- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Changelog.txt Changelog.txt

The patch makes many improvements to the game, as listed below:

    * New Quest! Contents: Genie - A magical genie in a bottle has been found!  Your Heroes could use >>
its power to fulfill their wildest wishes or they could take it upon themselves to free the genie from >>
its abnormally small living quarters.  ItÆs up to you to decide!
    * New Quest! Crab Bandit - A mysterious crab monster lives under the town!  How will you deal with >>
the beast?  The Monarch could coerce it into becoming a powerful new ally or your Blacksmith may have >>
some other, more creative, ideas for it.
    * New Quest! Book Burning - Peasants are burning books and you need to stop them!  Will you utilize >>
your Bard or Monarch and teach the peasants to read or will your Wizard and Bard scare the peasants into >>
thinking the books are alive through magic?
    * Gameplay: Golem no longer becomes invisible in certain situations.
    * The Spy will now earn XP for pick pocketing.
    * Gameplay: Added more edicts for conquered territories.
    * Tuning: Sims now always get a fun buff from WooHooing.
    * UI: Arrows now indicate how quickly Quest Performance is rising or falling.
    * Gameplay: Can "Watch" stage performances.
    * Gameplay: Selected speed preserved when switching modes.
    * Gameplay: Reception Hall alternate scene timing adjusted.
    * Gameplay: Bards can now make money performing plays.
    * FX: Zzz's no longer continue when Sims WooHoo after napping.
    * Text: There is now a message of what items were successfully traded by ship.
    * Tuning: Reduced the number of servings for large food portions.
    * General: Added Lessons for performing plays and market stalls.
    * Gameplay: By Default, Sims will now sleep until they receive the Well-Rested buff.
    * Gameplay: You can now discard food that is not finished cooking and start cooking a new meal.
    * Gameplay: There is now a 2 hour grace period on the 11:00pm sermon.
    * Text: Making bets on the gaming table now show how much money is being bet.
    * UI: Traits of Pre-made Sims names can be changed and they now have visible traits when >>
selecting a hero for a building.
    * Gameplay: The children of Hero Sims now return home at a reasonable hour.
    * Gameplay: Sims can no longer fall asleep when inside the Pit of Judgment.
    * Gameplay: Fatal Flaws no longer leave negative buffs when replaced with a Legendary Trait.
    * General: Added Lesson for "Patrol road toà"
    * Gameplay: Recruited actors now charge a fee.
    * Animation: Fixed various animations.
    * Gameplay: Religious Sims can pray at Prayer Boxes.
    * UI: Adjusted various hovertips.
    * Text: TNS announces amount of stolen simoles when mugged.
    * FX: Flames FX fixed.
    * UI: 'Add to cart' button disabled when no items are available.
    * UI: Item Stats display when mousing over Blacksmith recipes.
    * Tuning: Value of meals scales to remaining portions.
    * Gameplay: Fixed 'exit game' hangs.
    * FX: Fire appears during "Warm Hands".
    * Gameplay: Can't repeat queue quest  socials.
    * General: Game doesn't save cancelled changes.
    * Gameplay: Children spar more.
    * FX: Leech FX no longer disappear.
    * Tuning: Maximum profit values set sold items.
    * UI: Various Aspect Panel fixes.
    * Gameplay: Unkempt Sims not disgusted by spoiled food.
    * UI:  "Add Ingredients" grays out when there is nothing to add.
    * Gameplay: "Elixir of Allure" gives appropriate buff.
    * Audio: Fixed various sound FX
    * Gameplay: Can't call household to eat spoiled meal.
    * Gameplay: Autonomous blacksmithing less mistake prone.
    * UI: "Eye of the Watcher" button disabled in Kingdom Mode.
    * UI: Sound added during "View Edicts."
    * Gameplay: Tired sims can perform necessary interactions.
    * UI: Can save display settings during tutorial.
    * Gameplay: Priest sub-menu doesn't show on children.
    * UI: 'Select a Hero' UI can't opened in Live Mode.
    * UI: UI refreshes when custom designs are removed.
    * Gameplay: Constable not deleted if unable to route arrest.
    * Gameplay: Food buffs properly overwrite.
    * Tuning: The Lovely Lute buff appears after Bard is level 5.
    * Gameplay: "Enjoying Music" buff only pushed when music box plays.
    * Gameplay: Player told sim is unmarryable before attempting marriage.
    * UI: Simoles correctly added during the Filled Coffers ambition.
