- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Dexter.S02.480p.BRRip.x264-BoB_v2_.nfo Dexter.S02.480p.BRRip.x264-BoB_v2_

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                                             Best Of Both

                                            Quality & Size


                                   Dexter.S02.480p.BRRip.x264-BoB (v2)

                 Source         :         Dexter.S02.1080p.Bluray.x264.H@M

                 File Size      :         Ep1->Ep12   -   200mb (approx)

                 Rez 480p       :         720:400 (16:9)
                 FramRate       :         23.976

                 Subtitles      :         English


                  Rippers Notes :        We used a 1080p source, this time.
                                         The 1080p gave us a high quality picture.

                                         If you have 1st version we did from 720p,
                                         and are happy with the quality, then save
                                         your bandwidth and keep that version.

                                         If you don't have the 1st version, or just
                                         want the best quality you can get at this file
                                         size for your collection, or like to watch on
                                         a big screen. Then get this 2nd version.

                                         Other than that, what can I say.
                                         We packed in as much picture quality as we
                                         could, but still keeping the file size down.

                                         Well you all know what you get from BoB.
                                         High Quality, Small Size Files.


                     Team Notes :        To all the BoB fan's, and downloader's that love
                                         what we do, each day. We would like to thank you
                                         all for your support.

                                         Here at BoB, we Re-EnCode TV shows, down to a nice
                                         compact size, cos we know that not ever one has a
                                         fast line and/or unlimited bandwidth.

                                         If you don't like Re-EnCodes, or just don't like BoB.
                                         Then don't download our rlz's, it's up 2 you.


This NFO File was rendered by

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         M@@@M                                                                               .@@@@2

                                             Best Of Both

                                            Quality & Size


                                   Dexter.S02.480p.BRRip.x264-BoB (v2)

                 Source         :         Dexter.S02.1080p.Bluray.x264.H@M

                 File Size      :         Ep1->Ep12   -   200mb (approx)

                 Rez 480p       :         720:400 (16:9)
                 FramRate       :         23.976

                 Subtitles      :         English


                  Rippers Notes :        We used a 1080p source, this time.
                                         The 1080p gave us a high quality picture.

                                         If you have 1st version we did from 720p,
                                         and are happy with the quality, then save
                                         your bandwidth and keep that version.

                                         If you don't have the 1st version, or just
                                         want the best quality you can get at this file
                                         size for your collection, or like to watch on
                                         a big screen. Then get this 2nd version.

                                         Other than that, what can I say.
                                         We packed in as much picture quality as we
                                         could, but still keeping the file size down.

                                         Well you all know what you get from BoB.
                                         High Quality, Small Size Files.


                     Team Notes :        To all the BoB fan's, and downloader's that love
                                         what we do, each day. We would like to thank you
                                         all for your support.

                                         Here at BoB, we Re-EnCode TV shows, down to a nice
                                         compact size, cos we know that not ever one has a
                                         fast line and/or unlimited bandwidth.

                                         If you don't like Re-EnCodes, or just don't like BoB.
                                         Then don't download our rlz's, it's up 2 you.


This NFO File was rendered by

