- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: niceguys-rabbit.hole.r5-xvid.nfo niceguys-rabbit.hole.r5-xvid

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                           PROUDLY PRESENTS


     THEATRE DATE :  December 17, 2010
     RELEASE DATE :  February 27, 2011
     ViDEO        :  XViD @ 975 kbps
     AUDIO        :  MP3 128 kbps VBR
     RUNTiME      :  91 Minutes
     SUBS         :  -
     iMDB         :
     RATiNG       :  7.4/10


     Becca and Howie Corbett are a happily married couple
     whose perfect world is forever changed when their
     young son, Danny, is killed by a car. Becca, an
     executive-turned-stay-at-home mother, tries to redefine
     her existence in a surreal landscape of well-meaning
     family and friends. Painful, poignant, and often funny,
     Becca's experiences lead her to find solace in a
     mysterious relationship with a troubled young comic-book
     artist, Jason - the teenage driver of the car that killed
     Danny. Becca's fixation with Jason pulls her away from
     memories of Danny, while Howie immerses himself in the
     past, seeking refuge in outsiders who offer him something
     Becca is unable to give. The Corbetts, both adrift, make
     surprising and dangerous choices as they choose a path that
     will determine their fate.


     DST Release is oversized, won't fit on one CD.
     Also is AC3 codec not allowed at 1CD release.
     And last but not least, DST was nuked because of stolen groupname.

     Here our fine proper with 700MB and MP3 Audio.

     EnJoy !

     Find Us !

This NFO File was rendered by

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                           PROUDLY PRESENTS


     THEATRE DATE :  December 17, 2010
     RELEASE DATE :  February 27, 2011
     ViDEO        :  XViD @ 975 kbps
     AUDIO        :  MP3 128 kbps VBR
     RUNTiME      :  91 Minutes
     SUBS         :  -
     iMDB         :
     RATiNG       :  7.4/10


     Becca and Howie Corbett are a happily married couple
     whose perfect world is forever changed when their
     young son, Danny, is killed by a car. Becca, an
     executive-turned-stay-at-home mother, tries to redefine
     her existence in a surreal landscape of well-meaning
     family and friends. Painful, poignant, and often funny,
     Becca's experiences lead her to find solace in a
     mysterious relationship with a troubled young comic-book
     artist, Jason - the teenage driver of the car that killed
     Danny. Becca's fixation with Jason pulls her away from
     memories of Danny, while Howie immerses himself in the
     past, seeking refuge in outsiders who offer him something
     Becca is unable to give. The Corbetts, both adrift, make
     surprising and dangerous choices as they choose a path that
     will determine their fate.


     DST Release is oversized, won't fit on one CD.
     Also is AC3 codec not allowed at 1CD release.
     And last but not least, DST was nuked because of stolen groupname.

     Here our fine proper with 700MB and MP3 Audio.

     EnJoy !

     Find Us !

This NFO File was rendered by

