- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: RocksTeam-WinXP-x64-RockStable.nfo RocksTeam-WinXP-x64-RockStable

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| |                     _ppmmpg_      _gM0Mp,        ,gmmg_  _gpM0M   pqgmm    ggNMgv                | |
| |                   y0M__a ~00e   _#M    M0&     p0M^  ~0 gM` _0#   ,0^     #@   0                 | |
| |                  pM  B0f  j0#  _0f      001   00'     #Q0   40f _#M      #06   0                 | |
| |                 jP   00  _00^  00       ]0#  #0'      M 0'  00,#~        #0&   `                 | |
| |                 ]1  ]00p00~   ]0&       408 p08            ]0M0&         `00&                    | |
| |                 ]0, j0P0&     #0&       Q0' 00f            00 #0t          M00                   | |
| |                  ~M 00 40Y    #0&      _0#  00            ]0#  00           #0&                  | |
| |                    j08  00    ~00,    _0F   00            B0f  ]0f   __     ]08                  | |
| |                  yN00&g ]0k    `00gg,gM'    #0t     gf  _p00_,  ##   #0c   _0@                   | |
| |                     ``   M0c   p,`~~`        00g_ _0!   ^   ``  `0&  ^00ggNM~                    | |
| |                           ~0g,p0'             ~MM~~              ^0&gp0!                         | |
| |                             `~`                                    `^^                           | |
| |                                                                                                  | |
| |                                 _g                                                               | |
| |                        _pggg,___B#__,,_,,,,,       __ppg&      _____       _g                    | |
| |                      g0M~~M0#~~~j0M~B0F`~~M#     p#~~`00f    p0M~]006     g0'                    | |
| |                    _0^    #0f  jF   00    ^'    ]0  _##0    #!   ]00f   .000                     | |
| |                    4&     00  ]#   j0#   ,      40 _0'00   ]0    #M0f  _000f                     | |
| |                    #0,   ]08  #&   #0&gg0f        ,0' 00   ]06   #]0& _0`00                      | |
| |                     ~^   #0f  406 ]00   0        y0' ]08    `   ]f]0& 0']08                      | |
| |                          00    `  B0f           _00N000f        0  0&p^ B0'                      | |
| |                         j08      _00      Mr   _0'   B0f       g'  00'  0#                       | |
| |                       _p00__,  __#0&pgg,__0   ,0`    00   _,_,#^   0f  40f__                     | |
| |                       ~~~~~~`  "~~~~~~~MP~   p0'     ~~~~ 40MM`    !   ~~~MF                     | |
| |                                           000M                                                   | |
| |                                            `                                                     | |
| |                                                                                                  | |
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| |                                            __,_,___                                              | |
| |                                      _ggM000000000000Npg_                                        | |
| |                                   ,p0000000MMMMMM0M000000Mp,                                     | |
| |                                _g00000@~`            `~000000g                                   | |
| |                              _g0000M`                    ^M0000p                                 | |
| |                             p0000^                          ~0000g                               | |
| |                           _#000~                              M000&_                             | |
| |                          y000#                                 `#000,                            | |
| |                         p000f                                    M000g                           | |
| |                        j000f                                      "000g                          | |
| |                       _000f  ,ggQ0000&g,                           ~000c                         | |
| |                       000F_p0000000000000&,                         ]000                         | |
| |                      j000p00000000000000000&                         #00&                        | |
| |                      000000000000000000000000,                        000                        | |
| |                     ]0000000000000000000000000,                       #00&                       | |
| |                     000000000000000000000000000                       ]000                       | |
| |                     00000000000000MM00000000000t         gM00N,        000                       | |
| |                     000000000000#    M000000000&        #000000c       000                       | |
| |                     000000000000f     0000000000        0000000#       0006                      | |
| |                     000000000000&    j0000000000        0000000f       000                       | |
| |                     0000000000000&pgM00000000000c       ~00000M       ]000                       | |
| |                     0000000000000000000000000000&         `"~         #000                       | |
| |                     40000000000000000000000000000c                   j0008                       | |
| |                      00000000000000000000000000000g                 j0000'                       | |
| |                      #00000000000000000000000000000g              _00000#                        | |
| |                       0000000000000000000000000000000&_        _p0000000'                        | |
| |                       ]0000000000000000000000000000000000gpggg000000000X                         | |
| |                        #0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F                          | |
| |                         M00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F                           | |
| |                          R000000000000000000000000000000000000000000M                            | |
| |                           ~0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'                             | |
| |                             M000000000000000000000000000000000000F                               | |
| |                              ~0000000000000000000000000000000000'                                | |
| |                                ~M0000000000000000000000000000M~                                  | |
| |                                  `MM00000000000000000000000M`                                    | |
| |                                     `~M000000000000000MM~                                        | |
| ▓--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▓ |
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|               ▓------------------------------------------------------------------------▓             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |                       +----------------------+                         |             |
|               |                       | WinXP x64 RockStable |                         |             |
|               |                       +----------------------+                         |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  This is a Windows XP Professional version x64 which is updated upto   |             |
|               |  Oct 2010.                                                                  |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               ▓------------------------------------------------------------------------▓             |
|                                                                                                      |
|               ▓------------------------------------------------------------------------▓             |
|               |                  +---------------------------------+                   |             |
|               |                  |       ROCKS TEAM MEMBERS        |                   |             |
