- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-david_b.--live_at_atlantis-line-24-04-2011-wus.nfo 00-david_b.--live_at_atlantis-line-24-04-2011-wus

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                       p r o u d l y . p r e s e n t s . .       .
               .                       _ ___________________________:.
                                          `-------------------------'    .
   |                                                                       |
   |  David B. - Live At Atlantis-LINE-24-04                               |
  `|                                                                       |'
  .|  Rel. date .: 04.24.2011                                              |.
  .|                                                                       |.
  :|  Artist ....: David B.                                                |:
  ||  Album .....: Live At Atlantis-LINE-24-04                             ||
  ||  Genre .....: House                                                   ||
  ||                                                                       ||
  ||  Label .....: n/a                                                     ||
  ||  Catalog # .: n/a                                                     ||
  ||  Language ..: English                                                 ||
  ||                                                                       ||
  ||  Source ....: Live Session                                            ||
  ||  Size ......: 121,4 MB                                                ||
  ||                                                                       ||
  ||  n/a                                                                  ||
  : c o m m e n t s .
    '                                                                      '
    ' New session of Atlantis recorded in direct.                          .
    '                                             ________________________ |
    '                                            /                        ||
  . :__________________________________________.'_______________________ _||
                                                t  r  a  c  k  l  i  s  t  .
                                                               _  _ ___ __ .
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                                                                         . |
                                                                         ! |
  .   01.   Live_At_Atlantis-LINE-24-04-2011                     66:07     |
  .                                                                        |
  .                                                                        |
  '                                                              66:07 min |
  .                                                                        |'
  .                                                                        |.
  :                                                                        |.
  |                                                                        |:
 _|                                                                        ||
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  |       \ `::`    -'   `-  `-        -'  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''` |
  |        \  `.                                                            |
  |         \     ATM, ATR, dB, diss, EViGHET, i, impg, LOGOS, MiP, MS,     |
  |          \    MS_JAZZ, nWoMP3, OTAKU, PoS, SYN, WOS, WLWMP3 & all of    |
  |           \   our friends and supporters.                               |
  |            \____________________________________________________________|
  |             -------------------------------------------------------------
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                                       S! |"""|  |||

RLS-Crc: B

This NFO File was rendered by

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                       p r o u d l y . p r e s e n t s . .       .
               .                       _ ___________________________:.
                                          `-------------------------'    .
   |                                                                       |
   |  David B. - Live At Atlantis-LINE-24-04                               |
  `|                                                                       |'
  .|  Rel. date .: 04.24.2011                                              |.
  .|                                                                       |.
  :|  Artist ....: David B.                                                |:
  ||  Album .....: Live At Atlantis-LINE-24-04                             ||
  ||  Genre .....: House                                                   ||
  ||                                                                       ||
  ||  Label .....: n/a                                                     ||
  ||  Catalog # .: n/a                                                     ||
  ||  Language ..: English                                                 ||
  ||                                                                       ||
  ||  Source ....: Live Session                                            ||
  ||  Size ......: 121,4 MB                                                ||
  ||                                                                       ||
  ||  n/a                                                                  ||
  : c o m m e n t s .
    '                                                                      '
    ' New session of Atlantis recorded in direct.                          .
    '                                             ________________________ |
    '                                            /                        ||
  . :__________________________________________.'_______________________ _||
                                                t  r  a  c  k  l  i  s  t  .
                                                               _  _ ___ __ .
                                                                       ` | i
                                                                        _| l
                                                                         . |
                                                                         ! |
  .   01.   Live_At_Atlantis-LINE-24-04-2011                     66:07     |
  .                                                                        |
  .                                                                        |
  '                                                              66:07 min |
  .                                                                        |'
  .                                                                        |.
  :                                                                        |.
  |                                                                        |:
 _|                                                                        ||
 \|                                                                        ||
  \                                                                        ||
  |\                                                                       ||
  | \._____________________________________________________________________||
  _____ .______ _  __. __ __  __ ._   ______________________________________'
  |      \`"      |__||  |__||__||__.|___  ............................... '|
  |       \ `::`    -'   `-  `-        -'  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''` |
  |        \  `.                                                            |
  |         \     ATM, ATR, dB, diss, EViGHET, i, impg, LOGOS, MiP, MS,     |
  |          \    MS_JAZZ, nWoMP3, OTAKU, PoS, SYN, WOS, WLWMP3 & all of    |
  |           \   our friends and supporters.                               |
  |            \____________________________________________________________|
  |             -------------------------------------------------------------
  |             """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""|
     ________     \   _                                 " """|      _______
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   "``^^^^^^^^^^^^^''"        `- |__||__|'""""      -'     "``^^^^^^^^^^^^^''"
                                       S! |"""|  |||

RLS-Crc: B

This NFO File was rendered by

