- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-darkstar-north-2010-debt.nfo 00-darkstar-north-2010-debt

                           ◄██░                                   ◄██░
                           ◄███░                    ◄██░███████   ◄██░ ◄███░▓
                          ◄███████░                 ◄██░▀▀▀▀◄██████████████░▓
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                   █  ░▄ ▄ ▀░██▀▀▀░▓███░██░▀     ▐░▌ ▄▓▄ ▀░██░███▓░ ▀▀██░▀▄▄ ▄░  █
                   █  ░░ ░  ▀░░░▀▀▓███░▀ ▄█▓▀    ▐░▌    ▀▓█▄ ▀░███▓▀▀░░░▀  ░ ░░  █    ▀
                ▄  █▀▀███████╔════════════════════█═══════════════════╗████████▀▀█░  ▄▓▄
              ▄▄░▀████████▄▄▄║D e B T  i s  S l a V 3 r Y  S T u P i D║░▄▄▄████████▀░ ▀
              ░▓█████▓░░░ ░  ╚═════╗                         ╔════════╝▀ ░ ░░░▓█████▓░
         ▄▄███░▓████▓░░▀▀ ▀        ║DuBi0uSlY EnDoWs YoU WiTh║           ▀ ▀▀░░▓████▓░███▄▄
  ▐░ ▀▓████║                       Darkstar-North-2010-DeBT_iNT                         ║████▓▀ ░▌
   ▀  ░████╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝████░  ▀
      ▀  ▀▀█████▀░████    ▄                                              ▄  ░▓████░▀ ████▀▀  ▀
               ▄ ░░▓████▀▀░                                              ░▀▀████▓░░ ▄   ▄
             ▄▄▀▀███████████▀▀▀                                      ▀▀████████████▀▀   ░
            ▄░▓███████▄▄▄░   ARTiST.... Darkstar                           ░▄▄▄███████▓░▀
            ░▓█████▄░░ ▄ ▀   TiTLE..... North                                     █████▓░
            ▀░████▓░░▀ ░  ▀  LABEL..... Hyperdub                          ▀  ░ ▀░░▓████░▀
             ░▓███▓▓░  ▀ ▄▓▄ GENRE..... Synthpop                         ▄▓▄ ▀  ░▓▓███▓░
             ▀▀░███▓░▄▄░     RiP.DATE.. 2011-05-02                           ░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
               ▀ ▄███▀░░     STOREDATE. 2010-11-02                           ░░▀███▄ ▀
                  ░░▄▄██▀▀▀  SOURCE.... CD                                ▀▀▀██▄▄░░
                  ░░▄▄██▀▀▀  QUALiTY... 237 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo ▀▀▀██▄▄░░
               ▄ ▄███▀░░     TRACKS.... 10  / 39:35                          ░░▀███▄ ▄
             ▄▄░███▓░▄ ░     SIZE...... 70.85    MB                          ░ ▄░▓███░▄▄
             ░▓███▓▓░  ▄ ▄▓▄ RIPPER.... EAC Secure with LAME 3.98.4      ▄▓▄ ▄  ░▓▓███▓░
            ▄░████▓░░▄ ░  ▀  URL.......                                         ░▓████░▄
            ░▓█████▄░░   ▄                                                 ▄   ░░▄█████▓░
            ▄░▓███████▄▄▄░                                                 ░▄▄▄███████▓░▀
            ░▀▀ ▀▀████████████▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄████████████▀▀▀▀
            ▀   ▄ ░░▓█▀       ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀    ▀▀████▓░░ ▄
                 ▄░███ NR. TRACKNAME                                  TiME     ████░▄
              ▄  ░████                                                          ████░  ▄
              ░ ▄▓████ 1   In the Wings                                2:52     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 2   Gold                                        4:20     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 3   Deadness                                    4:39     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 4   Aidy's Girl Is a Computer                   5:11     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 5   Under One Roof                              4:31     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 6   Two Chords                                  3:58     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 7   North                                       3:53     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 8   Ostkruez                                    2:30     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 9   Dear Heartbeat                              3:43     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ 10  When It's Gone                              3:58     ████▓▄ ░
              ░ ▄▓████ ---------------------------------------------------------████▓▄ ░
              ▀▄░████▓                                                          ████░▄▀
               ░▓████▓▄                                   TOTAL TiME: 39:35 MIN  ████▓░
               ░▓███████▄                                 TOTAL SIZE: 70.85  MB▄█████▓░
               ▀░▀████████▄                                                  ▄█████▀░▀▀
             ▄▓▄▀ ░█▀▀█████████████▄▄ ▄    ▄             ▄    ▄ ▄▄█████████████▀▀█  ▀
              ▀   ▀█  ░░▀░  ▄░░░▀▀▓███░▄ ▄█▓▀           ▀▓█▄ ▄░███▓▀▀░░░   ░ ░░  █
                   █  ░▀ ▀▄▄░██▀▀▄░▓███░██░▀             ▀░██░███▓░▄▀▀██░  ▀ ▀░  █
                   ▓  ░   ▄░██░▄▄░░▓███▓██▓░      ▄      ░▓██▓███▓░░▄▄░██░    ░  ▓
                   ░  ▀   ░▓██▓░░░▓████░░▀██▄▄▄▄▄█▓█▄▄▄▄▄██▀░░████▓░░░▓██▓░░  ▀  ░
                   ▀      ▀░██████████░▀▀  ▄▓███░▒▓▒░███▓▄  ▀▀ ██████████░▀▀     ▀
                   ░       ▀░▓█████▀▀░▀  ▄███▀░▀██▒██▀░▀███▄    ▀▀█████▓░        ░
                   ▀        ▀▀▓   ░  ▀  ░███▓░▀  █▒█  ▀░▓███░         ▓▀▀        ▀
