- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Barbie.A.Fairy.Secret.2011.DVDRip.XviD-ph2.nfo Barbie.A.Fairy.Secret.2011.DVDRip.XviD-ph2

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File Name : Barbie.A.Fairy.Secret.2011.DVDRip.XviD-ph2.avi

File Size : 695 Mb.
Here is a one cd release for those who wanted it.
Sample included.

Language : English
Subtitles : None

Valid : Yes 
Duration : 01:11:53
Movie complete : Yes

Resolution : 592x336
Codec : XviD MPEG-4 codec
FPS : 25.00
BitRate : 1160 Kbps

Codec : ATSC/A-52 Dolby AC3
Number of channels : 2
Sample Rate : 48000 Hz
BitRate : 192 Kbps

Genre: Animation, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Synopsis: Get ready for Barbie A Fairy Secret, an amazing
adventure with Barbie where she discovers there are fairies living
secretly all around us! When Ken is suddenly whisked away by a group
of fairies, Barbie's two fashion stylist friends reveal they are actually
fairies and that Ken has been taken to a magical secret fairy world
not far away! Barbie and her rival Raquelle take off with the fairy
friends on an action-packed journey to bring him back. Along the way
they must stick together and learn that the real magic lies not just
in the fairy world itself, but in the power of friendship.

This NFO File was rendered by

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File Name : Barbie.A.Fairy.Secret.2011.DVDRip.XviD-ph2.avi

File Size : 695 Mb.
Here is a one cd release for those who wanted it.
Sample included.

Language : English
Subtitles : None

Valid : Yes 
Duration : 01:11:53
Movie complete : Yes

Resolution : 592x336
Codec : XviD MPEG-4 codec
FPS : 25.00
BitRate : 1160 Kbps

Codec : ATSC/A-52 Dolby AC3
Number of channels : 2
Sample Rate : 48000 Hz
BitRate : 192 Kbps

Genre: Animation, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Synopsis: Get ready for Barbie A Fairy Secret, an amazing
adventure with Barbie where she discovers there are fairies living
secretly all around us! When Ken is suddenly whisked away by a group
of fairies, Barbie's two fashion stylist friends reveal they are actually
fairies and that Ken has been taken to a magical secret fairy world
not far away! Barbie and her rival Raquelle take off with the fairy
friends on an action-packed journey to bring him back. Along the way
they must stick together and learn that the real magic lies not just
in the fairy world itself, but in the power of friendship.

This NFO File was rendered by

