- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 1.nfo 1
**************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ .::::::. .,-::::: :: .: ::: ... :::. : ::::::::::. .-:::::' >> .:::. .,,. ;;;` ` ,;;;'````' ,;; ;;, ;;; ;; ;;;;;,. ;;; `;;;```.;;;;;;'''' >> ,;'``;. ,;;, ,;;, ,;;'`';, '[==/[[[[,[[[ ,[[[,,,[[[ [[[ [[' [[[[[[[, ,[[[[, `]]nnn]]' [[[,,== >> '' ,[[',[' [n ,[' [n [[, _,[[ ''' $$$$ "$$$"""$$$ $$' $$ $$$$$$$$$$$"$$$ $$$"" `$$$"`` >> .c$$P' $$ $$$$ $$ Y$$P"$$ 88b dP`88bo,__,o, 888 "88oo88oo,.__88 .d888888 Y88" 888o 888o 888 >> d88 _,oo,Y8, ,8"Y8, ,8" ,,_,d8" "YMmMY" "YUMMMMMP" MMM YMM""""YUMMM "YmmMMMM""MMM M' "MMM YMMMb "MM, >> MMMUP*"^^ "YmmP "YmmP "MP" **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ General Information **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Type.................: Game Platform.............: Windows xp/7 Part Size............: 1 Number of Parts......: 1 Compression Format...: rar File Validation......: SFV **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Post Information **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Posted by............: Schlumpf2009 Posted to............: mff Posted on............: 22.05.2011 **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Release Notes **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ this release includes "The.Witcher.2.Assassins.of.Kings.DLC.Pack.1.Repack- SKIDROW" and some things from me SKIDROW RLS ( i have extracted all files because its easy to change values *G ) \CookedPC\game\dlc\alchemy_suit/def_herbalist_gloves.xml ( the gloves from the DLC1 (you have it into >> the bag when you start an new/saved game)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\magical_suit/def_item_unique_pants.xml ( the pants from the DLC1 (you have it into >> the bag when you start an new/saved game)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\roche_jacket/roche_jacket.xml ( the jacket from the DLC1 (you have it into the bag >> when you start an new/saved game)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act1.w2ent ( an merchant in the act1 ( part1/3 ) of the game >> (what he sells is controlled in this)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act2.w2ent ( an merchant in the act1 ( part2/3 ) of the game >> (what he sells is controlled in this)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act3.w2ent ( an merchant in the act1 ( part3/3 ) of the game >> (what he sells is controlled in this)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_mysterious_merchant.w2ent the character who sells the act 1-3 items >> ( looks like an Santa claus ) \CookedPC\game\dlc\troll/a1_bridge_troll.w2ent (troll side quest part 1/2) \CookedPC\game\dlc\troll/a1_sq107_peasant.w2ent (troll side quest part 2/2) MY \CookedPC\items/def_craft_prices.xml ( the items you can craft costs no money ) \CookedPC\items/def_prices.xml ( the items from the vendor have no price ) \CookedPC\items/def_weights.xml ( the items you pick up or buy have no weights) \CookedPC\items/def_shops.xml ( EVERY trader sells the normal items and all items from the >> mysterious_merchant from the SKIDROW release of DLC *G ) how : the dlc items are in the normal release of the game included *G **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Install Notes **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ you can use the SKIDROW RLS and copy my files into the folders too or delete the SKIDROW RLS files and copy only the files into that you want to use. eg \CookedPC\items/def_weights.xml only or something like this 1. Unpack the release into The Witcher 2's installation folder into the "CookedPC" folder like this : \CookedPC\game\dlc\alchemy_suit/def_herbalist_gloves.xml \CookedPC\game\dlc\magical_suit/def_item_unique_pants.xml \CookedPC\game\dlc\roche_jacket/roche_jacket.xml \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act1.