    * Gameplay: "Recently Performed" TNS appears if Bard made Simoles on previous play.
    * UI: Made the "Missing Required Object" dialog easier to read.
    * Art: Fixed various Z-fighting issues.
    * Gameplay: Adjusted "Turn Sim Marker On" maptags.
    * Gameplay: Appropriate buffs removed when drinking "Drunk-Me-Not".
    * Gameplay: Listening to an Echo gives appropriate buff.
    * Gameplay: Various assorted quest fixes/tuning
    * Gameplay: Only Physicians determine baby  gender.
    * Gameplay: Jacobans negatively impacted when proclamations are torn down.
    * Gameplay: Peteran priests can WooHoo.
    * Gameplay: Growth Spell cooldown adjsuted.
    * UI: XP bar length adjusted.
    * UI: Various fixes to wall and floor patterns.
    * Gameplay: Threatening Bandits can't be ignored.
    * Tuning: "Steal funds from messenger post" adjusted.
    * Tuning: Bandits sword sharpening reduced.
    * Gameplay: Unused trade goods remain in the ships' hold.
    * Gameplay: Can't delete Steve.
    * UI: Royal Treasury funds displayed on appropriate buildings.
    * Gameplay: Babies can't be invited to location.
    * Gameplay: Sims only react to the Monarch if in their LOS.
    * Gameplay: Abner the Transient doesn't speak about Transients.
    * UI: Adjusted Map tag color for Merchant responsibilities.
    * UI: Various icon fixes
    * Gameplay: XP is now properly rewarded for Tournament of Honor: Sabotage Advorton's Champion approach.
    * Gameplay: Ship interactions no longer disappear after opening the cargo hold, but closing the >>
    * Gameplay: The "Eye of the Watcher" tutorial no longer times out.
    * Gameplay: Field Rations added to recipes.
    * Routing: Many inefficient routing paths are now fixed.
    * Gameplay: Quest recipe ingredients in Village Shoppe.
    * UI: "Ask to Buy" no longer shows up on children.
    * Gameplay: More time to win the drinking contest in Tournament of Honor
    * Gameplay: Sims can no longer get out of being arrested by cooking food.
    * Gameplay: It is now easier to tell who won a Kingball game.
    * General: Added toggle option to turn off telemetry.
    * UI: Bribery amounts are now displayed.
    * Gameplay: Bloodthirsty Sims no longer get the "Lost a Fight" or "Punched in the Face" buffs after >>
performing a non-fighting negative interaction with another Sim.
    * Gameplay: Can no longer sell Fountain of Legend quest book.
    * Tuning: Absolving and Converting Sims now give greater XP.
    * UI: A TNS is now appropriately shown when inviting a Sim over.
    * Art: Fixed several instances where TNS messages were showing incorrect thumbnails.
    * Gameplay: Sims that have been killed as part of a quest no longer come back to life.
    * Tuning: Fewer angelstalon fragments are needed for making angelsguard.
    * Tuning: Number of combat levels lost for being wounded has been reduced.
    * Gameplay: Impart Wisdom now gives an appropriate buff.
    * Gameplay: Game now modified speed changes based on controllable Sims instead of household Sims.
    * Tuning: Sims will visit the tavern more often when the barkeep is actually there, working.
    * Gameplay: Surgery success rate is now dependent on the Physician's focus instead of the >>
patient's focus.
    * Gameplay: If two Hero Sims are being controlled, they both gain XP when Practicing Military Strategy >>
With each other.
    * Tuning: Gain rates of XP are increased when a Sim is being trained on the training dummy.
    * Gameplay: Sims performing the Train interaction on the Practice Dummy now receive XP.
    * Gameplay: Combustion Cordial is now a poison.
    * Tuning: Merchant can only "Ask to Buy Goods" once per Sim per day.
    * CAS: Fixed issue where eye colors no longer update properly when spending long intervals in CAS.
    * Furnish Mode: Can no longer Undo when the "Choose Material to Replace" UI is open.
    * Gameplay: Fresh food no longer stacks with spoiled food in the inventory.
    * CAS: Custom eye colors now properly update the color selection boxes.
    * Gameplay: There are now two wedding rings available for sale at appropriate times.
    * Gameplay: Fixed Map Tags that point to the incorrect location.
    * Gameplay: Objects in inventory can no longer be sold while in use.
    * Tuning: Pain points for performing surgery are based only on the worst wound and not on all wounds.
    * Tuning: Drunkard Sims no longer need drinks quite as frequently.
