- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: xxx-bmom.nfo xxx-bmom
... NMMMMMMZ.. . 8MMMN: . . . .. . DMMMMMMMMMM~ .IMMMMMMMMO~ ~ZMMMMMMMMMMM~. MMMMMN: ..MMM MMM . ..MMZ ,IMMMMMMMMMD~I8DMMMMMMMM8.. MMM :MM. MMM MM= .MMMMMMN ..?MMM .MM. .MMM .. $MM. MM+. MMMM .MM .MD. :MMMMMM.. . MM: ~MMZ~ M~ . MM MO?. . .. OMMMM MM= MMMMMMM. M MM:. MMMM. ~.ZMM. +MM. . MMMMNMMM. :MMMMNM . .~~~~~:.~~~.MMM. .8MMM.~ :~ ...,NMM Z8, .II +:. MMMD .~:. .~~~~~..MMMI MM ~~~. ,.MM.~~~~. .MN OMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM. MM . :~,.$MMMM$. . :+MMMM. .MMM ~~~~~~~,.MMMMD~.:~~.M .MMMMMMMMM .MMMMMMMM INM..~ 8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. MMM :. . MMMM:MMMMMM. M8. +MMMMMMMM=.$MMMMMMMM OMO .OMMMM .. ....:ZMMM.. ..8MMMMMMMMMM . . +MMMM=M. MMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMM OMM MMMM$ .+MMMMN?~ ...8MM+ +MMMMMMMMO MMMMMMO,MMMMMMI .M+. MMMMMMMM. MMMMMN. MMMM. MM. MMMMMMMM MMMMMM+ MM MN MNDDNM. . MMDDDM,.MMO ~M,~ .. .MMM. .:~MMMMD. . M8 ~ MMMM. ~ MM MMMN. .. . . .NMMI: . ND~ . OO,,. MM~ ,MMMMM. MMM :M. . . . .MMM,., MMMMMM8 .MM .MMMD7DZ. .$MMO .+MZ7,: MM.,,$MM:.$$MZD . ., MM+. MMMMM$MMM$$Z ....DMMM DM.:MMMM MMMM.,8MMM ..~MM, DM?.. . .,~,MMM .. .... . .. :MM :~.MM= MM.~. .~~ MMN.MMMM$=.MMMMM$M$MM.. DMN~ ...,. MM. 8MM.~~~~:. ., MM, NM$ .,MMM +M= ?MM.. ..MM.:. . ?MMMMMM8. MMM:.~~~~,~. .MMM =MMMI~~~::~~~: MM. ..MM.~~~~ NMMMM.. . .MMMMM,ZM.~ MM. .IMMMMMO. ,MMMMM. ..MM:~~~~~.MM. . NMMMM ~, :=MM.. ZMMMMMMMMMM ..MM7 :..MMM. . MM.~:~~~~ MM . MMMMN. ..MMMMM7MMMM MM.,:~~..OMM. .OMMMM, OMMMD. MMMM. :MMMMM. Babysitting.Mama.USA.WII-ProCiSiON ╔═─════════════════─═╝ ╚═─═════════════════─═╗ ╚╬╝ Publisher/Developer : Majesco ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ Pre Date : 21st april 2011 ╚╬╝ ╔╝╦ Category : Simulation ╚╬╝ ╨ ╨ Info : 93 rars / xxx-bmom.r** ╨ ╨ ╚╬╝ Region : USA ╚╬╝ ╚═─══════════════─══─══════════════════─══─═══════════════╝ ╔═─══════════════════════════─═╝ INFO ╚═─═══════════════════════════─═╗ ╚╬╝ Playing along with Mama, players will have to follow instructions to ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ carry out all the duties of a diligent baby sitter, including feeding ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ your baby food, playing with toy blocks, changing nappies and helping ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ baby take its first steps. The on-screen baby meter will display baby's ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ mood and show how well it is being cared for by giggling and smiling all ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ the way down to crying. Over fifty different challenges are available ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ which can also be tackled in multiplayer mode, allowing two babysitters ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ to go head to head to see who has the best handle on caring for little ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ ones under Mama's watchful eye. ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ ╚╬╝ Link: ╚╬╝ ╚═─════════════════════════════════─══─══════════════════─══─══════════════════╝ We ROCK your boat! This NFO File was rendered by
