- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: deviance.nfo deviance

           ▀▀▀▀▓            █████
─ ─  ─── ████▓ ───── ░░  █████ ───────── █▀███ ──────────────────[dVNiSO]──┐
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│                                                                            │
│                      Worms - Armageddon (c) Team 17                        │
│                                                                            │

│  Format.....: BIN/CUE              │  RAR Count......: 39 X 15MB           │
│  Date.......: January 29, 1999     │  Game Rating....: [**********] 10/10  │
│  Cracker....: Dajackal             │  Protection.....: SafeDisc            │
│  Requirements: W9x/NT, Pentium« 133, 16Mb RAM                              │
│                     ]  R E L E A S E    I N F O  [                         │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│  Over the past couple weeks there has been a major effort to discredit     │
│  DVNiSO. It started with the team from Class/Fairlight spreading much      │
│  propaganda about our release of Sim City 3000. Rather then rehash it all  │
│  here, I point you towards - Where one should read the Origin   │
│  NFO from yesterday. It pretty much sums up the whole situation in what is │
│  the most decisive and informative way thus far. As far as the actual      │
│  scene went, there attempt failed miserably. There dupes were nuked, and   │
│  there already tarnished reputations got worse. Our e-mail was flooded     │
│  by alot of end-users who wanted to let us know that our version was       │
│  identical to the ones they purchased from the store, and that the         │
│  rumours were false. We would like to thank them and everyone else for     │
│  there support. As always, one can count on DVNiSO for quality releases    │
│  that are 100% final and working. Unlike our rivals who survive on dupes   │
│  and one week old soccer managers that we pass on. Our goal is to deliver  │
│  games, that are actually worth downloading. Enjoy yet another quality     │
│  release from your friends in Deviance.                                    │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│  Game Info                                                                 │
│  ─────────                                                                 │
│                                                                            │
│  Worms Armageddon will see Worms as we know and love it going out with     │
│  a bang. It enhances the original award-winning gameplay with brand        │
│  new weapons, game-enhancing new features and much improved single and     │
│  multiplayer game modes. There is also a free worldwide IRC-Style network  │
│  to make playing online easier and more accessible, it is called WORMNET   │
│                                                                            │
│  Martyn Brown, development director at Team17 informs "Worms has such a    │
│  cult following that even after Worms 2, more ideas and requests for a     │
│  sequel just kept flooding in. We decided to let the original Worms        │
│  concept go all out, guns blazing with a final totally over-the-top game   │
│  incorporating everything thats been asked for and more."                  │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│                                                            Team DVNiSO     │
│                                                                            │
│                         DVNiSO News & Information                          │
│   ₧ N E W S ₧                                                              │
│ └─────────────┘                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│  We are currently in the market for hardware suppliers.  If  you work for  │
│  a company/companies in the hardware  industry and have access to  excess  │
│  hardware of any type,  you  may  just  be  the person we're looking for.  │
│  Interested? Send email  to explaining what you may  │
│  have that can be of help to the success of our team.                      │
│                                                                            │
│  We are currently  looking  for a couple of T3 MINIMUM shellboxes to help  │
│  out the team. Massive giggage not required, but helpful, of course.       │
│                                                                            │
│  We are  also in the market for several PROVEN crackers to join the team.  │
│  Resumes with references necessary of course.                              │
│                                                                            │
│  We ARE NOT accepting applications for couriers at this time.              │
│                                                                            │
│  We ARE NOT Looking for any more T3 sites unless your storage is massive.  │
│  If you feel your box fits the bill, pop in #DVNiSO on Efnet  and look up  │
│  MADDEViL  or  Butcher.  We  are  also  on  the  lookout  for individuals  │
│  connected  in  any  way  with  the distribution process of new software,  │
│  whether it be  in  software companies,  shops, tech support for software  │
│  publishing houses or hell, even if you're like us, regular software shop  │
│  junkies who pay  daily  visits   to your  local  Electronic Boutiques or  │
│  whathaveyou and want to have some good competitive fun, do not  hesitate  │
│  to contact at or jump into #dvniso and get a  hold  │
│  of  Butcher or Thor. We're definately interested in what you may have to  │
│  help contribute to the success of our team.                               │
│                                                                            │
│                                                  [T E A M   D V N i S O]   │
│                                                                            │

