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├£ ┬░┬░┬░ ├£ .the leading force. ├₧├¥ ├ƒ┬▓├ƒ ┬▒┬▒┬▒ ├₧├¥ ├ƒ├£ ├£ ├£ ┬▓┬▓┬▓ ├£├ƒ proudly presents ├ƒ├╛├£├ƒ┬▓├£ ├¢├¢├ƒ├£├╛ LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (c) LucasArts ├₧├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├¥ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ 23-03-2011........Release Date <-> Protection.............SecuROM ┬▓├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Action...............Game Type <-> Disk(s)..................1 DVD ┬▒├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ┬░├ƒ├¢ ├¢├¢├ƒ├£ ├£┬▓├ƒ ├ƒ├¢├¢├¥ ├£ ├╛├ƒ┬░ ├ƒ ├£ RELEASE NOTES ├ƒ├£ ├£├£├ƒ ├₧├¢├¢├£ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ The beloved and critically acclaimed LEGO Star Wars franchise is back. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ LEGO Star Wars III:The Clone Wars, combines the epic stories and iconic ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ characters from the Star Wars universe and hit animated TV series Star ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Wars: The Clone Wars with all new gameplay features. Players will enjoy ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ brand new game mechanics allowing them to create, control and explore ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ in a galaxy far, far away like never before. Promising breathtaking ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ visuals as well as new characters and levels, the game also features ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ the signature tongue-in-cheek humor from the LEGO universe. With over ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ 20 story-based missions and 40 bonus levels spanning the entire Clone ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Wars era, LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars will allow fans to explore ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ endlessly and laugh their way through the Star Wars galaxy in the most ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ humorous, accessible and action-packed LEGO game to date. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Features: ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ New Story - For the first time, players will experience their favorite ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ stories from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, retold in the amazing LEGO ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ world that fans know and love. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Massive Ground Battles - Brand new to the LEGO Star Wars experience, ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ players will take control of battalions of clone troopers against the ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ relentless droid army - building bases, deploying vehicles and calling ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ in reinforcements to defeat opponents. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ SceneSwap - Authentic to the Star Wars experience, a new feature allows ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ players to take control of multiple teams in separate locations. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Working together to complete various objectives, players will control ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ each team through the press of a button, while playing in single player ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ or in multiplayer co-op modes. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ All New Boss Battles - For the first time in the LEGO Star Wars ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ franchise, fans will fight against massive bosses as seen in The Clone ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Wars animated series, including Gor, the epic Zillo Beast and many ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ other favorites. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Multi-Layered Space Battles - Players will be able to take off in their ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ favorite ships to navigate and fly through multi-layered combat ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ throughout the galaxy. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ New Combat Abilities - Characters will have more dynamic moves allowing ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ players greater freedom to battle their opponents. Characters will also ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ have new lightsaber abilities including Lightsaber Cutting, Lightsaber ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Throwing, and Lightsaber Climbing. The game will also feature new ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ grappling abilities allowing players to climb their way through puzzles ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ and defeat enemies. