- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: New_Text_Document.nfo New_Text_Document

\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/ª\\//\ \ \/ /+-++-++-+\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
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F:\DOWNLOADS\Shift_2_XBOX360-STRANGE\s-shift2.dvd is valid

Checking Game
     ISO: "F:\DOWNLOADS\Shift_2_XBOX360-STRANGE\s-shift2.iso"
     Size: 7838695424 bytes
     Game partition offset: 0xFD90000
     Root sector: 558718 (0x540CF000), 2048 bytes
     default.xex sector: 1773832 (0xE8614000), 20692992 bytes
     Files in ISO: 1890, Folders in ISO: 30
     Total bytes used: 5962100052 (81.69%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
     Module Flags:          Title Module
     Image Flags:           XGD2 Media Only
                            64 KB Pages
     System Flags:          Uses Game Voice Channel
                            Accesses Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
     Title ID:              45410934 (EA-2356)
     Ver / Base Ver:        v0.0.0.4 / v0.0.0.4
     Disc Number:           1 of 1
     Original PE Filename:  MorayFnl.exe
     Original PE Timestamp: 2011/03/03 11:02:47
     Allowed Media Types:   DVD-XGD2 (Xbox 360 original disc)
     Game Ratings:          ESRB:    E10+ (Everyone 10+)
                            PEGI:    3+
                            PEGI-FI: 3+
                            PEGI-PT: 4+
                            BBFC:    3+
                            USK:     6+
                            OFLC-AU: G (General)
                            OFLC-NZ: G (General)
                            Brazil:  Undefined rating (0x30)
                            FPB:     PG
     Compression Info:      Uncompressed and Encrypted
     Title Type:            Full Game Title
     Dashboard Languages:   English (default)
     Game Name:             SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED(TM)
     No Avatar Awards
     Achievements:          40 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
     XEX CRC = 82B12071
     XEX Media ID: 789AD2875F6A88501D1000E6-739C7DC0

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
     Region Free!

Checking SS
     04FB20h ------- PSN ------> 20339Fh DFCC60h ------- PSN ------> FB04DFh
     ª  L0 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  ª  L1 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  ª
     0x000FD90000 --------> 0x00E99CFFFF 0x00E99D0000 --------> 0x01C360FFFF
     <----------------- 3567872 sectors (7307001856 bytes) ---------------->

     Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/03/03 00:00:00
     Timestamp of Mastering: 2011/03/08 09:06:26
     SS Version: 1
     CT RT CID Mod? Pad? Data          CD       Response   Angle Deviation
     -- -- --  --   --   ------------- -------- ---------- ----- ------------
     14    14  00   00                 712AFCFF 81D01D93
        03 14  00        04A9B0 04B9AF 712AFCFF 81D01D9300
     15    74  00   00                 4A34EA9C 80EE59D2
        01 74  00        20D7F0 20E7EF 4A34EA9C 80EE59D200
     14    C7  00   00                 37788133 EE6925F4
        03 C7  00        DF8600 DF95FF 37788133 EE6925F400
     15    4F  00   00                 E8FF65DA BAEC57C8
        01 4F  00        FB5B80 FB6B7F E8FF65DA BAEC57C800
     24    7C  0F   00                 B2904F25 B2900001   1
        07 7C  00        04A9B0 04B72F B2904F25 0100000000 1      0   (00.0%)
     25    2D  0F   00                 9253F690 9253005B   91
        05 2D  00        20D7F0 20E56F 9253F690 5B00000000 91     0   (00.0%)
     24    A0  0F   00                 1EDE1F97 1EDE00B5   181
        07 A0  00        DF8600 DF937F 1EDE1F97 B400000000 180   -1   (00.6%)
     25    4D  0F   00                 AFC2F8C0 AFC2010F   271
        05 4D  00        FB5B80 FB68FF AFC2F8C0 0E01000000 270   -1   (00.6%)
     01    D5  00   00                 1B5AF905 9860B84E
        00 D5  00        D49860 DFB84E 00000000 0000000000
     E0    D4  00   00                 45347DE4 EC03BA01
        E0 D4  00        90EC03 B4BA01 00000000 0000000000
     CPR_MAI: 1B5AF905
     SS CRC = 802BA65E (RawSS = C502E997)
     SS Media ID: 789AD2875F6A88501D1000E6-739C7DC0 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/03/03 00:00:00 (matches SS)
     Catalog Number: EA-2356-02-W0-4X1
     DMI CRC = B72B62E9
     DMI Media ID: 789AD2875F6A88501D1000E6-739C7DC0 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
     030000h ------- PSN ------> 03B73Fh FC48C0h ------- PSN ------> FCFFDFh
     ª  L0 Data Area = 0046912 sectors  ª  L1 Data Area = 0046880 sectors  ª
     0x0000000000 --------> 0x0005B9FFFF 0x01CD800000 --------> 0x01D338FFFF
     <----------------- 0093792 sectors (0192086016 bytes) ---------------->