│                              DVNiSO MEMBERS                                │
├──────────────────────────  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  ────────────────────────────┤
│                                                                            │
│              Agnos - Airbrush - Beck - Butcher - Cueball - Cwq             │
│  DaJackal - Dezmond - Devestato - DVST8 - Eltaeb - EmmiMan - Funky Junior  │
│       Giru - Gotan - Goatass - Grymor - i - jkowall  - Luvie - Lycus       │
│  MADDEViL - Merlin - Oxidizer - Propmaster - Rasta - Spaz - The Cardinal   │
│           The Renagade Chemist - Thor - Thor-x - Watcher99 - Zip           │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │

│                           How to Contact DVNiSO                            │
│ Via E-Mail    :                                      │
│ Via the WWW   : MAYBE ONE DAY                                              │
│ Via IRC       : #DVNiSO on EFNET                                           │

│                              DVNiSO Greets                                 │
│                                                                            │
│ Personal Greets                                                            │
│ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│    MADDEViL - Thor - Butcher - Merlin - Lycus - jkowall - TRC - Thor-x     │
│  Luvie -  Grym0r - Pyromania - Watcher99 - DaJackal - Spaz - Goatass       │
│    Propmaster - Cwq - Agnos - DVST8 - EmmiMan - i - Zip - TCardinal        │
│                                Beck - Pest                                 │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│ Group Greets                                                               │
│ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀                                                               │
│                                                                            │
│   DVNpSX - Origin - Disorder - ConsoleX - Carnage - Eviliso - WLW          │
│                                                                            │
│                 DVNiSO - A member of the Deviance Family                   │

This NFO File was rendered by

           ßßßß²            ÛÛÛÛÛ
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³                                                                            ³
³                      Worms - Armageddon (c) Team 17                        ³
³                                                                            ³