    * Tuning: The amount of Simoles for the "Make a Bet" interactions were raised.
    * Gameplay: Blacksmiths and Merchants now gain the "Made some Simoles" buff when they make a profit.
    * General: Saved game is no longer deleted when selecting Save Asà just before entering Plan Outfit >>
in CAS.
    * CAS: Add Outfit button no longer changes hair color when Planning an Outfit.
    * Quests: Fixed markers that showed the incorrect Sim portrait during Quests.
    * FX: Realigned the flames on the Jacoban Ceremonial Altar.
    * UI: The Village Shoppe now shows the correct quantity of wedding rings in the Sim's inventory.
    * Gameplay: Fixed several situations where Sims can bear children in inappropriate places.
    * Gameplay: New quests cannot be taken if the Kingdom does not have a Monarch.
    * Gameplay: The achievement "Well-Versed" now correctly completes after the Bard recites 50 poems.
    * UI: The quest completion screen will now properly display the amount of XP rewarded relative to >>
your current XP.
    * Furnish Mode: Favorites are now saved only to the Favorites folder.
    * Gameplay: Monetary reward visual effects now properly show when a Bard performs poetry.
    * UI: Bard's inspiration can now be rearranged in the Sim's inventory.
    * UI: Date stamp added to saved games.
    * Furnish Mode: Sim no longer remains transparent after switching to Live Mode.
    * UI: Inventory now closes when switching Sims after viewing proposed edicts in the tactical map.
    * Gameplay: Stacks of objects can now be properly be sold when dragging them onto the market stall.
    * General: User can now appropriately save the game after completing an Ambition and leveling up >>
the "Watcher's Level."
    * Text: Marked for Death now properly states its origin.
    * Text: Fixed text issues in several languages.
    * Furnish Mode: Bassinet can no longer be placed in un-routable positions.
    * UI: Territory Map text is no longer erased if the territory is clicked on after text entry.
    * Furnish Mode: Tactical Map no longer gets stuck when entering Furnish Mode while looking at Edict >>
    * UI: First Sleep interaction is no longer performed if there are multiple in the queue and the first >>
one is cancelled.
    * Tuning: Fighting with the Pit Beast now awards XP.
    * Gameplay: The NPC now drinks the Prototype Anti-virus after it is administered.
    * Gameplay: Simoles from selling at the Village Shoppe now go to the appropriate Sim.
    * UI: Fixed situations where the quest button becomes grayed out.
    * Gameplay: Sims can now properly join an existing military strategy interaction on the Tactical >>
Map or an existing card table game.
    * Gameplay: Can no longer equip armor from previous quests via the Change Outfit interaction.
    * Gameplay: Merchants can no longer Ask to Buy Goods or Bribe children.
    * Furnish Mode: Fixed cursor state issues when selecting objects.
    * Routing: Purchasing crafts will no longer cancel if done from a different lot.
    * Gameplay: Sims no longer get stuck at sea if switched out while on the Free Time quest.
    * Gameplay: Fixed several situations where Sims get stuck in objects.
    * Gameplay: Sims can now remove objects from forges from other lots.
    * Gameplay: The controlled Sim now appropriately cheats when user selected the Cheat interaction >>
on the gaming table.
    * Furnish Mode: All objects with inventories transfer their goods to the Inventory of the lot owner.
    * Furnish Mode: Sims no longer fall through the floor when the camera is on a different floor and >>
the Sim is routing when re-entering Live Mode.
    * Gameplay: Fixed several "soft lock" instances due to rapid key clicking.
    * Furnish Mode: Can no longer delete required objects from the Family inventory If there isn't already >>
a duplicate on the lot.
    * Art: Fixed various texture issues.
    * Gameplay: Sims can no longer perform the Whale Hunt quest interaction without the whaleboat or >>
the harpoon.
    * Furnish Mode: Can not place the Puplatice Manual Cabinet into the Household Inventory.
    * General: Sims no longer constantly gain XP after performing certain actions.
    * Gameplay: Lute no longer displays when cancelling one of two queued up "Perform Song" interactions
    * UI: Fixed scrollbar functionality in the Hotkeys window.
    * Gameplay: Potentially Fireproof buff properly times out after the Dragon quest.
    * Furnish Mode: Household Inventory "Sell All"  functions properly.
    * Gameplay: Level 1 Wizard can't use high-level staves.
    * Gameplay: Quest ingredients return to inventory if item creation fails.
    * Gameplay: Jealous Warlock can duel.