... NMMMMMMZ.. . 8MMMN: . . . .. . DMMMMMMMMMM~ .IMMMMMMMMO~ ~ZMMMMMMMMMMM~. MMMMMN: ..MMM MMM . ..MMZ ,IMMMMMMMMMD~I8DMMMMMMMM8.. MMM :MM. MMM MM= .MMMMMMN ..?MMM .MM. .MMM .. $MM. MM+. MMMM .MM .MD. :MMMMMM.. . MM: ~MMZ~ M~ . MM MO?. . .. OMMMM MM= MMMMMMM. M MM:. MMMM. ~.ZMM. +MM. . MMMMNMMM. :MMMMNM . .~~~~~:.~~~.MMM. .8MMM.~ :~ ...,NMM Z8, .II +:. MMMD .~:. .~~~~~..MMMI MM ~~~. ,.MM.~~~~. .MN OMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM. MM . :~,.$MMMM$. . :+MMMM. .MMM ~~~~~~~,.MMMMD~.:~~.M .MMMMMMMMM .MMMMMMMM INM..~ 8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. MMM :. . MMMM:MMMMMM. M8. +MMMMMMMM=.$MMMMMMMM OMO .OMMMM .. ....:ZMMM.. ..8MMMMMMMMMM . . +MMMM=M. MMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMM OMM MMMM$ .+MMMMN?~ ...8MM+ +MMMMMMMMO MMMMMMO,MMMMMMI .M+. MMMMMMMM. MMMMMN. MMMM. MM. MMMMMMMM MMMMMM+ MM MN MNDDNM. . MMDDDM,.MMO ~M,~ .. .MMM. .:~MMMMD. . M8 ~ MMMM. ~ MM MMMN. .. . . .NMMI: . ND~ . OO,,. MM~ ,MMMMM. MMM :M. . . . .MMM,., MMMMMM8 .MM .MMMD7DZ. .$MMO .+MZ7,: MM.,,$MM:.$$MZD . ., MM+. MMMMM$MMM$$Z ....DMMM DM.:MMMM MMMM.,8MMM ..~MM, DM?.. . .,~,MMM .. .... . .. :MM :~.MM= MM.~. .~~ MMN.MMMM$=.MMMMM$M$MM.. DMN~ ...,. MM. 8MM.~~~~:. ., MM, NM$ .,MMM +M= ?MM.. ..MM.:. . ?MMMMMM8. MMM:.~~~~,~. .MMM =MMMI~~~::~~~: MM. ..MM.~~~~ NMMMM.. . .MMMMM,ZM.~ MM. .IMMMMMO. ,MMMMM. ..MM:~~~~~.MM. . NMMMM ~, :=MM.. ZMMMMMMMMMM ..MM7 :..MMM. . MM.~:~~~~ MM . MMMMN. ..MMMMM7MMMM MM.,:~~..OMM. .OMMMM, OMMMD. MMMM. :MMMMM. Babysitting.Mama.USA.WII-ProCiSiON ÉÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄͼ ÈÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍ» Èμ Publisher/Developer : Majesco Èμ Èμ Pre Date : 21st april 2011 Èμ É¼Ë Category : Simulation Èμ Ð Ð Info : 93 rars / xxx-bmom.r** Ð Ð Èμ Region : USA Èμ ÈÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ÉÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄͼ INFO ÈÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍ» Èμ Playing along with Mama, players will have to follow instructions to Èμ Èμ carry out all the duties of a diligent baby sitter, including feeding Èμ Èμ your baby food, playing with toy blocks, changing nappies and helping Èμ Èμ baby take its first steps. The on-screen baby meter will display baby's Èμ Èμ mood and show how well it is being cared for by giggling and smiling all Èμ Èμ the way down to crying. Over fifty different challenges are available Èμ Èμ which can also be tackled in multiplayer mode, allowing two babysitters Èμ Èμ to go head to head to see who has the best handle on caring for little Èμ Èμ ones under Mama's watchful eye. Èμ Èμ Èμ Èμ Link: Èμ ÈÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ We ROCK your boat! This NFO File was rendered by