- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: toy.story.3-dt.nfo toy.story.3-dt

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              Release:            Toy.Story.3.USA.JB.PS3-dumpTruck
              Group:              dumpTruck
              Game Title:         Toy Story 3
              # Files:            54x100mb
              ESRB Rating:        E
              Region:             USA
              Release Date:       06/15/2010
              Source:             Retail Disc
              Desc:               This Toy Story goes as far as your imagination takes it! Experience
                                  the adventures of Woody and Buzz or shape your own with the open-ended
                                  wonder of a virtual toy box in this game based on the third Toy Story
                                  movie. When Andy heads to college, Woody, Buzz, and the rest of the
                                  toys are headed to a new home in a day care center. Play through what
                                  you see in the movie in Story Mode, or open up Toy Box Mode and play
                                  however you want. Play with dinosaurs, cowboys, space rangers, and more
                                  as you make  your own magic using your creativity and Andy's amazing toy

This NFO File was rendered by

     ___          ___          ___                                 ___          ___          ___          ___
    /  /\        /  /\        /  /\         ___       ___         /  /\        /  /\        /  /\ >>
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   /  /::\      /  /:/       /  /::|       /  /\     /__/\       /  /::\      /  /:/       /  /::\ >>
/  /:/
  /  /:/\:\    /  /:/       /  /:|:|      /  /::\    \  \:\     /  /:/\:\    /  /:/       /  /:/\:\    /  /:/
 /  /:/  \:\  /  /:/       /  /:/|:|__   /  /:/\:\    \__\:\   /  /::\ \:\  /  /:/       /  /:/  \:\ >>
/  /::\____
/__/:/ \__\:|/__/:/     /\/__/:/_|::::\ /  /::\ \:\   /  /::\ /__/:/\:\_\:\/__/:/     /\/__/:/ \ >>
\  \:\ /  /:/\  \:\    /:/\__\/  /~~/://__/:/\:\_\:\ /  /:/\:\\__\/~|::\/:/\  \:\    /:/\  \:\ >>
 \  \:\  /:/  \  \:\  /:/       /  /:/ \__\/  \:\/://  /:/__\/   |  |:|::/  \  \:\  /:/  \  \:\ >>
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  \  \:\/:/    \  \:\/:/       /  /:/       \  \:://__/:/        |  |:|\/    \  \:\/:/    \  \:\ >>
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   \__\::/      \  \::/       /__/:/         \__\/ \__\/         |__|:|~      \  \::/      \  \:\ >>
       ~~        \__\/        \__\/                               \__\|        \__\/        \__\/ >>

              Release:            Toy.Story.3.USA.JB.PS3-dumpTruck
              Group:              dumpTruck
              Game Title:         Toy Story 3
              # Files:            54x100mb
              ESRB Rating:        E
              Region:             USA
              Release Date:       06/15/2010
              Source:             Retail Disc
              Desc:               This Toy Story goes as far as your imagination takes it! Experience
                                  the adventures of Woody and Buzz or shape your own with the open-ended
                                  wonder of a virtual toy box in this game based on the third Toy Story
                                  movie. When Andy heads to college, Woody, Buzz, and the rest of the
                                  toys are headed to a new home in a day care center. Play through what
                                  you see in the movie in Story Mode, or open up Toy Box Mode and play
                                  however you want. Play with dinosaurs, cowboys, space rangers, and more
                                  as you make  your own magic using your creativity and Andy's amazing toy

This NFO File was rendered by

