- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: ypogeios.nfo ypogeios

                   *                            __/\__
                             ||                 \ .. /  .
          ______           -=)(=-               /_/\_\       _________
         |      |___      __||||__    _____      ____      _/        /
         |      |   |____|  _  _  |__|     |____|_   |____|__  |____/
         |      |   |  . \ (.)(.) |   _____|_  ___|  |   _   |____  |
      .  |______    |   _/\      /|  |    _  | _|_   |   \    \   | |
                |   |__| | | () | |  |___|  _|    |  |\   |   |   | |   .
                |   |     \      / \       |______|  | |______|   | |
           p43  |   |      ||||||   |      |    |    |      |       |
     .          |___|               |______|    |____|      |______/
     |        *                                                 .
                        P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S       . * .

   ┌──┤                   DriverUpdate v2.2.4118.505                    ├──┐
  .│  └┬─│───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┬┘  │.
  │.                                   │                                   .│
  │:   CRACKER .............: YPOGEiOS │ RELEASE DATE ......: 07/04/2011   :│
  ││   SUPPLiER ............: YPOGEiOS │ FiLE TYPE ............: ZiP/RAR   ││
  ││   PACKER ..............: YPOGEiOS │ FiLE SiZE ..........: 01x5.00MB   ││
  ││   RELEASE TYPE .....: APPLiCATiON │ OS ....................: WinALL   ││
  ││   CRACK TYPE ...........: PATCHER . PROTECTOR ...............: NONE   ││
  .:                                                                       :.
  ┌[]██████████████████[ ..:: RELEASE DESCRiPTiON ::.. ]██████████████████[]┐
   :.                                                                     .:
   ││  DriverUpdate is a professional application designed to find        ││
   ││  drivers updates for your system. DriverUpdate uses the latest      ││
   ││  technology to move the process of maintaining drivers from the     ││
   ││  local PC to the cloud. Cloud computing has revolutionized the      ││
   ││  way information is shared and communicated.                        ││
   ││                                                                     ││
   ││  DriverUpdate utilizes the cloud to provide a continuous stream     ││
   ││  of data to every version of the application. This provides         ││
   ││  users with up-to-the-minute evaluations of available drivers       ││
   ││  and, even better, it keeps users up to speed with the latest       ││
   ││  updates available from all their favorite manufacturers.           ││
   ││  Trying to manually keep track of every driver release, every       ││
   ││  system upgrade, and every Windows update can take time and         ││
   ││  energy.                                                            ││
  ..│                                                                     │..
  ┌[]█████████████████████[ ..:: iNSTALL NOTES ::.. ]█████████████████████[]┐
   :.                                                                     .:
   ││  1. Install the application.                                        ││
   ││  2. Apply the patcher from ypogeios dir.                            ││
   ││  3. Enter some fake email and serial to register the application.   ││
   ││  4. Enjoy this YPOGEiOS release!                                    ││
  ..│                                                                     │..
  ┌[]██████████████████████[ ..:: GROUP NOTES ::.. ]██████████████████████[]┐
   :.                                                                     .:
   ││  Currently we're looking for:                                       ││
   ││                                                                     ││
   ││  [] talented crackers who are able to crack applications for any    ││
   ││     Windows OS.                                                     ││
   ││                                                                     ││
   ││  [] talented crackers who are able to tackle the most used          ││
   ││     protectors such as Armadillo, Asprotect, ActiveMark etc.        ││
   ││                                                                     ││
   ││  [] talented keygenners who are able to keygen the most used reg    ││
   ││     schemes such as MD5, RSA, BLOWFiSH or any custom sheme.         ││
   ││                                                                     ││
   ││  [] talented gamehackers who are able to train the newest games     ││
   ││     for the Windows OS.                                             ││
   ││                                                                     ││
   ││  [] 100MBiT EU affil sites.                                         ││
   ││                                                                     ││
   ││  If you think we could use you contact us:      ││
   .│                                                                     │.
  ┌[]███████████████████████[ ..:: GREETZ TO ::.. ]███████████████████████[]┐
  ││                                                                       ││
  :│        UTE  *  NeoX  *  CAMERA  *  HHS  *  USZ  *  PDFwriters         │:
  └.                                                                       .┘

