveMark etc.        ││
         ││                                                                     ││
         ││  [] talented keygenners who are able to keygen the most used reg    ││
         ││     schemes such as MD5, RSA, BLOWFiSH or any custom sheme.         ││
         ││                                                                     ││
         ││  [] talented gamehackers who are able to train the newest games     ││
         ││     for the Windows OS.                                             ││
         ││                                                                     ││
         ││  [] 100MBiT EU affil sites.                                         ││
         ││                                                                     ││
         ││  If you think we could use you contact us:      ││
         .│                                                                     │.
        ┌[]███████████████████████[ ..:: GREETZ TO ::.. ]███████████████████████[]┐
        ││                                                                       ││
        :│            NeoX  *  CAMERA  *  HHS  *  USZ  *  PDFwriters             │:
        └.                                                                       .┘

          ANSCii BY: //TH0RN                                    nFO BY ***^TH0RN

This is exclusive to ScenePalace, anyone found sharing this movie to any other trackers >>
(public or private) will be banned and risk LEGi0N stopping releasing exclusives here.

This NFO File was rendered by

            ,---.'|                                     ,----..            ,--.
            |   | :       ,---,.  ,----..      ,---,   /   /   \         ,--.'|
            :   : |     ,'  .' | /   /   \  ,`--.' |  /   .     :    ,--,:  : |
            |   ' :   ,---.'   ||   :     : |   :  : .   /   ;.  \,`--.'`|  ' :
            ;   ; '   |   |   .'.   |  ;. / :   |  '.   ;   /  ` ;|   :  :  | |
            '   | |__ :   :  |-,.   ; /--`  |   :  |;   |  ; \ ; |:   |   \ | :
            |   | :.'|:   |  ;/|;   | ;  __ '   '  ;|   :  | ; | '|   : '  '; |
            '   :    ;|   :   .'|   : |.' .'|   |  |.   |  ' ' ' :'   ' ;.    ;
            |   |  ./ |   |  |-,.   | '_.' :'   :  ;'   ;  \; /  ||   | | \   |
            ;   : ;   '   :  ;/|'   ; : \  ||   |  ' \   \  ',  / '   : |  ; .'
            |   ,/    |   |    \'   | '/  .''   :  |  ;   :    /  |   | '`--'
            '---'     |   :   .'|   :    /  ;   |.'    \   \ .'   '   : |    |
                      |   | ,'   \   \ .'   '---'       `---`     ;   |.'    |
                      `----'      `---`                           '---'      +

                      -------=======|-LEGi0N PRESENTS-|=======-------

         ÚÄÄ´   Aleo Flash Intro and Banner Maker v3.2 WinALL Incl Patcher    ÃÄÄ¿
        ³.                                   ³                                   .³
        ³:   CRACKER .............: YPOGEiOS ³ RELEASE DATE ......: 27/03/2010   :³
        ³³   SUPPLiER ............: YPOGEiOS ³ FiLE TYPE ............: ZiP/RAR   ³³
        ³³   PACKER ..............: YPOGEiOS ³ FiLE SiZE ..........: 01/5.00MB   ³³
        ³³   RELEASE TYPE .....: APPLiCATiON ³ OS ....................: WinALL   ³³
        ³³   CRACK TYPE ...........: PATCHER . PROTECTOR ...............: NONE   ³³
        .:                                                                       :.
         :.                                                                     .:
         ³³  Flash Intro and Banner Maker is a Flash authoring tool to help     ³³
         ³³  you create Flash intros, AD banners and ecards with ease.          ³³
         ³³                                                                     ³³
         ³³  There is no need for knowledge of Flash development studio and     ³³
         ³³  Actionscripts, all you need is to input texts and select from      ³³
         ³³  premade customizable background effects and text animation         ³³
         ³³  effects.                                                           ³³
        ..³                                                                     ³..
         :.                                                                     .:
         ³³  1. Install the application.                                        ³³
         ³³  2. Apply the patcher from ypogeios dir.                            ³³
         ³³  3. Enter any registration details if needed.                       ³³
         ³³  4. Enjoy this YPOGEiOS release!                                    ³³
        ..³                                                                     ³..
         :.                                                                     .:
         ³³  Currently we're looking for:                                       ³³
         ³³                                                                     ³³
         ³³  [] talented crackers who are able to crack applications for any    ³³
         ³³     Windows OS.                                                     ³³
         ³³                                                                     ³³
         ³³  [] talented crackers who are able to tackle the most used          ³³
         ³³     protectors such as Armadillo, Asprotect, ActiveMark etc.        ³³
         ³³                                                                     ³³
         ³³  [] talented keygenners who are able to keygen the most used reg    ³³
         ³³     schemes such as MD5, RSA, BLOWFiSH or any custom sheme.         ³³
         ³³                                                                     ³³
         ³³  [] talented gamehackers who are able to train the newest games     ³³
         ³³     for the Windows OS.                                             ³³
         ³³                                                                     ³³
         ³³  [] 100MBiT EU affil sites.                                         ³³
         ³³                                                                     ³³
         ³³  If you think we could use you contact us:      ³³
         .³                                                                     ³.
        ³³                                                                       ³³
        :³            NeoX  *  CAMERA  *  HHS  *  USZ  *  PDFwriters             ³:
        À.                                                                       .Ù

          ANSCii BY: //TH0RN                                    nFO BY ***^TH0RN

This is exclusive to ScenePalace, anyone found sharing this movie to any other trackers >>
(public or private) will be banned and risk LEGi0N stopping releasing exclusives here.

This NFO File was rendered by