     PFI CRC = E18BC70B
PFI matches known data (10th - 11th Wave)

Video partition found
     Volume ID: "CD_ROM"
     Volume space size: 46872 sectors (95993856 bytes)
     Volume creation date & time: 2011/01/18 16:00:00 (GMT-08:00)
     Checking Video padding... Video is zero padded
     Video CRC = BA47FD12 (V0 = DD2BCA74, V1 = DFEFC0BF)
Video partition matches known data (11th Wave)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
     Looking for 802BA65E82B12071.ini in the online verified database

     There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Attempting to at least verify the PFI, Video and game data
     Looking for Xex_82B12071.ini in the online verified database

     There is no verified rip of Xex CRC 82B12071 in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
Verification failed

Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1... SplitVid is valid
Checking L1 Video padding... L1 Video is zero padded

Checking for AnyDVD style game data corruption while running CRC check...

Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel)
 Percent  Elapsed  Estimated   Time     Average     Current     Errors    Total
    Done     Time       Time   Left       Speed       Speed  Recovered  Retries
    100%     2:01       2:01   0:00   57.4 MB/s   69.6 MB/s

     AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
     Game CRC = 80B494B5

Press any key to exit . . .

This NFO File was rendered by

\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/¦\\//\ \ \/ /+-++-++-+\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\¦¯¦\¦¯¦\¦¯¦/ /\ \ -¦+-+¦ ¦//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
F:\DOWNLOADS\Shift_2_XBOX360-STRANGE\s-shift2.dvd is valid

Checking Game
     ISO: "F:\DOWNLOADS\Shift_2_XBOX360-STRANGE\s-shift2.iso"
     Size: 7838695424 bytes
     Game partition offset: 0xFD90000
     Root sector: 558718 (0x540CF000), 2048 bytes
     default.xex sector: 1773832 (0xE8614000), 20692992 bytes
     Files in ISO: 1890, Folders in ISO: 30
     Total bytes used: 5962100052 (81.69%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
     Module Flags:          Title Module
     Image Flags:           XGD2 Media Only
                            64 KB Pages
     System Flags:          Uses Game Voice Channel
                            Accesses Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
     Title ID:              45410934 (EA-2356)
     Ver / Base Ver:        v0.0.0.4 / v0.0.0.4
     Disc Number:           1 of 1
     Original PE Filename:  MorayFnl.exe
     Original PE Timestamp: 2011/03/03 11:02:47
     Allowed Media Types:   DVD-XGD2 (Xbox 360 original disc)
     Game Ratings:          ESRB:    E10+ (Everyone 10+)
                            PEGI:    3+
                            PEGI-FI: 3+
                            PEGI-PT: 4+
                            BBFC:    3+
                            USK:     6+
                            OFLC-AU: G (General)
                            OFLC-NZ: G (General)
                            Brazil:  Undefined rating (0x30)
                            FPB:     PG
     Compression Info:      Uncompressed and Encrypted
     Title Type:            Full Game Title
     Dashboard Languages:   English (default)
     Game Name:             SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED(TM)
     No Avatar Awards
     Achievements:          40 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
     XEX CRC = 82B12071
     XEX Media ID: 789AD2875F6A88501D1000E6-739C7DC0

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
     Region Free!