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Explore the Galaxy - Players will be able to explore exotic locations ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ in a variety of ships throughout 16 different star systems. Fans will ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ play as villainous Separatists, the noble Republic heroes or even as ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ bounty hunters, tracking down characters across the galaxy. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Expanded Force Abilities - Using the Force in all new ways to control ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ LEGO objects, players will solve puzzles, access new areas, pick up and ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ throw enemies - even turning them into weapons. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Brand New Clone Weapons, Vehicles and Characters - New clone weapons ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ including rapid fire guns and rocket launchers, as well as all new ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ massive capital ships to explore, such as Anakin Skywalker's flagship ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ the Resolute and Grievous devastating warship , the Malevolence. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Players will also navigate through the galaxy in new vehicles such as ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ the Republic gunship, Clone Turbo Tank and even AnakinΓÇÖs Jedi ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Intercepter and the Twilight. Fans will also discover their favorite ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ classic characters such as Darth Vader, Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Puzzle Solving - The game will feature all new puzzles that reward ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ creative thinking through the use of teamwork and unique building ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ situations only possible in a LEGO galaxy far, far away. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ All new lighting and animations - A brand new engine brings characters ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ to life, giving players a whole new level of control in a vibrant ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ environment, unlike anything ever seen before in a LEGO game. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Split Screen - Improved dynamic split screen for multi-player co-op ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ with jump in/jump out abilities for friends and families to play ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ together. ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├£├£├£├¢├¢├ƒ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├£├£ ├ƒ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├¢├£┬▓├¢├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├£├¢├ƒ ├£ ├╛ ├ƒ ├£├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├£├£├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ ├£├¢├¢├ƒ├¢ ├¢├¢├ƒ├£├ƒ ├£├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├¢├ƒ ├£├¢┬▓├ƒ ├ƒ├¢├¢├¥ ├£ ├£├£├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ >> ├£├£├ƒ├ƒ┬░ ├ƒ ├£ INSTALL NOTES ├ƒ┬▓├ƒ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├£├£┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├ƒ ├£ ├£├£├¢├ƒ ├£├╛ ├ƒ├ƒ ├£ ├ƒ ├£┬▓├£ ├¢├¢├£ ├¢├¢├¢├¥ ├╛├ƒ ├ƒ ├£ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ 1. Unpack the release ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ 2. Mount or burn image ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ 3. Install ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ 4. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ 5. Play the game ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ 6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├£├£├£├¢├¢├ƒ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├£├£ ├ƒ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├¢├£┬▓├¢├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├£├¢├ƒ ├£ ├╛ ├ƒ ├£├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├£├£├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ ├£├¢├¢├ƒ├¢ ├¢├¢├ƒ├£├ƒ ├£├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├¢├ƒ ├£├¢┬▓├ƒ ├ƒ├¢├¢├¥ ├£ ├£├£├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ >> ├£├£├ƒ├ƒ┬░ ├ƒ ├£ ADDITIONAL NOTES ├ƒ┬▓├ƒ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├£├£┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├ƒ ├£ ├£├£├¢├ƒ ├£├╛ ├ƒ├ƒ ├£ ├ƒ ├£┬▓├£ ├¢├¢├£ ├¢├¢├¢├¥ ├╛├ƒ ├ƒ ├£ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Whole SKID ROW crew wishes HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a certain special member! ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Best wishes old fart and remember you owe us a birthday party! ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├£├£├£├¢├¢├ƒ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├£├£ ├ƒ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├¢├£┬▓├¢├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├£├¢├ƒ ├£ ├╛ ├ƒ ├£├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├£├£├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ ├£├¢├¢├ƒ├¢ ├¢├¢├ƒ├£├ƒ ├£├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├¢├ƒ ├£├¢┬▓├ƒ ├ƒ├¢├¢├¥ ├£ ├£├£├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ >> ├£├£├ƒ├ƒ┬░ ├ƒ ├£ GREETINGS ├ƒ┬▓├ƒ ├£├£├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├£├£┬▓├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├ƒ ├£ ├£├£├¢├ƒ ├£├╛ ├ƒ├ƒ ├£ ├ƒ ├£┬▓├£ ├¢├¢├£ ├¢├¢├¢├¥ ├╛├ƒ ├ƒ ├£ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ Unleashed - TiNYiSO - MRN - RADIKAL - POSTMORTEM - GENESIS - Fairlight ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ SHOCK - CRUDE - ReUnion - VACE - OUTLAWS - BACKLASH - Titan ┬▓├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ┬▒├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├ƒ├£├£├£ ┬░├ƒ├¢ ├¢├¢├ƒ├£ ├₧├¢├¢┬▓┬░ ├£┬▓├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢├¥ ├£├£├ƒ ├£├¢├¢┬▓┬░ ├£ ├╛├ƒ┬░ ├¢├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├£├£├£├£├¢┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£├ƒ ├£ ├£├£├£├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ ├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├¢├£├£├£├£├¢├¢├¢┬▓├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£┬▓├ƒ ├£├£├£├¢├¢├¢├¢┬▓┬▓├ƒ├ƒ >> ├£├╛ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├£├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├¢├¢├£├£├£├£┬▓┬▓┬▓├¢├¢├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ ┬░ ├£ >> ├£ ├₧├¥ ┬▓├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├¢├£├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├ƒ ascii art by the ├¢├£├£ >> ├£ ├ƒ├£ ┬▒├¢├¢ ├ƒ├ƒ┬▓┬▓├¢├¢├¢├¥├₧├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¥├₧├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¥ godlike & terrific duo >> ┬▓┬▓├¢├¢├£├£├£ ├╛├£ ├ƒ ├£ ┬░├¢├¢ ┬░ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├£├¢├¢├¢├¢├£├¢├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├£├¢├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├£ malodix + irokos ┬░├¢├¢├¢├¢├ >> ├¢┬▓┬▓├ƒ├¢├£├£├£├ƒ├╛├£├¢├¢ ├ƒ├£ ├ƒ├ƒ├¢ ├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├£├ƒ├ƒ┬▓┬▓├¢├¢├¢├£ titan artdivision ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├ >> ├¢├¢├¢├¢┬▓┬▓├£├£├¢ ├ƒ ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¥ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ┬▓┬░ ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├£├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢ ├₧├¢┬▓┬▓├ƒ ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ┬▓┬▓├¢├¢├¢├£├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¢ ├£├¢├ƒ├ƒ ┬░├ƒ├¢├¢├¢├¥ ├ƒ├ƒ├¢ ├ƒ ├₧├¢├ƒ This NFO File was rendered by
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Ãà Ã²à ±±± Ãà Ãà à à ²²² Ãà proudly presents ÃþÃòà ÃÃÃÃþ LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (c) LucasArts ÃÃÃà ÃÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà 23-03-2011........Release Date <-> Protection.............SecuROM ²Ãà ÃÃà Action...............Game Type <-> Disk(s)..................1 DVD ±Ãà ÃÃà °Ãà ÃÃÃà òà ÃÃÃà à þð à à RELEASE NOTES Ãà ÃÃà ÃÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà The beloved and critically acclaimed LEGO Star Wars franchise is back. ÃÃà ÃÃà LEGO Star Wars III:The Clone Wars, combines the epic stories and iconic ÃÃà ÃÃà characters from the Star Wars universe and hit animated TV series Star ÃÃà ÃÃà Wars: The Clone Wars with all new gameplay features. Players will enjoy ÃÃà ÃÃà brand new game mechanics allowing them to create, control and explore ÃÃà ÃÃà in a galaxy far, far away like never before. Promising breathtaking ÃÃà ÃÃà visuals as well as new characters and levels, the game also features ÃÃà ÃÃà the signature tongue-in-cheek humor from the LEGO universe. With over ÃÃà ÃÃà 20 story-based missions and 40 bonus levels spanning the entire Clone ÃÃà ÃÃà Wars era, LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars will allow fans to explore ÃÃà ÃÃà endlessly and laugh their way through the Star Wars galaxy in the most ÃÃà ÃÃà humorous, accessible and action-packed LEGO game to date. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Features: ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà New Story - For the first time, players will experience their favorite ÃÃà ÃÃà stories from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, retold in the amazing LEGO ÃÃà ÃÃà world that fans know and love. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Massive Ground Battles - Brand new to the LEGO Star Wars experience, ÃÃà ÃÃà players will take control of battalions of clone troopers against the ÃÃà ÃÃà relentless droid army - building bases, deploying vehicles and calling ÃÃà ÃÃà in reinforcements to defeat opponents. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà SceneSwap - Authentic to the Star Wars experience, a new feature allows ÃÃà ÃÃà players to take control of multiple teams in separate locations. ÃÃà ÃÃà Working together to complete various objectives, players will control ÃÃà ÃÃà each team through the press of a button, while playing in single player ÃÃà ÃÃà or in multiplayer co-op modes. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà All New Boss Battles - For the first time in the LEGO Star Wars ÃÃà ÃÃà franchise, fans will fight against massive bosses as seen in The Clone ÃÃà ÃÃà Wars animated series, including Gor, the epic Zillo Beast and many ÃÃà ÃÃà other favorites. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Multi-Layered Space Battles - Players will be able to take off in their ÃÃà ÃÃà favorite ships to navigate and fly through multi-layered combat ÃÃà ÃÃà throughout the galaxy. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà New Combat Abilities - Characters will have more dynamic moves allowing ÃÃà ÃÃà players greater freedom to battle their opponents. Characters will also ÃÃà ÃÃà have new lightsaber abilities including Lightsaber Cutting, Lightsaber ÃÃà ÃÃà Throwing, and Lightsaber Climbing. The game will also feature new ÃÃà ÃÃà grappling abilities allowing players to climb their way through puzzles ÃÃà ÃÃà and defeat enemies. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Explore the Galaxy - Players will be able to explore exotic locations ÃÃà ÃÃà in a variety of ships throughout 16 different star systems. Fans will ÃÃà ÃÃà play as villainous Separatists, the noble Republic heroes or even as ÃÃà ÃÃà bounty hunters, tracking down characters across the galaxy. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Expanded Force Abilities - Using the Force in all new ways to control ÃÃà ÃÃà LEGO objects, players will solve puzzles, access new areas, pick up and ÃÃà ÃÃà throw enemies - even turning them into weapons. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Brand New Clone Weapons, Vehicles and Characters - New clone weapons ÃÃà ÃÃà including rapid fire guns and rocket launchers, as well as all new ÃÃà ÃÃà massive capital ships to explore, such as Anakin Skywalker's flagship ÃÃà ÃÃà the Resolute and Grievous devastating warship , the Malevolence. ÃÃà ÃÃà Players will also navigate through the galaxy in new vehicles such as ÃÃà ÃÃà the Republic gunship, Clone Turbo Tank and even Anakinâs Jedi ÃÃà ÃÃà Intercepter and the Twilight. Fans will also discover their favorite ÃÃà ÃÃà classic characters such as Darth Vader, Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Puzzle Solving - The game will feature all new puzzles that reward ÃÃà ÃÃà creative thinking through the use of teamwork and unique building ÃÃà ÃÃà situations only possible in a LEGO galaxy far, far away. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà All new lighting and animations - A brand new engine brings characters ÃÃà ÃÃà to life, giving players a whole new level of control in a vibrant ÃÃà ÃÃà environment, unlike anything ever seen before in a LEGO game. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Split Screen - Improved dynamic split screen for multi-player co-op ÃÃà ÃÃà with jump in/jump out abilities for friends and families to play ÃÃà ÃÃà together. ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃÃà Ãà à ÃÃÃÃÃÃòÃÃÃÃà ÃÃÃÃà à þ à ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃÃÃÃà ÃÃÃÃà ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃÃò²ÃÃà ÃÃÃà Ãòà ÃÃÃà à ÃÃÃÃò²ÃÃÃà ° ÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃÃò²Ãà >> ÃÃÃð à à INSTALL NOTES òà ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà ° ÃòÃÃà Ãà ÃÃà ° à à ÃÃÃà Ãþ Ãà à à òà ÃÃà ÃÃÃà þà à à ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà 1. Unpack the release ÃÃà ÃÃà 2. Mount or burn image ÃÃà ÃÃà 3. Install ÃÃà ÃÃà 4. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation ÃÃà ÃÃà 5. Play the game ÃÃà ÃÃà 6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃÃà Ãà à ÃÃÃÃÃÃòÃÃÃÃà ÃÃÃÃà à þ à ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃÃÃÃà ÃÃÃÃà ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃÃò²ÃÃà ÃÃÃà Ãòà ÃÃÃà à ÃÃÃÃò²ÃÃÃà ° ÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃÃò²Ãà >> ÃÃÃð à à ADDITIONAL NOTES òà ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà ° ÃòÃÃà Ãà ÃÃà ° à à ÃÃÃà Ãþ Ãà à à òà ÃÃà ÃÃÃà þà à à ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Whole SKID ROW crew wishes HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a certain special member! ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà Best wishes old fart and remember you owe us a birthday party! 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