- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: niceguys-fotc.r5.xvid.nfo niceguys-fotc.r5.xvid

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                           PROUDLY PRESENTS


     THEATRE DATE :  2011 (USA)
     RELEASE DATE :  April 09, 2011
     ViDEO        :  XViD @ 946 kbps
     RESOLUTiON   :  640 x 352 (25 fps)
     AUDIO        :  MP3 128 kbps VBR
     RUNTiME      :  90 Minutes
     GENRE        :  Fantasy, Horror
     SUBS         :  -
     SOURCE       :  R5 DVD5
     iMDB         :
     RATiNG       :  awaiting 5 votes


     Jacob, a young man armed with a deadly sword, saves Sarah,
     a teenage girl, from Mathias, a malevolent evil that has
     begun plaguing a small farmland town while in search of an
     ancient necklace that had belonged to Sarahs Uncle.
     Jacob sets out to get Sarah home safely, running through streets,
     fields, churches and underground tunnels, while being pursued by
     hordes of demonic creatures. Along the way, both come to terms
     with the demons within themselves - Sarah begins to understand her
     hatred towards her mother and sister may be unjustified and Jacob
     discovers the secrets of his past, realizing the only way to truly
     defeat the demons is to return to the very place his family was


     EnJoy !

     Find Us !

This NFO File was rendered by

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                           PROUDLY PRESENTS


     THEATRE DATE :  2011 (USA)
     RELEASE DATE :  April 09, 2011
     ViDEO        :  XViD @ 946 kbps
     RESOLUTiON   :  640 x 352 (25 fps)
     AUDIO        :  MP3 128 kbps VBR
     RUNTiME      :  90 Minutes
     GENRE        :  Fantasy, Horror
     SUBS         :  -
     SOURCE       :  R5 DVD5
     iMDB         :
     RATiNG       :  awaiting 5 votes


     Jacob, a young man armed with a deadly sword, saves Sarah,
     a teenage girl, from Mathias, a malevolent evil that has
     begun plaguing a small farmland town while in search of an
     ancient necklace that had belonged to Sarahs Uncle.
     Jacob sets out to get Sarah home safely, running through streets,
     fields, churches and underground tunnels, while being pursued by
     hordes of demonic creatures. Along the way, both come to terms
     with the demons within themselves - Sarah begins to understand her
     hatred towards her mother and sister may be unjustified and Jacob
     discovers the secrets of his past, realizing the only way to truly
     defeat the demons is to return to the very place his family was


     EnJoy !

     Find Us !

This NFO File was rendered by