³  Format.....: BIN/CUE              ³  RAR Count......: 39 X 15MB           ³
³  Date.......: January 29, 1999     ³  Game Rating....: [**********] 10/10  ³
³  Cracker....: Dajackal             ³  Protection.....: SafeDisc            ³
³  Requirements: W9x/NT, Pentium® 133, 16Mb RAM                              ³
³                     ]  R E L E A S E    I N F O  [                         ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³  Over the past couple weeks there has been a major effort to discredit     ³
³  DVNiSO. It started with the team from Class/Fairlight spreading much      ³
³  propaganda about our release of Sim City 3000. Rather then rehash it all  ³
³  here, I point you towards - Where one should read the Origin   ³
³  NFO from yesterday. It pretty much sums up the whole situation in what is ³
³  the most decisive and informative way thus far. As far as the actual      ³
³  scene went, there attempt failed miserably. There dupes were nuked, and   ³
³  there already tarnished reputations got worse. Our e-mail was flooded     ³
³  by alot of end-users who wanted to let us know that our version was       ³
³  identical to the ones they purchased from the store, and that the         ³
³  rumours were false. We would like to thank them and everyone else for     ³
³  there support. As always, one can count on DVNiSO for quality releases    ³
³  that are 100% final and working. Unlike our rivals who survive on dupes   ³
³  and one week old soccer managers that we pass on. Our goal is to deliver  ³
³  games, that are actually worth downloading. Enjoy yet another quality     ³
³  release from your friends in Deviance.                                    ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³  Game Info                                                                 ³
³  ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ                                                                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³  Worms Armageddon will see Worms as we know and love it going out with     ³
³  a bang. It enhances the original award-winning gameplay with brand        ³
³  new weapons, game-enhancing new features and much improved single and     ³
³  multiplayer game modes. There is also a free worldwide IRC-Style network  ³
³  to make playing online easier and more accessible, it is called WORMNET   ³
³                                                                            ³
³  Martyn Brown, development director at Team17 informs "Worms has such a    ³
³  cult following that even after Worms 2, more ideas and requests for a     ³
³  sequel just kept flooding in. We decided to let the original Worms        ³
³  concept go all out, guns blazing with a final totally over-the-top game   ³
³  incorporating everything thats been asked for and more."                  ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                            Team DVNiSO     ³
³                                                                            ³
³                         DVNiSO News & Information                          ³
³   ž N E W S ž                                                              ³
³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³  We are currently in the market for hardware suppliers.  If  you work for  ³
³  a company/companies in the hardware  industry and have access to  excess  ³
³  hardware of any type,  you  may  just  be  the person we're looking for.  ³
³  Interested? Send email  to explaining what you may  ³
³  have that can be of help to the success of our team.                      ³
³                                                                            ³
³  We are currently  looking  for a couple of T3 MINIMUM shellboxes to help  ³
³  out the team. Massive giggage not required, but helpful, of course.       ³
³                                                                            ³
³  We are  also in the market for several PROVEN crackers to join the team.  ³
³  Resumes with references necessary of course.                              ³
³                                                                            ³
³  We ARE NOT accepting applications for couriers at this time.              ³
³                                                                            ³
³  We ARE NOT Looking for any more T3 sites unless your storage is massive.  ³
³  If you feel your box fits the bill, pop in #DVNiSO on Efnet  and look up  ³
³  MADDEViL  or  Butcher.  We  are  also  on  the  lookout  for individuals  ³
³  connected  in  any  way  with  the distribution process of new software,  ³
³  whether it be  in  software companies,  shops, tech support for software  ³
³  publishing houses or hell, even if you're like us, regular software shop  ³
³  junkies who pay  daily  visits   to your  local  Electronic Boutiques or  ³
³  whathaveyou and want to have some good competitive fun, do not  hesitate  ³
³  to contact at or jump into #dvniso and get a  hold  ³
³  of  Butcher or Thor. We're definately interested in what you may have to  ³
³  help contribute to the success of our team.                               ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                  [T E A M   D V N i S O]   ³
³                                                                            ³

³                              DVNiSO MEMBERS                                ³
³                                                                            ³
³              Agnos - Airbrush - Beck - Butcher - Cueball - Cwq             ³
³  DaJackal - Dezmond - Devestato - DVST8 - Eltaeb - EmmiMan - Funky Junior  ³
³       Giru - Gotan - Goatass - Grymor - i - jkowall  - Luvie - Lycus       ³
³  MADDEViL - Merlin - Oxidizer - Propmaster - Rasta - Spaz - The Cardinal   ³
³           The Renagade Chemist - Thor - Thor-x - Watcher99 - Zip           ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³

³                           How to Contact DVNiSO                            ³
³ Via E-Mail    :                                      ³
³ Via the WWW   : MAYBE ONE DAY                                              ³
³ Via IRC       : #DVNiSO on EFNET                                           ³

³                              DVNiSO Greets                                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Personal Greets                                                            ³
³ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³    MADDEViL - Thor - Butcher - Merlin - Lycus - jkowall - TRC - Thor-x     ³
³  Luvie -  Grym0r - Pyromania - Watcher99 - DaJackal - Spaz - Goatass       ³
³    Propmaster - Cwq - Agnos - DVST8 - EmmiMan - i - Zip - TCardinal        ³
³                                Beck - Pest                                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Group Greets                                                               ³
³ ßßßßßßßßßßßß                                                               ³
³                                                                            ³
³   DVNpSX - Origin - Disorder - ConsoleX - Carnage - Eviliso - WLW          ³
³                                                                            ³
³                 DVNiSO - A member of the Deviance Family                   ³

This NFO File was rendered by

