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Warhammer 40,000 Spacemarine Multiplayer Instructions by: StoneCold_ZA ==================================================== Table of contents: 1) Requirements 2) Pre-load version instructions 3) Unlocked version instructions 4) Black Box repack instructions 5) Additional notes 6) Final Word ==================================================================================================== >> ============= 1) Requirements You'll require the following: - Pre-load, Unlocked or Black Box repack of Spacemarine - SmartSteam (cracked steam client) - When installing the game, you can install it to your cracked steam client folder, for example: C:\Games\Steam Cracked\steamapps\common\warhammer 40,000 space marine If you want xfire ingame support, then you need to install it to the directory structure and use the exact folder name shown in the example above. - Take note, I have two Steam folders, one folder for my legit Steam and one called Steam Cracked for SmartSteam. To make a cracked steam folder, simply make a copy of your legit steam folder and rename it "Steam Cracked" or whatever you like, but when you make a copy, don't copy your steamapps folder, otherwise you'll be copying all your legit game data which will prolong the copying process. Therefore, copy the root of your Steam folder to a new one and just make sure you don't copy your steamapps folder then. After you made a copy of your Steam folder, then simply drop the SmartSteam client files into your cracked steam folder and run SmartSteam.exe to launch it then. MAKE SURE YOU CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT, DON'T USE YOUR LEGIT ACCOUNT WITH SMARTSTEAM! Alternatively, if you don't have Steam installed with legit games, simply copy the SmartSteam files to your Steam folder then and run SmartSteam.exe ==================================================================================================== >> =============== 2) Pre-load version a) Extract the "warfiles" archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine folder (The warfiles archive does have 3 folders without anything in them, it's normal nothing is missing) c) Extract the "Multiplayer Files" archive into your Spacemarine folder and overwrite the files d) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background e) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut f) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to the game g) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart >> SmartSteam and try again ==================================================================================================== >> ================ 3) Unlocked version a) Extract the "Multiplayer Files" archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine >> folder b) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background c) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut d) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to the game e) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart >> SmartSteam and try again TAKE NOTE: If you already applied either the 3DM or ali213 crack, you need to delete 3DM.ini/ali213.ini and >> steamclient.dll files. Make sure that you use the steam_api.dll file from the "Multiplayer Files" folder and not the not the steam_api.dll file from either the 3DM/ali213 cracks. ==================================================================================================== >> ================ 4) Black Box repack a) Delete the 3DM.ini, steamclient.dll and steam_api.dll files from your install folder b) Extract the "Multiplayer Files" archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine >> folder c) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background d) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut e) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to the game f) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart >> SmartSteam and try again TAKE NOTE: The 3DM crack is automatically installed with the Black Box repack. You need to delete 3DM.ini and >> steamclient.dll files. Make sure that you use the steam_api.dll file from the "Multiplayer Files" folder and not the not the steam_api.dll file from either the 3DM/ali213 cracks. ==================================================================================================== >> ================ 5) Additional Notes - Matchmaking does work, but it's a little bit bugged at the moment. This isn't due to the crack or anything as even people with the legit version have the same issue. It can take anything of 5-10 minutes or more before you properly connect to anyone when searching for a public, so be patient ! I did pickup games using matchmaking, I could also hear other people talking whilst in the lobby but >> it didn't connect yet properly, so once again, be patient. - Creating a private game and inviting someone from your friends list does work. - The game does track your mp progress, however it appears as if the mp data is stored on a remote server >> and your progress will be lost unfortunately. Will see if this can be fixed somehow, although I doubt it. - Sometimes after you did manage to play mp, and want to retry it again, you might get errors of "Unable >> to join host" when inviting a friend. This is also a bug, however, from what I've read on the official Relic forums >> if you play some singleplayer and then retry multiplayer it will work again (I haven't tested this myself) - If you create a Private Game, you can play by yourself and rank up on your own if you host a SEIZE GROUND game. At least in this way you can rank to lvl 4 to unlock the Customizer :) WE'LL NEED LOTS OF PEOPLE TO GET MATCHMAKING TO WORK PROPERLY, IF THERE AREN'T A LOT OF PEOPLE USING >> THIS CRACK, YOU