                              ░   ░     ▀░▀██▀   █░█   ▀██▀░▀     ▄   ░
                              ░   ▀      ░▀██▄   ▐░▌   ▄██▀░▄     ░   ░
                   ▄        ▄▄▓      ▄  ░███▓░▄  ▐█▌  ▄░▓███░  ▄  ░   ▓▄▄        ▄
                   ░       ▄░▓█████▀▀░  ▀▄███▀░▄▄█▓█▄▄░▀███▄▀  ░▀▀█████▓░▄       ░
                   ▀     ▄▄░██████████ ▄▄  ▄▓███░▒▓▒░███▓▄    ░██████████░▄      ▀
                   ░  ▄  ░░▓██▓░░░▓████░░▀██▄▄▄▀██▒██▀▄▄▄██▀░░████▓░░░▓██▓░   ▄  ░
                   ▓  ░  ▀▀░██░▀▀░░▓███▓██▓░     █▒█  ▀  ░▓██▓███▓░░▀▀░██░▀   ░  ▓
                   █  ░▄ ▄ ▀░██▀▀▀░▓███░██░▀     ▐░▌ ▄▓▄ ▀░██░███▓░▀▀▀██░▀▄▄ ▄░  █
                   █  ░░ ░  ▀░░░▀▀▓███░▀ ▄█▓▀    ▐░▌  ▀ ▀▓█▄ ▀░███▓▀▀░░░▀  ░ ░░  █▄   ▄
                ▄  █▀▀█████████████▄▄ ▀    ▀      ▀      ▀    ▀ ▄▄█████████████▀▀█░ ▄▄▓▄
              ░▓█████▓░╟─────────────────────────────────────◄RELEASE NOTES►╢░▓█████▓░
              ░▓████▓░░║                                                    ║░░▓████▓░
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ North is a synth-pop album, and not synth-pop      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ like general concept but synth-pop like            ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ historical formality. It's faithful to OMD,        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Kraftwerk, and a lot of other technocratic         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ future-music made mostly in England and Western    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Europe during the 1970s and 80s. Here, Darkstar's  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ beauty is the cold kind. They walk the empty       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ streets in military rhythms and luxuriate in       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ solitude. They cover the Human League.             ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ This development will surprise anyone who          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ followed the singles Darkstar released between     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ 2007 and 2009, when they were another dubstep      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ production group trying hard to develop a          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ signature sound in the context of a genre that     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ changes every month. By last October's "Aidy's     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Girl's a Computer" (included here), they'd         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ arrived at something refined, melancholy, and      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ lighter than most of the other singles on          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Hyperdub, a label responsible for some of          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ dubstep's most rigorous and forward-thinking       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ downers (Burial, King Midas Sound, Kode9, etc.).   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ "Aidy's" has a simple backdrop: A skipping drum    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ loop borrowed from British two-step, a             ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ synthesized glockenspiel or xylophone repeating a  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ subtle, shifting pattern, and some minimal,        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ surface-level synth-bass. The innovation was in    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ the song's narrators: A series of buzzing synth    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ lines that flicker in and out like their           ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ connection to the rest of the song doesn't quite   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ work, and a heavily processed vocal that cuts      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ itself off halfway into each word it tries to      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ say. The track's conceptual elegance was that it   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ invoked the same kind of existential anxieties     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ synth-pop was basically built to-- like how to     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ exist as a human being in a computer world-- in    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ ways that sounded contemporary and eerie, which    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ is part of what makes North a little               ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ disappointing: In a way, Darkstar were already on  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ their way to making a record that would've made    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ North feel obsolete.                               ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ For most of North, James Young and Aiden Whalley,  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Darkstar's principals, worked with a more          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ traditionally human-sounding vocalist, James       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Buttery. There's a little vocal surgery, a little  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ rearranging, but Buttery would never pass for a    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ computer, and that's obviously by design-- in      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ this setting, he's the stunted soul just trying    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ to salvage a little humanity in the                ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ post-industrial darkness. His environment--        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ tapestries of two-dimensional synthesizers         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ humming in minor keys, drum machines chirping and  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ clicking away in mid tempos-- is more familiar     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ than "Aidy's". It's beautiful, too, and barely     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ budges.                                            ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Obviously there's no fault in returning to         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ synth-pop templates or ideas in the 00s-- the      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Junior Boys have done it well, and the Knife have  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ done it even better. But the problem with this     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ music is that the longer it's left out to blend    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ into the general culture, the harder bands have    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ to work to keep it sounding inventive. I've been   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ this kind of sad before, so when I hear it now--   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ on an album like North-- it's almost as nostalgia  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ for a certain familiar feeling than the feeling    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ itself.                                            ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ North is definitely Hyperdub's most pop-friendly   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ release, but it's also one of its most             ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ conservative-- not a bad thing, just an            ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ interesting one given the importance label         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ integrity plays in the electronic dance music      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ world. And while North doesn't compromise that     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ integrity, it's the first time that a label so     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ concerned with the future ended up with a record   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║ so committed to the past.                          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ░ ▀▓████▀ ║                                                    ║▄░████▓▀ ░
             ▀  ░████▓▄║                                                    ║░▓████░  ▀
               ▄ ░░▓███╠════════════════════════════════════════════◄QUOTES►╢╣███▓░░ ▄   ▄
           ░▄▄ ▀▀██████║                                                    ║██████▀▀ ▄▄░
           ▀░▓███████▄▄║ A poet once said, "The whole universe is in a      ║▄▄███████▓░▀
           ▀░▓███████▄▄║ glass of wine." We will probably never know in     ║▄▄███████▓░▀
           ▀░▓███████▄▄║ what sense he meant that, for poets do not write   ║▄▄███████▓░▀
           ▀░▓███████▄▄║ to be understood. But it is true that if we look   ║▄▄███████▓░▀
           ▀░▓███████▄▄║ at a glass of wine closely enough we see the       ║▄▄███████▓░▀
           ▀░▓███████▄▄║ entire universe.                                   ║▄▄███████▓░▀
           ▀░▓███████▄▄║                                                    ║▄▄███████▓░▀
           ▀░▓███████▄▄║ -- Richard Feynman                                 ║▄▄███████▓░▀
           ░▓█████▄░░ ▄║                                                    ║▄ ░░▄█████▓░
           ░▄▄ ▀▀██████╟◄──────────────────────────────────────────────────►╢██████▀▀ ▄▄░
             ▄▄▀▀██████╟────────────────────────────────────────◄GROUP NEWS►╢██████▀▀ ▄▄░
            ▄░▓███████▄║          DeBT is in need of SECURE affils          ║▄▄███████▓░▀
            ░▓█████▄░░ ║                                                    ║▄ ░░▄█████▓░
             ░████▓░░▀ ║        pre-release suppliers, bookware             ║░ ▀░░▓████░▀
