- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: xxx-pro.txt xxx-pro.txt
... NMMMMMMZ.. . 8MMMN: . . . .. . DMMMMMMMMMM~ .IMMMMMMMMO~ ~ZMMMMMMMMMMM~. MMMMMN: ..MMM MMM . ..MMZ ,IMMMMMMMMMD~I8DMMMMMMMM8.. MMM :MM. MMM MM= .MMMMMMN ..?MMM .MM. .MMM .. $MM. MM+. MMMM .MM .MD. :MMMMMM.. . MM: ~MMZ~ M~ . MM MO?. . .. OMMMM MM= MMMMMMM. M MM:. MMMM. ~.ZMM. +MM. . MMMMNMMM. :MMMMNM . .~~~~~:.~~~.MMM. .8MMM.~ :~ ...,NMM Z8, .II +:. MMMD .~:. .~~~~~..MMMI MM ~~~. ,.MM.~~~~. .MN OMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM. MM . :~,.$MMMM$. . :+MMMM. .MMM ~~~~~~~,.MMMMD~.:~~.M .MMMMMMMMM .MMMMMMMM INM..~ 8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. MMM :. . MMMM:MMMMMM. M8. +MMMMMMMM=.$MMMMMMMM OMO .OMMMM .. ....:ZMMM.. ..8MMMMMMMMMM . . +MMMM=M. MMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMM OMM MMMM$ .+MMMMN?~ ...8MM+ +MMMMMMMMO MMMMMMO,MMMMMMI .M+. MMMMMMMM. MMMMMN. MMMM. MM. MMMMMMMM MMMMMM+ MM MN MNDDNM. . MMDDDM,.MMO ~M,~ .. .MMM. .:~MMMMD. . M8 ~ MMMM. ~ MM MMMN. .. . . .NMMI: . ND~ . OO,,. MM~ ,MMMMM. MMM :M. . . . .MMM,., MMMMMM8 .MM .MMMD7DZ. .$MMO .+MZ7,: MM.,,$MM:.$$MZD . ., MM+. MMMMM$MMM$$Z ....DMMM DM.:MMMM MMMM.,8MMM ..~MM, DM?.. . .,~,MMM .. .... . .. :MM :~.MM= MM.~. .~~ MMN.MMMM$=.MMMMM$M$MM.. DMN~ ...,. MM. 8MM.~~~~:. ., MM, NM$ .,MMM +M= ?MM.. ..MM.:. . ?MMMMMM8. MMM:.~~~~,~. .MMM =MMMI~~~::~~~: MM. ..MM.~~~~ NMMMM.. . .MMMMM,ZM.~ MM. .IMMMMMO. ,MMMMM. ..MM:~~~~~.MM. . NMMMM ~, :=MM.. ZMMMMMMMMMM ..MM7 :..MMM. . MM.~:~~~~ MM . MMMMN. ..MMMMM7MMMM MM.,:~~..OMM. .OMMMM, OMMMD. MMMM. :MMMMM. Prototype-XBOX360 +--------------------+ +---------------------+ +++ Publisher/Developer : Activision +++ +++ Pre Date : 03th jun 2009 +++ ++- Category : Action ++- - - Info : 75 rars / xxx.p* - - +++ Region : NTSC/RF +++ +---------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------+ +---------------------+ ++- +---------------------------------------------------------+ Hey you lame sheep nukers If you look at the "rules" you claim to know so well you should read that not only have we signed the rulles we helped make them. Now the only reason is for the rars to be 15,20,50,100mb is so teh total files dont make it over 100.. witch messes with some GL configs. Now only people that are nuking this are lame groups that get mad that we KICK THERE ASSES time and time again.. to all those you can GO FUCK yourselfs. and nukers that really nuke this just proves that you dont know what your doing and shouldent be a nuker in the first place. We ROCK your boat! This NFO File was rendered by
... NMMMMMMZ.. . 8MMMN: . . . .. . DMMMMMMMMMM~ .IMMMMMMMMO~ ~ZMMMMMMMMMMM~. MMMMMN: ..MMM MMM . ..MMZ ,IMMMMMMMMMD~I8DMMMMMMMM8.. MMM :MM. MMM MM= .MMMMMMN ..?MMM .MM. .MMM .. $MM. MM+. MMMM .MM .MD. :MMMMMM.. . MM: ~MMZ~ M~ . MM MO?. . .. OMMMM MM= MMMMMMM. M MM:. MMMM. ~.ZMM. +MM. . MMMMNMMM. :MMMMNM . .~~~~~:.~~~.MMM. .8MMM.~ :~ ...,NMM Z8, .II +:. MMMD .~:. .~~~~~..MMMI MM ~~~. ,.MM.~~~~. .MN OMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM. MM . :~,.$MMMM$. . :+MMMM. .MMM ~~~~~~~,.MMMMD~.:~~.M .MMMMMMMMM .MMMMMMMM INM..~ 8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. MMM :. . MMMM:MMMMMM. M8. +MMMMMMMM=.$MMMMMMMM OMO .OMMMM .. ....:ZMMM.. ..8MMMMMMMMMM . . +MMMM=M. MMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMM OMM MMMM$ .+MMMMN?~ ...8MM+ +MMMMMMMMO MMMMMMO,MMMMMMI .M+. MMMMMMMM. MMMMMN. MMMM. MM. MMMMMMMM MMMMMM+ MM MN MNDDNM. . MMDDDM,.MMO ~M,~ .. .MMM. .:~MMMMD. . M8 ~ MMMM. ~ MM MMMN. .. . . .NMMI: . ND~ . OO,,. MM~ ,MMMMM. MMM :M. . . . .MMM,., MMMMMM8 .MM .MMMD7DZ. .$MMO .+MZ7,: MM.,,$MM:.$$MZD . ., MM+. MMMMM$MMM$$Z ....DMMM DM.:MMMM MMMM.,8MMM ..~MM, DM?.. . .,~,MMM .. .... . .. :MM :~.MM= MM.~. .~~ MMN.MMMM$=.MMMMM$M$MM.. DMN~ ...,. MM. 8MM.~~~~:. ., MM, NM$ .,MMM +M= ?MM.. ..MM.:. . ?MMMMMM8. MMM:.~~~~,~. .MMM =MMMI~~~::~~~: MM. ..MM.~~~~ NMMMM.. . .MMMMM,ZM.~ MM. .IMMMMMO. ,MMMMM. ..MM:~~~~~.MM. . NMMMM ~, :=MM.. ZMMMMMMMMMM ..MM7 :..MMM. . MM.~:~~~~ MM . MMMMN. ..MMMMM7MMMM MM.,:~~..OMM. .OMMMM, OMMMD. MMMM. :MMMMM. Prototype-XBOX360 +--------------------+ +---------------------+ +++ Publisher/Developer : Activision +++ +++ Pre Date : 03th jun 2009 +++ ++- Category : Action ++- - - Info : 75 rars / xxx.p* - - +++ Region : NTSC/RF +++ +---------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------+ +---------------------+ ++- +---------------------------------------------------------+ Hey you lame sheep nukers If you look at the "rules" you claim to know so well you should read that not only have we signed the rulles we helped make them. Now the only reason is for the rars to be 15,20,50,100mb is so teh total files dont make it over 100.. witch messes with some GL configs. Now only people that are nuking this are lame groups that get mad that we KICK THERE ASSES time and time again.. to all those you can GO FUCK yourselfs. and nukers that really nuke this just proves that you dont know what your doing and shouldent be a nuker in the first place. We ROCK your boat! This NFO File was rendered by