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The patch makes many improvements to the game, as listed below:

    * New Quest! Contents: Genie - A magical genie in a bottle has been found!  Your Heroes could use >>
its power to fulfill their wildest wishes or they could take it upon themselves to free the genie from >>
its abnormally small living quarters.  It’s up to you to decide!
    * New Quest! Crab Bandit - A mysterious crab monster lives under the town!  How will you deal with >>
the beast?  The Monarch could coerce it into becoming a powerful new ally or your Blacksmith may have >>
some other, more creative, ideas for it.
    * New Quest! Book Burning - Peasants are burning books and you need to stop them!  Will you utilize >>
your Bard or Monarch and teach the peasants to read or will your Wizard and Bard scare the peasants into >>
thinking the books are alive through magic?
    * Gameplay: Golem no longer becomes invisible in certain situations.
    * The Spy will now earn XP for pick pocketing.
    * Gameplay: Added more edicts for conquered territories.
    * Tuning: Sims now always get a fun buff from WooHooing.
    * UI: Arrows now indicate how quickly Quest Performance is rising or falling.
    * Gameplay: Can "Watch" stage performances.
    * Gameplay: Selected speed preserved when switching modes.
    * Gameplay: Reception Hall alternate scene timing adjusted.
    * Gameplay: Bards can now make money performing plays.
    * FX: Zzz's no longer continue when Sims WooHoo after napping.
    * Text: There is now a message of what items were successfully traded by ship.
    * Tuning: Reduced the number of servings for large food portions.
    * General: Added Lessons for performing plays and market stalls.
    * Gameplay: By Default, Sims will now sleep until they receive the Well-Rested buff.
    * Gameplay: You can now discard food that is not finished cooking and start cooking a new meal.
    * Gameplay: There is now a 2 hour grace period on the 11:00pm sermon.
    * Text: Making bets on the gaming table now show how much money is being bet.
    * UI: Traits of Pre-made Sims names can be changed and they now have visible traits when >>
selecting a hero for a building.
    * Gameplay: The children of Hero Sims now return home at a reasonable hour.
    * Gameplay: Sims can no longer fall asleep when inside the Pit of Judgment.
    * Gameplay: Fatal Flaws no longer leave negative buffs when replaced with a Legendary Trait.
    * General: Added Lesson for "Patrol road to…"
    * Gameplay: Recruited actors now charge a fee.
    * Animation: Fixed various animations.
    * Gameplay: Religious Sims can pray at Prayer Boxes.
    * UI: Adjusted various hovertips.
    * Text: TNS announces amount of stolen simoles when mugged.
    * FX: Flames FX fixed.
    * UI: 'Add to cart' button disabled when no items are available.
    * UI: Item Stats display when mousing over Blacksmith recipes.
    * Tuning: Value of meals scales to remaining portions.
    * Gameplay: Fixed 'exit game' hangs.
    * FX: Fire appears during "Warm Hands".
    * Gameplay: Can't repeat queue quest  socials.
    * General: Game doesn't save cancelled changes.
    * Gameplay: Children spar more.
    * FX: Leech FX no longer disappear.
    * Tuning: Maximum profit values set sold items.
    * UI: Various Aspect Panel fixes.
    * Gameplay: Unkempt Sims not disgusted by spoiled food.
    * UI:  "Add Ingredients" grays out when there is nothing to add.
    * Gameplay: "Elixir of Allure" gives appropriate buff.
    * Audio: Fixed various sound FX
    * Gameplay: Can't call household to eat spoiled meal.
    * Gameplay: Autonomous blacksmithing less mistake prone.
    * UI: "Eye of the Watcher" button disabled in Kingdom Mode.
    * UI: Sound added during "View Edicts."
    * Gameplay: Tired sims can perform necessary interactions.
    * UI: Can save display settings during tutorial.
    * Gameplay: Priest sub-menu doesn't show on children.
    * UI: 'Select a Hero' UI can't opened in Live Mode.
    * UI: UI refreshes when custom designs are removed.
    * Gameplay: Constable not deleted if unable to route arrest.
    * Gameplay: Food buffs properly overwrite.
    * Tuning: The Lovely Lute buff appears after Bard is level 5.
    * Gameplay: "Enjoying Music" buff only pushed when music box plays.
    * Gameplay: Player told sim is unmarryable before attempting marriage.
    * UI: Simoles correctly added during the Filled Coffers ambition.