|               |                  +---------------------------------+                   |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |   1. Portal [Team Leader]                                                 |             |
|               |   2. Cipher                                                            |             |
|               |   3. HoodiboY                                                          |             |
|               |   4. Bovski                                                            |             |
|               |   5. Xboy                                                              |             |
|               |   6. SilverDragon                                                      |             |
|               |   7. DR                                                                |             |
|               |   8. Maloner                                                           |             |
|               |   9. Blackhack                                                         |             |
|               |  10. PantiesPink                                                       |             |
|               |  11. Teresad [gone forever, but not from our heart]                    |             |
|               |  12. Mainmaan                                                          |             |
|               |  13. Wizard1963uk                                                      |             |
|               |  14. Bigarte                                                           |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |      Visit us at                                         |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               ▓------------------------------------------------------------------------▓             |
|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |
|               ▓------------------------------------------------------------------------▓             |
|               |                  +---------------------------------+                   |             |
|               |                  |           Release Notes         |                   |             |
|               |                  +---------------------------------+                   |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  CD-Key: VCFQD-V9FX9-46WVH-K3CD4-4J3JM                                 |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  This version of Windows XP will not ask you to activate.              |             |
|               |  This is a Windows XP x64 Professional version which is updated upto   |             |
|               |  Oct 2010. No Tools like Nlite is used. Our aim was to create a        |             |
|               |  version which is fairly stable with no flashy content like the other  |             |
|               |  modified Windows running around. Normal Nlite based modified Windows  |             |
|               |  might show some problems when updating/repairing a current windows    |             |
|               |  setup. So about RockStable - Though we got the final aim of having a  |             |
|               |  pretty stable edition, it has just one problem - its huge size. But   |             |
|               |  we feel that this will be worth it.                                         |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  Regards,                                                              |             |
|               |  HoodiboY for RocksTeam                                                |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  For further discussion/opinion/critcs come to           |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               ▓------------------------------------------------------------------------▓             |
|                                                                                                      |
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|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |

This NFO File was rendered by

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| |                     _ppmmpg_      _gM0Mp,        ,gmmg_  _gpM0M   pqgmm    ggNMgv                | |
| |                   y0M__a ~00e   _#M    M0&     p0M^  ~0 gM` _0#   ,0^     #@   0                 | |
| |                  pM  B0f  j0#  _0f      001   00'     #Q0   40f _#M      #06   0                 | |
| |                 jP   00  _00^  00       ]0#  #0'      M 0'  00,#~        #0&   `                 | |
| |                 ]1  ]00p00~   ]0&       408 p08            ]0M0&         `00&                    | |
| |                 ]0, j0P0&     #0&       Q0' 00f            00 #0t          M00                   | |
| |                  ~M 00 40Y    #0&      _0#  00            ]0#  00           #0&                  | |
| |                    j08  00    ~00,    _0F   00            B0f  ]0f   __     ]08                  | |
| |                  yN00&g ]0k    `00gg,gM'    #0t     gf  _p00_,  ##   #0c   _0@                   | |
| |                     ``   M0c   p,`~~`        00g_ _0!   ^   ``  `0&  ^00ggNM~                    | |
| |                           ~0g,p0'             ~MM~~              ^0&gp0!                         | |
| |                             `~`                                    `^^                           | |
| |                                                                                                  | |
| |                                 _g                                                               | |
| |                        _pggg,___B#__,,_,,,,,       __ppg&      _____       _g                    | |
| |                      g0M~~M0#~~~j0M~B0F`~~M#     p#~~`00f    p0M~]006     g0'                    | |
| |                    _0^    #0f  jF   00    ^'    ]0  _##0    #!   ]00f   .000                     | |
| |                    4&     00  ]#   j0#   ,      40 _0'00   ]0    #M0f  _000f                     | |
| |                    #0,   ]08  #&   #0&gg0f        ,0' 00   ]06   #]0& _0`00                      | |
| |                     ~^   #0f  406 ]00   0        y0' ]08    `   ]f]0& 0']08                      | |
| |                          00    `  B0f           _00N000f        0  0&p^ B0'                      | |
| |                         j08      _00      Mr   _0'   B0f       g'  00'  0#                       | |
| |                       _p00__,  __#0&pgg,__0   ,0`    00   _,_,#^   0f  40f__                     | |
| |                       ~~~~~~`  "~~~~~~~MP~   p0'     ~~~~ 40MM`    !   ~~~MF                     | |
| |                                           000M                                                   | |
| |                                            `                                                     | |
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| |                                                                                                  | |
| |                                                                                                  | |
| |                                                                                                  | |
| |                                            __,_,___                                              | |
| |                                      _ggM000000000000Npg_                                        | |
| |                                   ,p0000000MMMMMM0M000000Mp,                                     | |
| |                                _g00000@~`            `~000000g                                   | |
| |                              _g0000M`                    ^M0000p                                 | |
| |                             p0000^                          ~0000g                               | |
| |                           _#000~                              M000&_                             | |
| |                          y000#                                 `#000,                            | |
| |                         p000f                                    M000g                           | |
| |                        j000f                                      "000g                          | |
