- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Black_Box.nfo Black_Box

    ggp***mg     ,f                  p           pggpm**mg,
    @Cp    00   40                  08           "MMLc   40&
    #0#    00   ]0                  08             00c   ]0@
    #00mmm0M    ]0   _ga,,_  _pmmp  08    ,       ]00Nmmm0^     _ppg   \gg   g
    #00    ~0g  ]0  j0'  08 y0'  #' 0#_gp0!        00f    #g   p0'+M0g  M0g_J^
    ]00     B0g ]0  0#   08 #0      00`0&          00$     00  0#   40   B06
    400     #00 ]0  00   0& #0g     0# ]0g         00f    ]00f 0#   ]0  d M0g
    #0&,__pN008 ]0c `0&__0#  M0ggpf 00  #0g       _00g,__p000  ^0g__#' 4c  40g
        `~~~`   ```   `~`      ``   `~   ``       `   `^~~~      `~`        ``

        ▀▀          ____                            ___               ▀▀
      ▀▀      __ _ / ___| __ _ _ __ ___   ___ ____ / _ \ _ __ __ _      ▀▀
     ▀▀      / _` | |  _ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \_  /| | | | '__/ _` |      ▀▀
    ▀▀      | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | | | |  __// / | |_| | | | (_| |       ▀▀
    ▀▀       \__, |\____|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/___(_)___/|_|  \__, |       ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀ Game Info                                                          ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀══════════════════════════════DiRT 3════════════════════════════════▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   Repack By.......: Black_Box   <-->   Cracked By.......: SKIDROW  ▀▀
    ▀▀   Size............: 3.87 GB     <-->   Genre............: Racing   ▀▀
    ▀▀   Size after......: 11.4 GB     <-->   Platform.........: PC       ▀▀
    ▀▀   Date............: 24-5-2011   <-->   Format...........: ISO      ▀▀
    ▀▀   Type............: Lossless    <-->                               ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀ Repack Features                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   No thing Ripped ( Multi 5 )   En , It , Sp , De , Fr             ▀▀
    ▀▀   Added SKIDROW Crack                                              ▀▀
    ▀▀   Registry for 32 & 64 bit                                         ▀▀
    ▀▀   Need at least 2 GB Ram to Decompress                             ▀▀
    ▀▀   Need at least 11.4 GB free space to Decompress                   ▀▀
    ▀▀   Our Exclusive Installer                                          ▀▀
    ▀▀   Include ( GWFL , Rapture3DBasic , OpenAL , DirectX )             ▀▀
    ▀▀   Start the game from desktop                                      ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀ Install Notes                                                      ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   Unrar                                                            ▀▀
    ▀▀   Mount or burn                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   Run setup.exe                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   Enjoy                                                            ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀ Additional Notes                                                   ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   You need to make an offline Games For Windows Live profile,      ▀▀
    ▀▀   for being able to save.                                          ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   binkw32.dll and paul.dll may be detected as avirus               ▀▀
    ▀▀   don't worry just allow it through your antivirus                 ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   It's SKIDROW crack , we are not hold any responsibility          ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   Don't trust us , don't download it                               ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀ Members of our team                                                ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀      killer_pepo                                                   ▀▀
    ▀▀                          ShalaManDay                               ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                :Iam awesome:       ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀   Black_Box is Egyption Team  [ Long Live Egypt ]                  ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
    ▀▀                                                                    ▀▀
     ▀▀                                          Revolution 25 Jan 2011  ▀▀
      ▀▀                                                                ▀▀
        ▀▀                                                            ▀▀

This NFO File was rendered by

    ggp***mg     ,f                  p           pggpm**mg,
    @Cp    00   40                  08           "MMLc   40&
    #0#    00   ]0                  08             00c   ]0@
    #00mmm0M    ]0   _ga,,_  _pmmp  08    ,       ]00Nmmm0^     _ppg   \gg   g
    #00    ~0g  ]0  j0'  08 y0'  #' 0#_gp0!        00f    #g   p0'+M0g  M0g_J^
    ]00     B0g ]0  0#   08 #0      00`0&          00$     00  0#   40   B06
    400     #00 ]0  00   0& #0g     0# ]0g         00f    ]00f 0#   ]0  d M0g
    #0&,__pN008 ]0c `0&__0#  M0ggpf 00  #0g       _00g,__p000  ^0g__#' 4c  40g
        `~~~`   ```   `~`      ``   `~   ``       `   `^~~~      `~`        ``

        ßß          ____                            ___               ßß
      ßß      __ _ / ___| __ _ _ __ ___   ___ ____ / _ \ _ __ __ _      ßß
     ßß      / _` | |  _ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \_  /| | | | '__/ _` |      ßß
    ßß      | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | | | |  __// / | |_| | | | (_| |       ßß
    ßß       \__, |\____|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/___(_)___/|_|  \__, |       ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß Game Info                                                          ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß   Repack By.......: Black_Box   <-->   Cracked By.......: SKIDROW  ßß
    ßß   Size............: 3.87 GB     <-->   Genre............: Racing   ßß
    ßß   Size after......: 11.4 GB     <-->   Platform.........: PC       ßß
    ßß   Date............: 24-5-2011   <-->   Format...........: ISO      ßß
    ßß   Type............: Lossless    <-->                               ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß Repack Features                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß   No thing Ripped ( Multi 5 )   En , It , Sp , De , Fr             ßß
    ßß   Added SKIDROW Crack                                              ßß
    ßß   Registry for 32 & 64 bit                                         ßß
    ßß   Need at least 2 GB Ram to Decompress                             ßß
    ßß   Need at least 11.4 GB free space to Decompress                   ßß
    ßß   Our Exclusive Installer                                          ßß
    ßß   Include ( GWFL , Rapture3DBasic , OpenAL , DirectX )             ßß
    ßß   Start the game from desktop                                      ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß Install Notes                                                      ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß   Unrar                                                            ßß
    ßß   Mount or burn                                                    ßß
    ßß   Run setup.exe                                                    ßß
    ßß   Enjoy                                                            ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß Additional Notes                                                   ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß   You need to make an offline Games For Windows Live profile,      ßß
    ßß   for being able to save.                                          ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß   binkw32.dll and paul.dll may be detected as avirus               ßß
    ßß   don't worry just allow it through your antivirus                 ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß   It's SKIDROW crack , we are not hold any responsibility          ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß   Don't trust us , don't download it                               ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß Members of our team                                                ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß      killer_pepo                                                   ßß
    ßß                          ShalaManDay                               ßß
    ßß                                                :Iam awesome:       ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß   Black_Box is Egyption Team  [ Long Live Egypt ]                  ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
    ßß                                                                    ßß
     ßß                                          Revolution 25 Jan 2011  ßß
      ßß                                                                ßß
        ßß                                                            ßß

This NFO File was rendered by

