- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: homogays.nfo homogays

                                 /    *     \
                                /     OO     \
                               (      ||      )
                               /   _/-()--\_   \
                              /   '/      \`   \
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                          /  '/   | .    . |/  \  `\
                          <_ ' `--<___'`___>    ` _>
                        /  '        / =\         `  \
                       /  /        (  , )         \  \
                    __/  /         | o o|          \  \__
                   (____/          @@@@@@           \____)

                                WANNA HOMO ?

                            H O M O G A Y F A G S

                     ____ ▄▄▄--▄▄▄____

                             CROSSOVER PRO V9.2.0

 ┌───( ReleasE InformatioN )──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │                                                                            │
 │ SUPPLIER:      HOMOBOI                             TYPE:              UTIL │
 │ TESTER  :      FAGFACE                             DATE:        27/10/2010 │
 │ PACKAGER:      GAYBOI                              OS  :           MAC OSX │
 │                                                                            │
 │                                                                            │
 │  CrossOver Mac allows you to install many popular Windows applications and │
 │ games on your Intel Mac. Once installed, your application integrates       │
 │ seamlessly in OS X. Just click and run your application directly from the  │
 │ OS X Finder. Clicking a Windows file or document including email           │
 │ attachments will launch the appropriate Windows program, allowing you to   │
 │ work on the files. Best of all, you do it all easily and affordably,       │
 │ without needing a Microsoft operating system license.                      │
 │ More info:                      │
 │                                                                            │
 ├───( InstalL InformatioN )──────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
 │                                                                            │
 │ Unzip, unpack, install, use, buy...                                        │
 │                                                                            │
 ├───( OtheR InfO )───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
 │                                                                            │
 │ JOiN #GAYS'R'US ON EFNET AND HAVE A LOT OF FUN WITH US!                    │
 │                                                                            │
                                                             HOMOGAYFAGS 2k10!

This NFO File was rendered by

                                 /    *     \
                                /     OO     \
                               (      ||      )
                               /   _/-()--\_   \
                              /   '/      \`   \
                             /    /   .    \    \
                            /    /         |\    \
                            /   / |        | \   \
                           /   /` |_      _| '\   \
                          /  '/   | .    . |/  \  `\
                          <_ ' `--<___'`___>    ` _>
                        /  '        / =\         `  \
                       /  /        (  , )         \  \
                    __/  /         | o o|          \  \__
                   (____/          @@@@@@           \____)

                                WANNA HOMO ?

                            H O M O G A Y F A G S

                     ____ ÜÜÜ--ÜÜÜ____

                             CROSSOVER PRO V9.2.0

 ³                                                                            ³
 ³ SUPPLIER:      HOMOBOI                             TYPE:              UTIL ³
 ³ TESTER  :      FAGFACE                             DATE:        27/10/2010 ³
 ³ PACKAGER:      GAYBOI                              OS  :           MAC OSX ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³  CrossOver Mac allows you to install many popular Windows applications and ³
 ³ games on your Intel Mac. Once installed, your application integrates       ³
 ³ seamlessly in OS X. Just click and run your application directly from the  ³
 ³ OS X Finder. Clicking a Windows file or document including email           ³
 ³ attachments will launch the appropriate Windows program, allowing you to   ³
 ³ work on the files. Best of all, you do it all easily and affordably,       ³
 ³ without needing a Microsoft operating system license.                      ³
 ³ More info:                      ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³ Unzip, unpack, install, use, buy...                                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³ JOiN #GAYS'R'US ON EFNET AND HAVE A LOT OF FUN WITH US!                    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
                                                             HOMOGAYFAGS 2k10!

This NFO File was rendered by