             ░▓███▓▓░  ║                                                    ║▄  ░▓▓███▓░
             ▀▀░███▓░▄▄║      suppliers, iNT rippers, shell accounts,       ║░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
               ▀ ▄███▀░║                                                    ║░░▀███▄ ▀
                  ░░▄▄█║        coders, crackers and anything else          ║██▄▄░░
              ▄▄░▀█████║                                                    ║██████▀░▄▀
              ░▓█████▓░║            that may be of use to us.               ║░▓█████▓░
              ░▓████▓░░║                                                    ║░░▓████▓░
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ░ ▀▓████▀ ║                                                    ║▄░████▓▀ ░
             ▀  ░████▓▄║           DeBT is dedicated to bringing            ║░▓████░  ▀
                ▀░████▓║                                                    ║▓████░▀
               ▄ ░░▓███║   you the best of the old, new and forgotten in a  ║███▓░░ ▄   ▄
             ▄▄▀▀██████║                                                    ║██████▀▀ ▄▄░
            ▄░▓███████▄║   variety of sections.  If you think you have      ║▄▄███████▓░▀
            ░▓█████▄░░ ║                                                    ║▄ ░░▄█████▓░
             ░████▓░░▀ ║     what it takes don't hesitate to contact us.    ║░ ▀░░▓████░▀
             ░▓███▓▓░  ║                                                    ║▄  ░▓▓███▓░
             ▀▀░███▓░▄▄║          Keep it scene. Keep it safe.              ║░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
               ▀ ▄███▀░║                                                    ║░░▀███▄ ▀
                  ░░▄▄█║                                                    ║██▄▄░░
              ▄▄░▀█████║              C O N T A C T  D e B T                ║██████▀░▄▀
              ░▓█████▓░║            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ║░▓█████▓░
              ░▓████▓░░║                                                    ║░░▓████▓░
             ▄▀░████▓░▀║             ║▀░▓████░▀▄
             ░ ▀▓████▀ ║                                                    ║▄░████▓▀ ░
             ▀  ░████▓▄║                                                    ║░▓████░  ▀
               ▄ ░░▓███╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝███▓░░ ▄   ▄
             ▄▄▀▀████████████▀▀▄▄                                  ▄▄▀▀████████████▀▀ ▄▄░
            ▄░▓███████▄▄███████▓░▄                                ▄░▓███████▄▄▄███████▓░▀
            ░▓█████▄░░  ░░▄█████▓░                                ░▓█████▄░░ ▄ ░░▄█████▓░
             ░████▓░░▀  ▀░░▓████░                                  ░████▓░░▀ ░ ▀░░▓████░▀
             ░▓███▓▓░    ░▓▓███▓░                                  ░▓███▓▓░  ▄  ░▓▓███▓░
             ▀▀░███▓░▄▄▄▄░▓███░▀▀                                  ▀▀░███▓░▄▄░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
               ▀ ▄███▀░░▀███▄ ▀                                      ▀ ▄███▀░░░▀███▄ ▀
                  ░░▄▄██▄▄░░                                            ░░▄▄███▄▄░░

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  Þ° ß²ÛÛÛÛº                       Darkstar-North-2010-DeBT_iNT                         ºÛÛÛÛ²ß °Ý
      ß  ßßÛÛÛÛÛß°ÛÛÛÛ    Ü                                              Ü  °²ÛÛÛÛ°ß ÛÛÛÛßß  ß
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            Ü°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ°   ARTiST.... Darkstar                           °ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
            °²ÛÛÛÛÛÜ°° Ü ß   TiTLE..... North                                     ÛÛÛÛÛ²°
            ß°ÛÛÛÛ²°°ß °  ß  LABEL..... Hyperdub                          ß  ° ß°°²ÛÛÛÛ°ß
             °²ÛÛÛ²²°  ß Ü²Ü GENRE..... Synthpop                         Ü²Ü ß  °²²ÛÛÛ²°
             ßß°ÛÛÛ²°ÜÜ°     RiP.DATE.. 2011-05-02                           °ÜÜ°²ÛÛÛ°ßß
               ß ÜÛÛÛß°°     STOREDATE. 2010-11-02                           °°ßÛÛÛÜ ß
                  °°ÜÜÛÛßßß  SOURCE.... CD                                ßßßÛÛÜÜ°°
                  °°ÜÜÛÛßßß  QUALiTY... 237 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo ßßßÛÛÜÜ°°
               Ü ÜÛÛÛß°°     TRACKS.... 10  / 39:35                          °°ßÛÛÛÜ Ü
             ÜÜ°ÛÛÛ²°Ü °     SIZE...... 70.85    MB                          ° Ü°²ÛÛÛ°ÜÜ
             °²ÛÛÛ²²°  Ü Ü²Ü RIPPER.... EAC Secure with LAME 3.98.4      Ü²Ü Ü  °²²ÛÛÛ²°
            Ü°ÛÛÛÛ²°°Ü °  ß  URL.......                                         °²ÛÛÛÛ°Ü
            °²ÛÛÛÛÛÜ°°   Ü                                                 Ü   °°ÜÛÛÛÛÛ²°
            Ü°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ°                                                 °ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
            °ßß ßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜßßÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßßß
            ß   Ü °°²Ûß       ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß    ßßÛÛÛÛ²°° Ü
                 Ü°ÛÛÛ NR. TRACKNAME                                  TiME     ÛÛÛÛ°Ü
              Ü  °ÛÛÛÛ                                                          ÛÛÛÛ°  Ü
