- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-ingenting-ingenting-no-1991-klv.nfo 00-ingenting-ingenting-no-1991-klv

  . ...                                                              ... .
      :                                                              :
 . .. :...    .                                              .    ...: .. .
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      ..   :        _\|/_      K     L     V       _\|/_        :   ..
           :                                                         :
      .....:  - -- -----------P-R-E-S-E-N-T-S------------ -- -  :.....
      :                                                              :
    ..:                                                              :..
 . .:                                                                  :. .

                      artist  : Ingenting
                      album   : Ingenting
                      year    : 1991

                   genre   : Rock
                   label   : Sonet
                   cat#    : SCD 15050

                      source  : CDDA
                      encoder : LAME 3.98.4 -V0
                      quality : VBR/44,1/Joint

                   size    : 103,1 MB


          01.  Det E Ikkje Lett                        03:55
          02.  Gje Faen I Det                          04:31
          03.  Pass Pσ Sσ Du Ikkje D°r                 03:05
          04.  Meg ┼ Deg                               03:19
          05.  Ser Show Idet                           02:42
          06.  Elgen                                   04:02
          07.  Gidde Ikkje                             03:30
          08.  Gammal Mann                             03:56
          09.  R°ygen Min                              03:08
          10.  Deg Eg Vil Ha                           04:00
          11.  Eg E Lei                                03:40
          12.  Sangen Uden Refreng                     03:41
          13.  De Galne Her                            04:12
          14.  Sσnn E Det                              06:29
          15.  Dagen Derpσ                             04:05

   .       ... .                                            . ...       .
           :                                                    :
      .....:  - -- -------------------------------------- -- -  :.....
      :               .                              .               :
    ..:  .          _\|/_ _N_ OTES  -N-  GREET _S_ _\|/_          .  :..
 . .:                                                                  :. .
              - -- -------------------------------------- -- -

          Debut album by the norwegian rockers who quickly
          gathered a big following. Their first albums were
          rough and featured a lot of lyrics about drinking.

          This is probably my alltime favorite album. \m/

          KLV is the foreign music division of KALEVALA

          want us on your secure, non-rented,
          site full of nice ppl and no dickheads?
          try to get a hold of us on irc...

          greets fly out to everyone we met over the years and
          many good grps like:

          BERC - GREiD - hUSHhUSH - mwnd - soup - SHELTER - FNT
            rH - GRW - DEF - BCC - DPS - AEROHOLiCS - SiNNERS
              SAiNTS - Razor1911 - gEm - ss - FiCO - WAGNER
                 BLooDWeiSeR - UKi - FFNDVD - NGP - aAF

        .  ... .. .     _ __  __ _        _ __  __ _     . .. ...  .
           :              _//\\____ _/\_ ____//\\_              :
      .....:  - -- -------\/--\--_((_oX_))_--/--\/------- -- -  :.....
      :      .... .. .         \/   _\/_   \/         . .. ....      :
    ..:  ....:             aBHO  _ __\/__ _   -T!             :....  :..
 . .: ...:    .                     _/\_                     .    :... :. .
      :                                                              :
  . ..:                                                              :.. .

This NFO File was rendered by

  . ...                                                              ... .
      :                                                              :
 . .. :...    .                                              .    ...: .. .
    :..  :....                       \  /                     ....:  ..:
      :      :                   _ __ __ __ _                 :      :
      :..... :. .       _ __ _      //  \\      _ __   _   . .: .....:
           :      ______/_\     ___ / oO \ ____    /___/____    :
        .  : ____/     /      _/   \\\__///   /      _/  __/___ :  .
           :/   /  ___/      /  ._  \\__//   /_     /         / :
          _/   /   \________/   |/   \ _/   //_____/_  ____._/__:_
      ..  \    \          /   __/     \\   /        /  \   |     /  ..
     ....  \    \        /    \   _    \\          /    \__|    /  ....
           :\____\       \     \  /     /         /            /:
           :...                                              ...:
      ..  _  _:_  _   _.      _____        ____   ____   _  _:_  _  ..
          \  \:/  / _/ |    _/     \      /   / _/    \_ \  \:/  /
      :: .. . :    /   |   /   ._   \    /   /_/  ._    \    : . .. ::
    ..::.: ...:  _/    | _/    |/    \ _/   //____|/     \_  :... :.::..
    : ::   :    /      |/    __/      \\   /    __/        \    :   :: :
  ..: .. _ :   /             \   _     \\       \   _       \   : _ .. :..
      .. \ :   \              \  /      /        \  /       /   : / ..
          \:   /_______________\/_______\_________\/________\   :/
  <========\  /==============================================\==/========>
     ....  :\/        .                              .        \/:  ....
      ..   :        _\|/_      K     L     V       _\|/_        :   ..
           :                                                         :
      .....:  - -- -----------P-R-E-S-E-N-T-S------------ -- -  :.....
      :                                                              :
    ..:                                                              :..
 . .:                                                                  :. .

                      artist  : Ingenting
                      album   : Ingenting
                      year    : 1991

                   genre   : Rock
                   label   : Sonet
                   cat#    : SCD 15050

                      source  : CDDA
                      encoder : LAME 3.98.4 -V0
                      quality : VBR/44,1/Joint

                   size    : 103,1 MB


          01.  Det E Ikkje Lett                        03:55
          02.  Gje Faen I Det                          04:31
          03.  Pass På Så Du Ikkje Dør                 03:05
          04.  Meg Å Deg                               03:19
          05.  Ser Show Idet                           02:42
          06.  Elgen                                   04:02
          07.  Gidde Ikkje                             03:30
          08.  Gammal Mann                             03:56
          09.  Røygen Min                              03:08
          10.  Deg Eg Vil Ha                           04:00
          11.  Eg E Lei                                03:40
          12.  Sangen Uden Refreng                     03:41
          13.  De Galne Her                            04:12
          14.  Sånn E Det                              06:29
          15.  Dagen Derpå                             04:05

   .       ... .                                            . ...       .
           :                                                    :
      .....:  - -- -------------------------------------- -- -  :.....
      :               .                              .               :
    ..:  .          _\|/_ _N_ OTES  -N-  GREET _S_ _\|/_          .  :..
 . .:                                                                  :. .
              - -- -------------------------------------- -- -

          Debut album by the norwegian rockers who quickly
          gathered a big following. Their first albums were
          rough and featured a lot of lyrics about drinking.

          This is probably my alltime favorite album. \m/

          KLV is the foreign music division of KALEVALA

          want us on your secure, non-rented,
          site full of nice ppl and no dickheads?
          try to get a hold of us on irc...

          greets fly out to everyone we met over the years and
          many good grps like:

          BERC - GREiD - hUSHhUSH - mwnd - soup - SHELTER - FNT
            rH - GRW - DEF - BCC - DPS - AEROHOLiCS - SiNNERS
              SAiNTS - Razor1911 - gEm - ss - FiCO - WAGNER
                 BLooDWeiSeR - UKi - FFNDVD - NGP - aAF

        .  ... .. .     _ __  __ _        _ __  __ _     . .. ...  .
           :              _//\\____ _/\_ ____//\\_              :
      .....:  - -- -------\/--\--_((_oX_))_--/--\/------- -- -  :.....
      :      .... .. .         \/   _\/_   \/         . .. ....      :
    ..:  ....:             aBHO  _ __\/__ _   -T!             :....  :..
 . .: ...:    .                     _/\_                     .    :... :. .
      :                                                              :
  . ..:                                                              :.. .

This NFO File was rendered by