    * Gameplay: "Recently Performed" TNS appears if Bard made Simoles on previous play.
    * UI: Made the "Missing Required Object" dialog easier to read.
    * Art: Fixed various Z-fighting issues.
    * Gameplay: Adjusted "Turn Sim Marker On" maptags.
    * Gameplay: Appropriate buffs removed when drinking "Drunk-Me-Not".
    * Gameplay: Listening to an Echo gives appropriate buff.
    * Gameplay: Various assorted quest fixes/tuning
    * Gameplay: Only Physicians determine baby  gender.
    * Gameplay: Jacobans negatively impacted when proclamations are torn down.
    * Gameplay: Peteran priests can WooHoo.
    * Gameplay: Growth Spell cooldown adjsuted.
    * UI: XP bar length adjusted.
    * UI: Various fixes to wall and floor patterns.
    * Gameplay: Threatening Bandits can't be ignored.
    * Tuning: "Steal funds from messenger post" adjusted.
    * Tuning: Bandits sword sharpening reduced.
    * Gameplay: Unused trade goods remain in the ships' hold.
    * Gameplay: Can't delete Steve.
    * UI: Royal Treasury funds displayed on appropriate buildings.
    * Gameplay: Babies can't be invited to location.
    * Gameplay: Sims only react to the Monarch if in their LOS.
    * Gameplay: Abner the Transient doesn't speak about Transients.
    * UI: Adjusted Map tag color for Merchant responsibilities.
    * UI: Various icon fixes
    * Gameplay: XP is now properly rewarded for Tournament of Honor: Sabotage Advorton's Champion approach.
    * Gameplay: Ship interactions no longer disappear after opening the cargo hold, but closing the >>
    * Gameplay: The "Eye of the Watcher" tutorial no longer times out.
    * Gameplay: Field Rations added to recipes.
    * Routing: Many inefficient routing paths are now fixed.
    * Gameplay: Quest recipe ingredients in Village Shoppe.
    * UI: "Ask to Buy" no longer shows up on children.
    * Gameplay: More time to win the drinking contest in Tournament of Honor
    * Gameplay: Sims can no longer get out of being arrested by cooking food.
    * Gameplay: It is now easier to tell who won a Kingball game.
    * General: Added toggle option to turn off telemetry.
    * UI: Bribery amounts are now displayed.
    * Gameplay: Bloodthirsty Sims no longer get the "Lost a Fight" or "Punched in the Face" buffs after >>
performing a non-fighting negative interaction with another Sim.
    * Gameplay: Can no longer sell Fountain of Legend quest book.
    * Tuning: Absolving and Converting Sims now give greater XP.
    * UI: A TNS is now appropriately shown when inviting a Sim over.
    * Art: Fixed several instances where TNS messages were showing incorrect thumbnails.
    * Gameplay: Sims that have been killed as part of a quest no longer come back to life.
    * Tuning: Fewer angelstalon fragments are needed for making angelsguard.
    * Tuning: Number of combat levels lost for being wounded has been reduced.
    * Gameplay: Impart Wisdom now gives an appropriate buff.
    * Gameplay: Game now modified speed changes based on controllable Sims instead of household Sims.
    * Tuning: Sims will visit the tavern more often when the barkeep is actually there, working.
    * Gameplay: Surgery success rate is now dependent on the Physician's focus instead of the >>
patient's focus.
    * Gameplay: If two Hero Sims are being controlled, they both gain XP when Practicing Military Strategy >>
With each other.
    * Tuning: Gain rates of XP are increased when a Sim is being trained on the training dummy.
    * Gameplay: Sims performing the Train interaction on the Practice Dummy now receive XP.
    * Gameplay: Combustion Cordial is now a poison.
    * Tuning: Merchant can only "Ask to Buy Goods" once per Sim per day.
    * CAS: Fixed issue where eye colors no longer update properly when spending long intervals in CAS.
    * Furnish Mode: Can no longer Undo when the "Choose Material to Replace" UI is open.
    * Gameplay: Fresh food no longer stacks with spoiled food in the inventory.
    * CAS: Custom eye colors now properly update the color selection boxes.
    * Gameplay: There are now two wedding rings available for sale at appropriate times.
    * Gameplay: Fixed Map Tags that point to the incorrect location.
    * Gameplay: Objects in inventory can no longer be sold while in use.
    * Tuning: Pain points for performing surgery are based only on the worst wound and not on all wounds.
    * Tuning: Drunkard Sims no longer need drinks quite as frequently.