    ANSCii BY: p43                                           nFO BY ***^YGS

This NFO File was rendered by

                   *                            __/\__
                             ||                 \ .. /  .
          ______           -=)(=-               /_/\_\       _________
         |      |___      __||||__    _____      ____      _/        /
         |      |   |____|  _  _  |__|     |____|_   |____|__  |____/
         |      |   |  . \ (.)(.) |   _____|_  ___|  |   _   |____  |
      .  |______    |   _/\      /|  |    _  | _|_   |   \    \   | |
                |   |__| | | () | |  |___|  _|    |  |\   |   |   | |   .
                |   |     \      / \       |______|  | |______|   | |
           p43  |   |      ||||||   |      |    |    |      |       |
     .          |___|               |______|    |____|      |______/
     |        *                                                 .
                        P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S       . * .

   ÚÄÄ´                   DriverUpdate v2.2.4118.505                    ÃÄÄ¿
  ³.                                   ³                                   .³
  ³:   CRACKER .............: YPOGEiOS ³ RELEASE DATE ......: 07/04/2011   :³
  ³³   SUPPLiER ............: YPOGEiOS ³ FiLE TYPE ............: ZiP/RAR   ³³
  ³³   PACKER ..............: YPOGEiOS ³ FiLE SiZE ..........: 01x5.00MB   ³³
  ³³   RELEASE TYPE .....: APPLiCATiON ³ OS ....................: WinALL   ³³
  ³³   CRACK TYPE ...........: PATCHER . PROTECTOR ...............: NONE   ³³
  .:                                                                       :.
   :.                                                                     .:
   ³³  DriverUpdate is a professional application designed to find        ³³
   ³³  drivers updates for your system. DriverUpdate uses the latest      ³³
   ³³  technology to move the process of maintaining drivers from the     ³³
   ³³  local PC to the cloud. Cloud computing has revolutionized the      ³³
   ³³  way information is shared and communicated.                        ³³
   ³³                                                                     ³³
   ³³  DriverUpdate utilizes the cloud to provide a continuous stream     ³³
   ³³  of data to every version of the application. This provides         ³³
   ³³  users with up-to-the-minute evaluations of available drivers       ³³
   ³³  and, even better, it keeps users up to speed with the latest       ³³
   ³³  updates available from all their favorite manufacturers.           ³³
   ³³  Trying to manually keep track of every driver release, every       ³³
   ³³  system upgrade, and every Windows update can take time and         ³³
   ³³  energy.                                                            ³³
  ..³                                                                     ³..
   :.                                                                     .:
   ³³  1. Install the application.                                        ³³
   ³³  2. Apply the patcher from ypogeios dir.                            ³³
   ³³  3. Enter some fake email and serial to register the application.   ³³
   ³³  4. Enjoy this YPOGEiOS release!                                    ³³
  ..³                                                                     ³..
   :.                                                                     .:
   ³³  Currently we're looking for:                                       ³³
   ³³                                                                     ³³
   ³³  [] talented crackers who are able to crack applications for any    ³³
   ³³     Windows OS.                                                     ³³
   ³³                                                                     ³³
   ³³  [] talented crackers who are able to tackle the most used          ³³
   ³³     protectors such as Armadillo, Asprotect, ActiveMark etc.        ³³
   ³³                                                                     ³³
   ³³  [] talented keygenners who are able to keygen the most used reg    ³³
   ³³     schemes such as MD5, RSA, BLOWFiSH or any custom sheme.         ³³
   ³³                                                                     ³³
   ³³  [] talented gamehackers who are able to train the newest games     ³³
   ³³     for the Windows OS.                                             ³³
   ³³                                                                     ³³
   ³³  [] 100MBiT EU affil sites.                                         ³³
   ³³                                                                     ³³
   ³³  If you think we could use you contact us:      ³³
   .³                                                                     ³.
  ³³                                                                       ³³
  :³        UTE  *  NeoX  *  CAMERA  *  HHS  *  USZ  *  PDFwriters         ³:
  À.                                                                       .Ù

    ANSCii BY: p43                                           nFO BY ***^YGS

This NFO File was rendered by

