- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: vace.nfo vace

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 .'"       .------------------'  .'        `     `-----------------.       "`.
i         .                                 '                       .         i
|         |            Purify Puzzle (c) Blitz Game Studio          |         |
|         |                      _              _                   |         |
|         `._____________________)\      _.' .-'''-._______________.'         |
|                                  `-..___.-'       "`----- -                 |
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| !.__.'/ //                                                                  |
`.____ / _____________________________________ ._____________________________.'
 .___ /_______________________________________||_________________ __ _  _
 | __.                                                                 /   7
 | -       Game Type...: Puzzle            # of Disks.: 12 * 4.77MB   /   /  .
 | "       Released....: April 09th, 2011  Protection.: Serial       /   /   7
 `.________________________________________________________________.' _.' _.' .

 .----------------------------- r e l e a s e info --------------------------+
 |                                                                           '
 -  Purify Puzzle is a puzzle game that pay homage  to the arcade  puzzlers  '
 '  back  in  the  day.  It features single player  modes like 30 levels of
 `  arcade,  and  infinite survival  and  time attack. In addition  to this
 .  exciting package, Purify  Puzzle also includes intense local and online

 .  Purify  Puzzle's  innovative  control  system  finally  allows  players
 .  frustrated  by  random chance  to have deeper choices in their gameplay
 .  experience. Swap puzzle  items  for one of a different color, or adjust
 :  a held item's colors  from  a  swatch  of  eight different colors. This
 |  unique mechanic  allows  strategic players  to unleash combos and score
 |  more points faster and more consistently.  Defeat  levels on your terms
 |  and attain fame on our leaderboards.
 |  Go head-to-head with friends locally or online in a competitive race to
 |  the finish. Do more than score combos and look flashy! Skillful players
 |  can send large combos to their opponent's board,  creating  a  frenetic
 |  back-and-forth gameplay experience.
 |  As much a treat for the  senses as  a  challenge  for the brain, Purify
 |  Puzzle features beautiful Japanese- inspired  hand-painted  backgrounds
 |  and animations. You're not alone in  your journey  as  Ashley reacts to
 |  your progress,  cheering  your  victories  and  lamenting your defeats.
 |  Move to an original soundtrack  that  changes  as  you progress through
 |  the game.
 |  Purify  Puzzle  from  Paper  Child  Studios:  the  evolution  in arcade
 |  puzzlers.
 |  Features :
 |  ║ Arcade with story , Time Attack, Survival game modes.
 |  ║ Local & Networked multiplayer.
 |  ║ Local & Networked highscores.                                          .
 |  ║ Achievements.                                                          .
 |  ║ Hand Painted HD Graphics.                                              :
 |                                                                           |
  ..--''""      .       :
.'   .----------`-------'------ r e l e a s e notes -------------------------.
i   i                                                                        '
|   |  1# Unzip, Unrar manually.                                             '
|   |  2# Run setup.bat, after thats done hit Aspire.exe and use the next
|   |     serial number to register the game :
|   |
|   |     First Name : VACE
|   |     Last  Name : VACE
|   |     Serial Key : 7L9L-9UB3-ADR9-3Y30
|   |
|   |  3# Have phun!
|   |
|   |  Ripped: Nothing.
|   |                                                                        .
|   |  Notes : This game requires OpenAL Drivers, if you need you can find   .
|   |          on gamefolder.                                                :
|   |                                                                        :
|   |________________________________________________________________________|
| i._               ___     ___     ___     ___           ___
| !' .-----------..:   :: .:   :: ::   :: ::   :: .:    .:   :..-------------.
|   i             ::   :: ::   :: ::   :: ::   :: ::... `:.___'              |
|   |  :::::::::  ::   :: :: --:. ::   :: ::   :: ::    _   `::  ::::::::::  :
|   |              `-  :: ::    : ::  -'  ::  -'  ::   :::   ::              '
|   |  Cheers to:     -'   `    `  `-      `-      `-   "   -'               '
|   |
|   |                           SKIDROW - TNT - ViTALiTY
|   |
|   |  And to all of our friends from over the years, we salute you! - VACE
|   `.__________________________________________________________________ _
`._____________________________________________________________________    ` .
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           b  a  b  y  ,                    _               .. .....  .. .....
                                           _\  t  i  c  k   '' ::  :: '' ::  ::
                                                            :: ::'''  :: ::'''
                                    " Weekend i Love it!! "