| |                       _000f  ,ggQ0000&g,                           ~000c                         | |
| |                       000F_p0000000000000&,                         ]000                         | |
| |                      j000p00000000000000000&                         #00&                        | |
| |                      000000000000000000000000,                        000                        | |
| |                     ]0000000000000000000000000,                       #00&                       | |
| |                     000000000000000000000000000                       ]000                       | |
| |                     00000000000000MM00000000000t         gM00N,        000                       | |
| |                     000000000000#    M000000000&        #000000c       000                       | |
| |                     000000000000f     0000000000        0000000#       0006                      | |
| |                     000000000000&    j0000000000        0000000f       000                       | |
| |                     0000000000000&pgM00000000000c       ~00000M       ]000                       | |
| |                     0000000000000000000000000000&         `"~         #000                       | |
| |                     40000000000000000000000000000c                   j0008                       | |
| |                      00000000000000000000000000000g                 j0000'                       | |
| |                      #00000000000000000000000000000g              _00000#                        | |
| |                       0000000000000000000000000000000&_        _p0000000'                        | |
| |                       ]0000000000000000000000000000000000gpggg000000000X                         | |
| |                        #0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F                          | |
| |                         M00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F                           | |
| |                          R000000000000000000000000000000000000000000M                            | |
| |                           ~0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'                             | |
| |                             M000000000000000000000000000000000000F                               | |
| |                              ~0000000000000000000000000000000000'                                | |
| |                                ~M0000000000000000000000000000M~                                  | |
| |                                  `MM00000000000000000000000M`                                    | |
| |                                     `~M000000000000000MM~                                        | |
| ²--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------² |
|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |
|               ²------------------------------------------------------------------------²             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |                       +----------------------+                         |             |
|               |                       | WinXP x64 RockStable |                         |             |
|               |                       +----------------------+                         |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  This is a Windows XP Professional version x64 which is updated upto   |             |
|               |  Oct 2010.                                                                  |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               ²------------------------------------------------------------------------²             |
|                                                                                                      |
|               ²------------------------------------------------------------------------²             |
|               |                  +---------------------------------+                   |             |
|               |                  |       ROCKS TEAM MEMBERS        |                   |             |
|               |                  +---------------------------------+                   |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |   1. Portal [Team Leader]                                                 |             |
|               |   2. Cipher                                                            |             |
|               |   3. HoodiboY                                                          |             |
|               |   4. Bovski                                                            |             |
|               |   5. Xboy                                                              |             |
|               |   6. SilverDragon                                                      |             |
|               |   7. DR                                                                |             |
|               |   8. Maloner                                                           |             |
|               |   9. Blackhack                                                         |             |
|               |  10. PantiesPink                                                       |             |
|               |  11. Teresad [gone forever, but not from our heart]                    |             |
|               |  12. Mainmaan                                                          |             |
|               |  13. Wizard1963uk                                                      |             |
|               |  14. Bigarte                                                           |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |      Visit us at                                         |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               ²------------------------------------------------------------------------²             |
|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |
|               ²------------------------------------------------------------------------²             |
|               |                  +---------------------------------+                   |             |
|               |                  |           Release Notes         |                   |             |
|               |                  +---------------------------------+                   |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  CD-Key: VCFQD-V9FX9-46WVH-K3CD4-4J3JM                                 |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  This version of Windows XP will not ask you to activate.              |             |
|               |  This is a Windows XP x64 Professional version which is updated upto   |             |
|               |  Oct 2010. No Tools like Nlite is used. Our aim was to create a        |             |
|               |  version which is fairly stable with no flashy content like the other  |             |
|               |  modified Windows running around. Normal Nlite based modified Windows  |             |
|               |  might show some problems when updating/repairing a current windows    |             |
|               |  setup. So about RockStable - Though we got the final aim of having a  |             |
|               |  pretty stable edition, it has just one problem - its huge size. But   |             |
|               |  we feel that this will be worth it.                                         |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  Regards,                                                              |             |
|               |  HoodiboY for RocksTeam                                                |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               |  For further discussion/opinion/critcs come to           |             |
|               |                                                                        |             |
|               ²------------------------------------------------------------------------²             |
|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                      |

This NFO File was rendered by