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 1   In the Wings                                2:52     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 2   Gold                                        4:20     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 3   Deadness                                    4:39     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 4   Aidy's Girl Is a Computer                   5:11     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 5   Under One Roof                              4:31     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 6   Two Chords                                  3:58     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 7   North                                       3:53     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 8   Ostkruez                                    2:30     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 9   Dear Heartbeat                              3:43     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 10  When It's Gone                              3:58     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ° ܲÛÛÛÛ ---------------------------------------------------------ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
              ßÜ°ÛÛÛÛ²                                                          ÛÛÛÛ°Üß
               °²ÛÛÛÛ²Ü                                   TOTAL TiME: 39:35 MIN  ÛÛÛÛ²°
               °²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ                                 TOTAL SIZE: 70.85  MBÜÛÛÛÛÛ²°
               ß°ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ                                                  ÜÛÛÛÛÛß°ßß
             ܲÜß °ÛßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ Ü    Ü             Ü    Ü ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßÛ  ß
              ß   ßÛ  °°ß°  Ü°°°ßß²ÛÛÛ°Ü ÜÛ²ß           ß²ÛÜ Ü°ÛÛÛ²ßß°°°   ° °°  Û
                   Û  °ß ßÜÜ°ÛÛßßÜ°²ÛÛÛ°ÛÛ°ß             ß°ÛÛ°ÛÛÛ²°ÜßßÛÛ°  ß ß°  Û
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                   ß      ß°ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°ßß  ܲÛÛÛ°±²±°ÛÛÛ²Ü  ßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°ßß     ß
                   °       ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛßß°ß  ÜÛÛÛß°ßÛÛ±ÛÛß°ßÛÛÛÜ    ßßÛÛÛÛÛ²°        °
                   ß        ßß²   °  ß  °ÛÛÛ²°ß  Û±Û  ß°²ÛÛÛ°         ²ßß        ß
                              °   °     ß°ßÛÛß   Û°Û   ßÛÛß°ß     Ü   °
                              °   ß      °ßÛÛÜ   Þ°Ý   ÜÛÛß°Ü     °   °
                   Ü        Üܲ      Ü  °ÛÛÛ²°Ü  ÞÛÝ  Ü°²ÛÛÛ°  Ü  °   ²ÜÜ        Ü
                   °       Ü°²ÛÛÛÛÛßß°  ßÜÛÛÛß°ÜÜÛ²ÛÜÜ°ßÛÛÛÜß  °ßßÛÛÛÛÛ²°Ü       °
                   ß     ÜÜ°ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÜ  ܲÛÛÛ°±²±°ÛÛÛ²Ü    °ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°Ü      ß
                   °  Ü  °°²ÛÛ²°°°²ÛÛÛÛ°°ßÛÛÜÜÜßÛÛ±ÛÛßÜÜÜÛÛß°°ÛÛÛÛ²°°°²ÛÛ²°   Ü  °
                   ²  °  ßß°ÛÛ°ßß°°²ÛÛÛ²ÛÛ²°     Û±Û  ß  °²ÛÛ²ÛÛÛ²°°ßß°ÛÛ°ß   °  ²
                   Û  °Ü Ü ß°ÛÛßßß°²ÛÛÛ°ÛÛ°ß     Þ°Ý Ü²Ü ß°ÛÛ°ÛÛÛ²°ßßßÛÛ°ßÜÜ Ü°  Û
                   Û  °° °  ß°°°ßß²ÛÛÛ°ß ÜÛ²ß    Þ°Ý  ß ß²ÛÜ ß°ÛÛÛ²ßß°°°ß  ° °°  ÛÜ   Ü
                Ü  ÛßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ß    ß      ß      ß    ß ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßÛ° ÜܲÜ
              °²ÛÛÛÛ²°°º                                                    º°°²ÛÛÛÛ²°
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº North is a synth-pop album, and not synth-pop      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº like general concept but synth-pop like            ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº historical formality. It's faithful to OMD,        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Kraftwerk, and a lot of other technocratic         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº future-music made mostly in England and Western    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Europe during the 1970s and 80s. Here, Darkstar's  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº beauty is the cold kind. They walk the empty       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº streets in military rhythms and luxuriate in       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº solitude. They cover the Human League.             ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº This development will surprise anyone who          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº followed the singles Darkstar released between     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº 2007 and 2009, when they were another dubstep      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº production group trying hard to develop a          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº signature sound in the context of a genre that     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº changes every month. By last October's "Aidy's     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Girl's a Computer" (included here), they'd         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº arrived at something refined, melancholy, and      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº lighter than most of the other singles on          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Hyperdub, a label responsible for some of          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº dubstep's most rigorous and forward-thinking       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº downers (Burial, King Midas Sound, Kode9, etc.).   