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I know how fucked up and hurtful these comments are..I'm not the kind of guy that complements anyone >>
I don't know and I'm not flirting or anything, but I know you need to hear this....wallah I respect you >>
a lot (real respect not the fake one) your mind and the way you think and say it out loud to people is >>
courageous, smart and beautiful.. don't change Asma! never change !!
I used to hear about you a lot from Faddu ( DON'T EVER EVER TELL HER ABOUT THIS!!!!!) she always talks >>
greatly about you and loves you a lot, I know Faddu and I know she chooses only the beast people that's >>
way I liked Asma without even knowing here because how greatly your friend talks about you.
I never saw you being anything but nice, sweet and cool.. these comments that you get can sometimes hurt >>
I know that, wallah they hurt me when I read them about you... what I wanted to say is never change Asma! >>
you are perfect.. I know I may not agree with most people with what they do or how they think, but I'm >>
a logical man.. I know that if I don't like something that doesn't make it bad, these assholes don't >>
know that yet ... there still young and stupid! they think that bulling you is the right and cool thing >>
to do!
*suddenly stops and sees he wrote a lot of shit!*
I know I said a lot and I've got more things to say believe me, but I think you got the gist of it... >>
your a great girl wallah I'm not laying ( and I came from a real mo6awa3 house and live a good islamic >>
life) and I never thought about you in a bad way!!
In the end I just want to say I'm not atmel7ing or anything wallah... don't post this or tell Faduwa >>
about it.
have a wonderful week and keep on being you.

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I know how fucked up and hurtful these comments are..I'm not the kind of guy that complements anyone >>
I don't know and I'm not flirting or anything, but I know you need to hear this....wallah I respect you >>
a lot (real respect not the fake one) your mind and the way you think and say it out loud to people is >>
courageous, smart and beautiful.. don't change Asma! never change !!
I used to hear about you a lot from Faddu ( DON'T EVER EVER TELL HER ABOUT THIS!!!!!) she always talks >>
greatly about you and loves you a lot, I know Faddu and I know she chooses only the beast people that's >>
way I liked Asma without even knowing here because how greatly your friend talks about you.
I never saw you being anything but nice, sweet and cool.. these comments that you get can sometimes hurt >>
I know that, wallah they hurt me when I read them about you... what I wanted to say is never change Asma! >>
you are perfect.. I know I may not agree with most people with what they do or how they think, but I'm >>
a logical man.. I know that if I don't like something that doesn't make it bad, these assholes don't >>
know that yet ... there still young and stupid! they think that bulling you is the right and cool thing >>
to do!
*suddenly stops and sees he wrote a lot of shit!*
I know I said a lot and I've got more things to say believe me, but I think you got the gist of it... >>
your a great girl wallah I'm not laying ( and I came from a real mo6awa3 house and live a good islamic >>
life) and I never thought about you in a bad way!!
In the end I just want to say I'm not atmel7ing or anything wallah... don't post this or tell Faduwa >>
about it.
have a wonderful week and keep on being you.

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