- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Two.Million.Stupid.Women.2009.DVDRip.XviD-ph2.nfo Two.Million.Stupid.Women.2009.DVDRip.XviD-ph2

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File Name : Two.Million.Stupid.Women.2009.DVDRip.XviD-ph2.avi

File Size : 698 Mb.

Language : English
Subtitles : None

Valid : Yes 
Duration : 01:42:39
Movie complete : Yes

Resolution : 608x352
Codec : XviD MPEG-4 codec
FPS : 29.97
BitRate : 841 Kbps

Codec : MPEG 1 or 2 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Number of channels : 2
Sample Rate : 48000 Hz
BitRate : 109 Kbps

Sarah Hall, Katy Stoll and Mark R. Gerson

Melissa is not having a good night. On her 21st birthday, she's
caught her boyfriend J.T. cheating on her with a bimbo that
looks like a swizzle stick. As she drinks away her sorrows with
her best friends Anna and Todd, she hits upon the idea to hunt
down all of her previous hook ups and wipe the slate clean. Anna
and Todd think this is a bad idea, but damned if they're gonna
miss out on some potentially embarrassing drunken hijinks. Thus
starts a journey that takes the three friends across the Los
Angeles nightscape: from front doors to coffee bars to nightclubs,
battling karaoke singers, nerds who can't hold their liquor,
jerks, sluts, bad jokes, worse self esteem and mind games
galore. It's a birthday for the books as Melissa navigates
the tricky line between Closure and Crazy, scrambling to
avoid becoming one of Two Million Stupid Women.

This NFO File was rendered by

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File Name : Two.Million.Stupid.Women.2009.DVDRip.XviD-ph2.avi

File Size : 698 Mb.

Language : English
Subtitles : None

Valid : Yes 
Duration : 01:42:39
Movie complete : Yes

Resolution : 608x352
Codec : XviD MPEG-4 codec
FPS : 29.97
BitRate : 841 Kbps

Codec : MPEG 1 or 2 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Number of channels : 2
Sample Rate : 48000 Hz
BitRate : 109 Kbps

Sarah Hall, Katy Stoll and Mark R. Gerson

Melissa is not having a good night. On her 21st birthday, she's
caught her boyfriend J.T. cheating on her with a bimbo that
looks like a swizzle stick. As she drinks away her sorrows with
her best friends Anna and Todd, she hits upon the idea to hunt
down all of her previous hook ups and wipe the slate clean. Anna
and Todd think this is a bad idea, but damned if they're gonna
miss out on some potentially embarrassing drunken hijinks. Thus
starts a journey that takes the three friends across the Los
Angeles nightscape: from front doors to coffee bars to nightclubs,
battling karaoke singers, nerds who can't hold their liquor,
jerks, sluts, bad jokes, worse self esteem and mind games
galore. It's a birthday for the books as Melissa navigates
the tricky line between Closure and Crazy, scrambling to
avoid becoming one of Two Million Stupid Women.

This NFO File was rendered by