    * Tuning: The amount of Simoles for the "Make a Bet" interactions were raised.
    * Gameplay: Blacksmiths and Merchants now gain the "Made some Simoles" buff when they make a profit.
    * General: Saved game is no longer deleted when selecting Save As… just before entering Plan Outfit >>
in CAS.
    * CAS: Add Outfit button no longer changes hair color when Planning an Outfit.
    * Quests: Fixed markers that showed the incorrect Sim portrait during Quests.
    * FX: Realigned the flames on the Jacoban Ceremonial Altar.
    * UI: The Village Shoppe now shows the correct quantity of wedding rings in the Sim's inventory.
    * Gameplay: Fixed several situations where Sims can bear children in inappropriate places.
    * Gameplay: New quests cannot be taken if the Kingdom does not have a Monarch.
    * Gameplay: The achievement "Well-Versed" now correctly completes after the Bard recites 50 poems.
    * UI: The quest completion screen will now properly display the amount of XP rewarded relative to >>
your current XP.
    * Furnish Mode: Favorites are now saved only to the Favorites folder.
    * Gameplay: Monetary reward visual effects now properly show when a Bard performs poetry.
    * UI: Bard's inspiration can now be rearranged in the Sim's inventory.
    * UI: Date stamp added to saved games.
    * Furnish Mode: Sim no longer remains transparent after switching to Live Mode.
    * UI: Inventory now closes when switching Sims after viewing proposed edicts in the tactical map.
    * Gameplay: Stacks of objects can now be properly be sold when dragging them onto the market stall.
    * General: User can now appropriately save the game after completing an Ambition and leveling up >>
the "Watcher's Level."
    * Text: Marked for Death now properly states its origin.
    * Text: Fixed text issues in several languages.
    * Furnish Mode: Bassinet can no longer be placed in un-routable positions.
    * UI: Territory Map text is no longer erased if the territory is clicked on after text entry.
    * Furnish Mode: Tactical Map no longer gets stuck when entering Furnish Mode while looking at Edict >>
    * UI: First Sleep interaction is no longer performed if there are multiple in the queue and the first >>
one is cancelled.
    * Tuning: Fighting with the Pit Beast now awards XP.
    * Gameplay: The NPC now drinks the Prototype Anti-virus after it is administered.
    * Gameplay: Simoles from selling at the Village Shoppe now go to the appropriate Sim.
    * UI: Fixed situations where the quest button becomes grayed out.
    * Gameplay: Sims can now properly join an existing military strategy interaction on the Tactical >>
Map or an existing card table game.
    * Gameplay: Can no longer equip armor from previous quests via the Change Outfit interaction.
    * Gameplay: Merchants can no longer Ask to Buy Goods or Bribe children.
    * Furnish Mode: Fixed cursor state issues when selecting objects.
    * Routing: Purchasing crafts will no longer cancel if done from a different lot.
    * Gameplay: Sims no longer get stuck at sea if switched out while on the Free Time quest.
    * Gameplay: Fixed several situations where Sims get stuck in objects.
    * Gameplay: Sims can now remove objects from forges from other lots.
    * Gameplay: The controlled Sim now appropriately cheats when user selected the Cheat interaction >>
on the gaming table.
    * Furnish Mode: All objects with inventories transfer their goods to the Inventory of the lot owner.
    * Furnish Mode: Sims no longer fall through the floor when the camera is on a different floor and >>
the Sim is routing when re-entering Live Mode.
    * Gameplay: Fixed several "soft lock" instances due to rapid key clicking.
    * Furnish Mode: Can no longer delete required objects from the Family inventory If there isn't already >>
a duplicate on the lot.
    * Art: Fixed various texture issues.
    * Gameplay: Sims can no longer perform the Whale Hunt quest interaction without the whaleboat or >>
the harpoon.
    * Furnish Mode: Can not place the Puplatice Manual Cabinet into the Household Inventory.
    * General: Sims no longer constantly gain XP after performing certain actions.
    * Gameplay: Lute no longer displays when cancelling one of two queued up "Perform Song" interactions
    * UI: Fixed scrollbar functionality in the Hotkeys window.
    * Gameplay: Potentially Fireproof buff properly times out after the Dragon quest.
    * Furnish Mode: Household Inventory "Sell All"  functions properly.
    * Gameplay: Level 1 Wizard can't use high-level staves.
    * Gameplay: Quest ingredients return to inventory if item creation fails.
    * Gameplay: Jealous Warlock can duel.

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