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº "Aidy's" has a simple backdrop: A skipping drum    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº loop borrowed from British two-step, a             ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº synthesized glockenspiel or xylophone repeating a  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº subtle, shifting pattern, and some minimal,        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº surface-level synth-bass. The innovation was in    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº the song's narrators: A series of buzzing synth    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº lines that flicker in and out like their           ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº connection to the rest of the song doesn't quite   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº work, and a heavily processed vocal that cuts      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº itself off halfway into each word it tries to      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº say. The track's conceptual elegance was that it   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº invoked the same kind of existential anxieties     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº synth-pop was basically built to-- like how to     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº exist as a human being in a computer world-- in    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº ways that sounded contemporary and eerie, which    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº is part of what makes North a little               ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº disappointing: In a way, Darkstar were already on  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº their way to making a record that would've made    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº North feel obsolete.                               ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº For most of North, James Young and Aiden Whalley,  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Darkstar's principals, worked with a more          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº traditionally human-sounding vocalist, James       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Buttery. There's a little vocal surgery, a little  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº rearranging, but Buttery would never pass for a    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº computer, and that's obviously by design-- in      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº this setting, he's the stunted soul just trying    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº to salvage a little humanity in the                ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº post-industrial darkness. His environment--        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº tapestries of two-dimensional synthesizers         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº humming in minor keys, drum machines chirping and  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº clicking away in mid tempos-- is more familiar     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº than "Aidy's". It's beautiful, too, and barely     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº budges.                                            ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Obviously there's no fault in returning to         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº synth-pop templates or ideas in the 00s-- the      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Junior Boys have done it well, and the Knife have  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº done it even better. But the problem with this     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº music is that the longer it's left out to blend    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº into the general culture, the harder bands have    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº to work to keep it sounding inventive. I've been   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº this kind of sad before, so when I hear it now--   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº on an album like North-- it's almost as nostalgia  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº for a certain familiar feeling than the feeling    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº itself.                                            ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº North is definitely Hyperdub's most pop-friendly   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº release, but it's also one of its most             ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº conservative-- not a bad thing, just an            ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº interesting one given the importance label         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº integrity plays in the electronic dance music      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº world. And while North doesn't compromise that     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº integrity, it's the first time that a label so     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº concerned with the future ended up with a record   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº so committed to the past.                          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             ° ß²ÛÛÛÛß º                                                    ºÜ°ÛÛÛÛ²ß °
             ß  °ÛÛÛ۲ܺ                                                    º°²ÛÛÛÛ°  ß
           °ÜÜ ßßÛÛÛÛÛÛº                                                    ºÛÛÛÛÛÛßß ÜÜ°
           ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ A poet once said, "The whole universe is in a      ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
           ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ glass of wine." We will probably never know in     ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
           ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ what sense he meant that, for poets do not write   ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
           ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ to be understood. But it is true that if we look   ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
           ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ at a glass of wine closely enough we see the       ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
           ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ entire universe.                                   ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
           ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ                                                    ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
           ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ -- Richard Feynman                                 ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
           °²ÛÛÛÛÛÜ°° ܺ                                                    ºÜ °°ÜÛÛÛÛÛ²°
            Ü°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛܺ          DeBT is in need of SECURE affils          ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
            °²ÛÛÛÛÛÜ°° º                                                    ºÜ °°ÜÛÛÛÛÛ²°
             °ÛÛÛÛ²°°ß º        pre-release suppliers, bookware             º° ß°°²ÛÛÛÛ°ß
             °²ÛÛÛ²²°  º                                                    ºÜ  °²²ÛÛÛ²°
             ßß°ÛÛÛ²°Üܺ      suppliers, iNT rippers, shell accounts,       º°ÜÜ°²ÛÛÛ°ßß
               ß ÜÛÛÛß°º                                                    º°°ßÛÛÛÜ ß
                  °°ÜÜÛº        coders, crackers and anything else          ºÛÛÜÜ°°
              ÜÜ°ßÛÛÛÛÛº                                                    ºÛÛÛÛÛÛß°Üß
              °²ÛÛÛÛÛ²°º            that may be of use to us.               º°²ÛÛÛÛÛ²°
              °²ÛÛÛÛ²°°º                                                    º°°²ÛÛÛÛ²°
             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
             ° ß²ÛÛÛÛß º                                                    ºÜ°ÛÛÛÛ²ß °
             ß  °ÛÛÛ۲ܺ           DeBT is dedicated to bringing            º°²ÛÛÛÛ°  ß
                ß°ÛÛÛÛ²º                                                    º²ÛÛÛÛ°ß
               Ü °°²ÛÛÛº   you the best of the old, new and forgotten in a  ºÛÛÛ²°° Ü   Ü
             ÜÜßßÛÛÛÛÛÛº                                                    ºÛÛÛÛÛÛßß ÜÜ°
            Ü°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛܺ   variety of sections.  If you think you have      ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
            °²ÛÛÛÛÛÜ°° º                                                    ºÜ °°ÜÛÛÛÛÛ²°
             °ÛÛÛÛ²°°ß º     what it takes don't hesitate to contact us.    º° ß°°²ÛÛÛÛ°ß
             °²ÛÛÛ²²°  º                                                    ºÜ  °²²ÛÛÛ²°
             ßß°ÛÛÛ²°Üܺ          Keep it scene. Keep it safe.              º°ÜÜ°²ÛÛÛ°ßß
               ß ÜÛÛÛß°º                                                    º°°ßÛÛÛÜ ß
                  °°ÜÜÛº                                                    ºÛÛÜÜ°°
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             Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº             ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
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             ß  °ÛÛÛ۲ܺ                                                    º°²ÛÛÛÛ°  ß
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