This NFO File was rendered by

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  '      .. ...  ...  ..    `   v    a    c    e   '     .. ...   .   .      `
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  _     `-- `--' `--' --'         .          .          `-- `--' -'- -'-     _
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    __                     \| |/   .- ""`-.     \| |/                    __
 .'"       .------------------'  .'        `     `-----------------.       "`.
i         .                                 '                       .         i
|         |            Purify Puzzle (c) Blitz Game Studio          |         |
|         |                      _              _                   |         |
|         `._____________________)\      _.' .-'''-._______________.'         |
|                                  `-..___.-'       "`----- -                 |
| i     _  _                                                                  |
| !.__.'/ //                                                                  |
`.____ / _____________________________________ ._____________________________.'
 .___ /_______________________________________||_________________ __ _  _
 | __.                                                                 /   7
 | -       Game Type...: Puzzle            # of Disks.: 12 * 4.77MB   /   /  .
 | "       Released....: April 09th, 2011  Protection.: Serial       /   /   7
 `.________________________________________________________________.' _.' _.' .

 .----------------------------- r e l e a s e info --------------------------+
 |                                                                           '
 -  Purify Puzzle is a puzzle game that pay homage  to the arcade  puzzlers  '
 '  back  in  the  day.  It features single player  modes like 30 levels of
 `  arcade,  and  infinite survival  and  time attack. In addition  to this
 .  exciting package, Purify  Puzzle also includes intense local and online

 .  Purify  Puzzle's  innovative  control  system  finally  allows  players
 .  frustrated  by  random chance  to have deeper choices in their gameplay
 .  experience. Swap puzzle  items  for one of a different color, or adjust
 :  a held item's colors  from  a  swatch  of  eight different colors. This
 |  unique mechanic  allows  strategic players  to unleash combos and score
 |  more points faster and more consistently.  Defeat  levels on your terms
 |  and attain fame on our leaderboards.
 |  Go head-to-head with friends locally or online in a competitive race to
 |  the finish. Do more than score combos and look flashy! Skillful players
 |  can send large combos to their opponent's board,  creating  a  frenetic
 |  back-and-forth gameplay experience.
 |  As much a treat for the  senses as  a  challenge  for the brain, Purify
 |  Puzzle features beautiful Japanese- inspired  hand-painted  backgrounds
 |  and animations. You're not alone in  your journey  as  Ashley reacts to
 |  your progress,  cheering  your  victories  and  lamenting your defeats.
 |  Move to an original soundtrack  that  changes  as  you progress through
 |  the game.
 |  Purify  Puzzle  from  Paper  Child  Studios:  the  evolution  in arcade
 |  puzzlers.
 |  Features :
 |  º Arcade with story , Time Attack, Survival game modes.
 |  º Local & Networked multiplayer.
 |  º Local & Networked highscores.                                          .
 |  º Achievements.                                                          .
 |  º Hand Painted HD Graphics.                                              :
 |                                                                           |
  ..--''""      .       :
.'   .----------`-------'------ r e l e a s e notes -------------------------.
i   i                                                                        '
|   |  1# Unzip, Unrar manually.                                             '
|   |  2# Run setup.bat, after thats done hit Aspire.exe and use the next
|   |     serial number to register the game :
|   |
|   |     First Name : VACE
|   |     Last  Name : VACE
|   |     Serial Key : 7L9L-9UB3-ADR9-3Y30
|   |
|   |  3# Have phun!
|   |
|   |  Ripped: Nothing.
|   |                                                                        .
|   |  Notes : This game requires OpenAL Drivers, if you need you can find   .
|   |          on gamefolder.                                                :
|   |                                                                        :
|   |________________________________________________________________________|
| i._               ___     ___     ___     ___           ___
| !' .-----------..:   :: .:   :: ::   :: ::   :: .:    .:   :..-------------.
|   i             ::   :: ::   :: ::   :: ::   :: ::... `:.___'              |
|   |  :::::::::  ::   :: :: --:. ::   :: ::   :: ::    _   `::  ::::::::::  :
|   |              `-  :: ::    : ::  -'  ::  -'  ::   :::   ::              '
|   |  Cheers to:     -'   `    `  `-      `-      `-   "   -'               '
|   |
|   |                           SKIDROW - TNT - ViTALiTY
|   |
|   |  And to all of our friends from over the years, we salute you! - VACE
|   `.__________________________________________________________________ _
`._____________________________________________________________________    ` .
          .'                 `                            _            "`.   `
         .                     '               .   '          '  .       `
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   |   `. . |   | | ___.                .. .....  .. .....  .. .....  .. .....
   |____| | |__.' |___    u  p          '' ::  :: '' ::  :: '' ::  :: '' ::  ::
       _|                               :: ::'''  :: ::'''  :: ::'''  :: ::'''
           b  a  b  y  ,                    _               .. .....  .. .....
                                           _\  t  i  c  k   '' ::  :: '' ::  ::
                                                            :: ::'''  :: ::'''
                                    " Weekend i Love it!! "

This NFO File was rendered by

