- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: nfo.txt nfo.txt

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 ????░        ??????? ▒▒▒▒     P O S T M O R T E M    ▒▒▒▒ ???????       ░?????
????░ 2 0 1 1  ? ???? ░░░░                            ░░░░ ???? ?         ░????
 ?????          ????                                        ????         ?????
???????       ??????  presents for nothin but our pleasure  ??????      ???????
 ?           ??????                                          ??????          ?
              ?░????      Drakensang Phileassons Secret     ????░?
              ???????                (c) Dtp               ???????
             ???░???                                        ???░???
           ? ? ░???? ?       Release-Date.: 05/11         ? ????░ ? ?
          ???? ???????       Protection...: Securom       ??????? ????
           ? ?  ???????      Disc.Count...: 1 DVD        ???????  ? ?
          ????  ????? ?      Game.Type....: Role-Playing ? ????   ????
          ????   ? ? ???     Language.....: English     ??? ? ?   ????
             ?  ????? ? ???                          ??? ? ?????  ?
           ???????????????                            ???????????????
 ? ?? ????????????????????????                    ???????????????????????? ?? ?
            ? ??????? ??? ???????????????????????????? ??? ??????? ?
             ??? ??????░??    G A M E    N O T E S    ??░?????? ???
            ??????? ??????                            ?????? ???????
                ??                                            ??
            "Phileasson's Secret" continues the popular Drakensang
            franchise with an epic new chapter. Phileasson is one of
            the most important characters in the world of "The Dark
            Eye" and his story is very popular among pen & paper
            fans, fitting perfectly within the Drakensang series.

            Ending some weeks before the events of 'River of Time',
            the "Phileasson Campaign" enjoys a similar setting and
            atmosphere, creating a great opportunity for expanding
            the adventures of the famous Thorwaler Phileasson.

        If game does not auto find your Drankensang The River of Time
        installation, locate it and continue with the installation.

                 ?                                            ?
             ?  ??                                            ??  ?
             ? ?▒? ?                                        ? ?▒? ?
          ?? ??▒░????                                      ????░▒?? ??
           ???▒░ ? ?                                        ? ? ░▒???
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 ? ?? ?????         ??????????                    ??????????         ????? ?? ?
          ????   ???????? ???????????????????????????? ????????   ????
          ???????? ??░       G R O U P    N O T E S       ░?? ????????
           ?     ????????                              ????????     ?
                  ?                                          ?
          We have enough money, beer, girls or whatever at the moment.

                 ?                  Besides:                  ?
             ?  ??                                            ??  ?
             ? ?▒? ?   POSTMORTEM will not pre any updates  ? ?▒? ?
          ?? ??▒░????   or patches. Don't like that idea?  ????░▒?? ??
           ???▒░ ? ?            * BUY THE GAME! *           ? ? ░▒???
          ????░  ????? ???                            ??? ?????  ░????
 ? ?? ?????         ??????????                    ??????????         ????? ?? ?
          ????   ???????? ???????????????????????????? ????????   ????
          ???????? ??░         G R E E T i N G S          ░?? ????????
           ?     ????????                              ????????     ?
                  ?  ???      Skid Row, Unleashed       ???  ?
                    ????      0x0007, Genesis, 1C        ????
                ???????                                  ???????
                 ? ????         Mummy & Daddy             ???? ?
                  ????                                    ????
                ??????  ... It's just a competition! ...  ??????
               ??????░   Support the Software-Developer,  ░??????
                ? ?????      if you like this game!      ????? ?
                 ??????░                                ░??????
                ?? ?????░  ?     ??????????????     ?  ░????? ??
                 ??   ??????????? ?  ?? ??▒?? ????????????   ??
                    ??? ????   ????? ? ???????????  ???? ???
                     ?   ??   ???? ?    ???? ????    ??   ?
                                ????? ? ???????
                               ? ????  ???? ???
                                  ?? ? ? ? ?? ???
                                ???   ? ?  ? ? ?
                                 ?  ?? ? ??<gDFS>