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act2.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act3.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_mysterious_merchant.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\troll/a1_bridge_troll.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\troll/a1_sq107_peasant.w2ent \CookedPC\items/def_craft_prices.xml \CookedPC\items/def_prices.xml \CookedPC\items/def_shops.xml \CookedPC\items/def_weights.xml 2. Play the game 3. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! 4. sry 4 my english x( **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ `:+@@#+';'''+#@#',. `;#@@',` `.,:;+#+':. `:+@#+: `.:'##', `;++;` ,+@@+,` .:##;` '##@@; `;#@#;` .'#'` .#;,,'#. .+##;. `,#+. ` ,+` `+; `;##+, .#+` `:'+, ,; :# `'##;` +@: ;;;;;. ,+. `#``+##,` ;@+ `';``:+``'; +;+#+. :@+ .+, `+. .#. ;+#'` `.` ;#+ .+. :; ;: .#;` ,+@+, ,##, `+, `+. ,' `#` .#:;+#: :;,.` ` `.'##: :'` ,'`.#`.. #``+; `+#` ;#@##';;;:::::;;+++##', `;'` :+'++#, ',;#` ,@. `,,``.,,,,:;#;;;;;'';:,.` ` `;: ,#+,` ;++. `'#. .#@##':.`` `+: `;+:` `+, `,+:` .:` ``:++, `,;:::;'++:.;' ''.;+,`,;.'+. `: `'#:` `:;. `,:;'+:. .+, .;+''+'` :+ `'#, `'+;#:`:';.,;'':. .+: `,#:` #, :#; :'` ,;.;.:;` `.'+'. `+'` .. `#. `##. `+, ;+,` .;+, ;'+:` .#` `##` `,+#` .;:` .:.,+', `++ `'###'. ,@. `##` `:#+:` :+;;+,+:'``''` ;# `,:;++ `#;` .#+` .+#;` `+. ,+. .; .;`,:++ .#, '#+` .##: ,##, .+ :, :, ,';:'#, '; `:;`.+@;.`` .##, .+.` `'` `'.', `'#: ;+` +#.+##+##+:#@: `###` :,` '#: `##. ,#;`` ```+'```,;+@+` '##: `'+;#, ;#: `'#+++; ;+` `:#+` .##: `##'` .#' `:#@##. .#. 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**************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ .::::::. .,-::::: :: .: ::: ... :::. : ::::::::::. .-:::::' >> .:::. .,,. ;;;` ` ,;;;'````' ,;; ;;, ;;; ;; ;;;;;,. ;;; `;;;```.;;;;;;'''' >> ,;'``;. ,;;, ,;;, ,;;'`';, '[==/[[[[,[[[ ,[[[,,,[[[ [[[ [[' [[[[[[[, ,[[[[, `]]nnn]]' [[[,,== >> '' ,[[',[' [n ,[' [n [[, _,[[ ''' $$$$ "$$$"""$$$ $$' $$ $$$$$$$$$$$"$$$ $$$"" `$$$"`` >> .c$$P' $$ $$$$ $$ Y$$P"$$ 88b dP`88bo,__,o, 888 "88oo88oo,.__88 .d888888 Y88" 888o 888o 888 >> d88 _,oo,Y8, ,8"Y8, ,8" ,,_,d8" "YMmMY" "YUMMMMMP" MMM YMM""""YUMMM "YmmMMMM""MMM M' "MMM YMMMb "MM, >> MMMUP*"^^ "YmmP "YmmP "MP" **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ General Information **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Type.................: Game Platform.............: Windows xp/7 Part Size............: 1 Number of Parts......: 1 Compression Format...: rar File Validation......: SFV **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Post Information **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Posted by............: Schlumpf2009 Posted to............: mff Posted on............: 22.05.2011 **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Release Notes **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ this release includes "The.Witcher.2.Assassins.of.Kings.DLC.Pack.1.Repack- SKIDROW" and some things from me SKIDROW RLS ( i have extracted all files because its easy to change values *G ) \CookedPC\game\dlc\alchemy_suit/def_herbalist_gloves.xml ( the gloves from the DLC1 (you have it into >> the bag when you start an new/saved game)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\magical_suit/def_item_unique_pants.xml ( the pants from the DLC1 (you have it into >> the bag when you start an new/saved game)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\roche_jacket/roche_jacket.xml ( the jacket from the DLC1 (you have it into the bag >> when you start an new/saved game)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act1.w2ent ( an merchant in the act1 ( part1/3 ) of the game >> (what he sells is controlled in this)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act2.w2ent ( an merchant in the act1 ( part2/3 ) of the game >> (what he sells is controlled in this)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act3.w2ent ( an merchant in the act1 ( part3/3 ) of the game >> (what he sells is controlled in this)) \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_mysterious_merchant.w2ent the character who sells the act 1-3 items >> ( looks like an Santa claus ) \CookedPC\game\dlc\troll/a1_bridge_troll.w2ent (troll side quest part 1/2) \CookedPC\game\dlc\troll/a1_sq107_peasant.w2ent (troll side quest part 2/2) MY \CookedPC\items/def_craft_prices.xml ( the items you can craft costs no money ) \CookedPC\items/def_prices.xml ( the items from the vendor have no price ) \CookedPC\items/def_weights.xml ( the items you pick up or buy have no weights) \CookedPC\items/def_shops.xml ( EVERY trader sells the normal items and all items from the >> mysterious_merchant from the SKIDROW release of DLC *G ) how : the dlc items are in the normal release of the game included *G **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ Install Notes **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ you can use the SKIDROW RLS and copy my files into the folders too or delete the SKIDROW RLS files and copy only the files into that you want to use. eg \CookedPC\items/def_weights.xml only or something like this 1. Unpack the release into The Witcher 2's installation folder into the "CookedPC" folder like this : \CookedPC\game\dlc\alchemy_suit/def_herbalist_gloves.xml \CookedPC\game\dlc\magical_suit/def_item_unique_pants.xml \CookedPC\game\dlc\roche_jacket/roche_jacket.xml \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act1.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act2.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_merchant_act3.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\merchant/dlc_mysterious_merchant.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\troll/a1_bridge_troll.w2ent \CookedPC\game\dlc\troll/a1_sq107_peasant.w2ent \CookedPC\items/def_craft_prices.xml \CookedPC\items/def_prices.xml \CookedPC\items/def_shops.xml \CookedPC\items/def_weights.xml 2. Play the game 3. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! 4. sry 4 my english x( **************************************************************************************************** >> ************************************************ `:+@@#+';'''+#@#',. `;#@@',` `.,:;+#+':. `:+@#+: `.:'##', `;++;` ,+@@+,` .:##;` '##@@; `;#@#;` .'#'` .#;,,'#. .+##;. `,#+. ` ,+` `+; `;##+, .#+` `:'+, ,; :# `'##;` +@: ;;;;;. ,+. `#``+##,` ;@+ `';``:+``'; +;+#+. :@+ .+, `+. .#. ;+#'` `.` ;#+ .+. :; ;: .#;` ,+@+, ,##, `+, `+. ,' `#` .#:;+#: :;,.` ` `.'##: :'` ,'`.#`.. #``+; `+#` ;#@##';;;:::::;;+++##', `;'` :+'++#, ',;#` ,@. `,,``.,,,,:;#;;;;;'';:,.` ` `;: ,#+,` ;++. `'#. .#@##':.`` `+: `;+:` `+, `,+:` .:` ``:++, `,;:::;'++:.;' ''.;+,`,;.'+. `: `'#:` `:;. `,:;'+:. .+, .;+''+'` :+ `'#, `'+;#:`:';.,;'':. .+: `,#:` #, :#; :'` ,;.;.:;` `.'+'. `+'` .. `#. `##. `+, ;+,` .;+, ;'+:` .#` `##` `,+#` .;:` .:.,+', `++ `'###'. ,@. `##` `:#+:` :+;;+,+:'``''` ;# `,:;++ `#;` .#+` .+#;` `+. ,+. .; .;`,:++ .#, '#+` .##: ,##, .+ :, :, ,';:'#, '; `:;`.+@;.`` .##, .+.` `'` `'.', `'#: ;+` +#.+##+##+:#@: `###` :,` '#: `##. ,#;`` ```+'```,;+@+` '##: `'+;#, ;#: `'#+++; ;+` `:#+` .##: `##'` .#' `:#@##. .#. 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