Checking SS
     04FB20h ------- PSN ------> 20339Fh DFCC60h ------- PSN ------> FB04DFh
     ¦  L0 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  ¦  L1 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  ¦
     0x000FD90000 --------> 0x00E99CFFFF 0x00E99D0000 --------> 0x01C360FFFF
     <----------------- 3567872 sectors (7307001856 bytes) ---------------->

     Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/03/03 00:00:00
     Timestamp of Mastering: 2011/03/08 09:06:26
     SS Version: 1
     CT RT CID Mod? Pad? Data          CD       Response   Angle Deviation
     -- -- --  --   --   ------------- -------- ---------- ----- ------------
     14    14  00   00                 712AFCFF 81D01D93
        03 14  00        04A9B0 04B9AF 712AFCFF 81D01D9300
     15    74  00   00                 4A34EA9C 80EE59D2
        01 74  00        20D7F0 20E7EF 4A34EA9C 80EE59D200
     14    C7  00   00                 37788133 EE6925F4
        03 C7  00        DF8600 DF95FF 37788133 EE6925F400
     15    4F  00   00                 E8FF65DA BAEC57C8
        01 4F  00        FB5B80 FB6B7F E8FF65DA BAEC57C800
     24    7C  0F   00                 B2904F25 B2900001   1
        07 7C  00        04A9B0 04B72F B2904F25 0100000000 1      0   (00.0%)
     25    2D  0F   00                 9253F690 9253005B   91
        05 2D  00        20D7F0 20E56F 9253F690 5B00000000 91     0   (00.0%)
     24    A0  0F   00                 1EDE1F97 1EDE00B5   181
        07 A0  00        DF8600 DF937F 1EDE1F97 B400000000 180   -1   (00.6%)
     25    4D  0F   00                 AFC2F8C0 AFC2010F   271
        05 4D  00        FB5B80 FB68FF AFC2F8C0 0E01000000 270   -1   (00.6%)
     01    D5  00   00                 1B5AF905 9860B84E
        00 D5  00        D49860 DFB84E 00000000 0000000000
     E0    D4  00   00                 45347DE4 EC03BA01
        E0 D4  00        90EC03 B4BA01 00000000 0000000000
     CPR_MAI: 1B5AF905
     SS CRC = 802BA65E (RawSS = C502E997)
     SS Media ID: 789AD2875F6A88501D1000E6-739C7DC0 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/03/03 00:00:00 (matches SS)
     Catalog Number: EA-2356-02-W0-4X1
     DMI CRC = B72B62E9
     DMI Media ID: 789AD2875F6A88501D1000E6-739C7DC0 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
     030000h ------- PSN ------> 03B73Fh FC48C0h ------- PSN ------> FCFFDFh
     ¦  L0 Data Area = 0046912 sectors  ¦  L1 Data Area = 0046880 sectors  ¦
     0x0000000000 --------> 0x0005B9FFFF 0x01CD800000 --------> 0x01D338FFFF
     <----------------- 0093792 sectors (0192086016 bytes) ---------------->

     PFI CRC = E18BC70B
PFI matches known data (10th - 11th Wave)

Video partition found
     Volume ID: "CD_ROM"
     Volume space size: 46872 sectors (95993856 bytes)
     Volume creation date & time: 2011/01/18 16:00:00 (GMT-08:00)
     Checking Video padding... Video is zero padded
     Video CRC = BA47FD12 (V0 = DD2BCA74, V1 = DFEFC0BF)
Video partition matches known data (11th Wave)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
     Looking for 802BA65E82B12071.ini in the online verified database

     There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Attempting to at least verify the PFI, Video and game data
     Looking for Xex_82B12071.ini in the online verified database

     There is no verified rip of Xex CRC 82B12071 in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
Verification failed

Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1... SplitVid is valid
Checking L1 Video padding... L1 Video is zero padded

Checking for AnyDVD style game data corruption while running CRC check...

Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel)
 Percent  Elapsed  Estimated   Time     Average     Current     Errors    Total
    Done     Time       Time   Left       Speed       Speed  Recovered  Retries
    100%     2:01       2:01   0:00   57.4 MB/s   69.6 MB/s

     AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
     Game CRC = 80B494B5

Press any key to exit . . .

This NFO File was rendered by