This NFO File was rendered by

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 ????°        ??????? ±±±±     P O S T M O R T E M    ±±±± ???????       °?????
????° 2 0 1 1  ? ???? °°°°                            °°°° ???? ?         °????
 ?????          ????                                        ????         ?????
???????       ??????  presents for nothin but our pleasure  ??????      ???????
 ?           ??????                                          ??????          ?
              ?°????      Drakensang Phileassons Secret     ????°?
              ???????                (c) Dtp               ???????
             ???°???                                        ???°???
           ? ? °???? ?       Release-Date.: 05/11         ? ????° ? ?
          ???? ???????       Protection...: Securom       ??????? ????
           ? ?  ???????      Disc.Count...: 1 DVD        ???????  ? ?
          ????  ????? ?      Game.Type....: Role-Playing ? ????   ????
          ????   ? ? ???     Language.....: English     ??? ? ?   ????
             ?  ????? ? ???                          ??? ? ?????  ?
           ???????????????                            ???????????????
 ? ?? ????????????????????????                    ???????????????????????? ?? ?
            ? ??????? ??? ???????????????????????????? ??? ??????? ?
             ??? ??????°??    G A M E    N O T E S    ??°?????? ???
            ??????? ??????                            ?????? ???????
                ??                                            ??
            "Phileasson's Secret" continues the popular Drakensang
            franchise with an epic new chapter. Phileasson is one of
            the most important characters in the world of "The Dark
            Eye" and his story is very popular among pen & paper
            fans, fitting perfectly within the Drakensang series.

            Ending some weeks before the events of 'River of Time',
            the "Phileasson Campaign" enjoys a similar setting and
            atmosphere, creating a great opportunity for expanding
            the adventures of the famous Thorwaler Phileasson.

        If game does not auto find your Drankensang The River of Time
        installation, locate it and continue with the installation.

                 ?                                            ?
             ?  ??                                            ??  ?
             ? ?±? ?                                        ? ?±? ?
          ?? ??±°????                                      ????°±?? ??
           ???±° ? ?                                        ? ? °±???
          ????°  ????? ???                            ??? ?????  °????
 ? ?? ?????         ??????????                    ??????????         ????? ?? ?
          ????   ???????? ???????????????????????????? ????????   ????
          ???????? ??°       G R O U P    N O T E S       °?? ????????
           ?     ????????                              ????????     ?
                  ?                                          ?
          We have enough money, beer, girls or whatever at the moment.

                 ?                  Besides:                  ?
             ?  ??                                            ??  ?
             ? ?±? ?   POSTMORTEM will not pre any updates  ? ?±? ?
          ?? ??±°????   or patches. Don't like that idea?  ????°±?? ??
           ???±° ? ?            * BUY THE GAME! *           ? ? °±???
          ????°  ????? ???                            ??? ?????  °????
 ? ?? ?????         ??????????                    ??????????         ????? ?? ?
          ????   ???????? ???????????????????????????? ????????   ????
          ???????? ??°         G R E E T i N G S          °?? ????????
           ?     ????????                              ????????     ?
                  ?  ???      Skid Row, Unleashed       ???  ?
                    ????      0x0007, Genesis, 1C        ????
                ???????                                  ???????
                 ? ????         Mummy & Daddy             ???? ?
                  ????                                    ????
                ??????  ... It's just a competition! ...  ??????
               ??????°   Support the Software-Developer,  °??????
                ? ?????      if you like this game!      ????? ?
                 ??????°                                °??????
                ?? ?????°  ?     ??????????????     ?  °????? ??
                 ??   ??????????? ?  ?? ??±?? ????????????   ??
                    ??? ????   ????? ? ???????????  ???? ???
                     ?   ??   ???? ?    ???? ????    ??   ?
                                ????? ? ???????
                               ? ????  ???? ???
                                  ?? ? ? ? ?? ???
                                ???   ? ?  ? ? ?
                                 ?  ?? ? ??<gDFS>

This NFO File was rendered by