WON'T FIND ANYONE TO PLAY AGAINST UNLESS YOU INVITE SOMEONE TO YOUR GAME.SO PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD >> ON HOW TO GET THE MP WORKING! ==================================================================================================== >> ================= 6) Final word There you have it, if you follow the instructions exactly it should work for you as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me on warez-bb (username: StoneCold_ZA) Special thanks to ShadowDuke who helped me in testing the mp and giving the initial instructions on how to get the mp working for Spacemarine. Lastly, if anyone uses or posts these instructions elsewhere, please credit me (StoneCold_ZA) at least. Happy gaming! ==================================================================================================== >> ================= This NFO File was rendered by
Warhammer 40,000 Spacemarine Multiplayer Instructions by: StoneCold_ZA ==================================================== Table of contents: 1) Requirements 2) Pre-load version instructions 3) Unlocked version instructions 4) Black Box repack instructions 5) Additional notes 6) Final Word ==================================================================================================== >> ============= 1) Requirements You'll require the following: - Pre-load, Unlocked or Black Box repack of Spacemarine - SmartSteam (cracked steam client) - When installing the game, you can install it to your cracked steam client folder, for example: C:\Games\Steam Cracked\steamapps\common\warhammer 40,000 space marine If you want xfire ingame support, then you need to install it to the directory structure and use the exact folder name shown in the example above. - Take note, I have two Steam folders, one folder for my legit Steam and one called Steam Cracked for SmartSteam. To make a cracked steam folder, simply make a copy of your legit steam folder and rename it "Steam Cracked" or whatever you like, but when you make a copy, don't copy your steamapps folder, otherwise you'll be copying all your legit game data which will prolong the copying process. Therefore, copy the root of your Steam folder to a new one and just make sure you don't copy your steamapps folder then. After you made a copy of your Steam folder, then simply drop the SmartSteam client files into your cracked steam folder and run SmartSteam.exe to launch it then. MAKE SURE YOU CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT, DON'T USE YOUR LEGIT ACCOUNT WITH SMARTSTEAM! Alternatively, if you don't have Steam installed with legit games, simply copy the SmartSteam files to your Steam folder then and run SmartSteam.exe ==================================================================================================== >> =============== 2) Pre-load version a) Extract the "warfiles" archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine folder (The warfiles archive does have 3 folders without anything in them, it's normal nothing is missing) c) Extract the "Multiplayer Files" archive into your Spacemarine folder and overwrite the files d) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background e) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut f) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to the game g) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart >> SmartSteam and try again ==================================================================================================== >> ================ 3) Unlocked version a) Extract the "Multiplayer Files" archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine >> folder b) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background c) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut d) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to the game e) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart >> SmartSteam and try again TAKE NOTE: If you already applied either the 3DM or ali213 crack, you need to delete 3DM.ini/ali213.ini and >> steamclient.dll files. Make sure that you use the steam_api.dll file from the "Multiplayer Files" folder and not the not the steam_api.dll file from either the 3DM/ali213 cracks. ==================================================================================================== >> ================ 4) Black Box repack a) Delete the 3DM.ini, steamclient.dll and steam_api.dll files from your install folder b) Extract the "Multiplayer Files" archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine >> folder c) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background d) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut e) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to the game f) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart >> SmartSteam and try again TAKE NOTE: The 3DM crack is automatically installed with the Black Box repack. You need to delete 3DM.ini and >> steamclient.dll files. Make sure that you use the steam_api.dll file from the "Multiplayer Files" folder and not the not the steam_api.dll file from either the 3DM/ali213 cracks. ==================================================================================================== >> ================ 5) Additional Notes - Matchmaking does work, but it's a little bit bugged at the moment. This isn't due to the crack or anything as even people with the legit version have the same issue. It can take anything of 5-10 minutes or more before you properly connect to anyone when searching for a public, so be patient ! I did pickup games using matchmaking, I could also hear other people talking whilst in the lobby but >> it didn't connect yet properly, so once again, be patient. - Creating a private game and inviting someone from your friends list does work. - The game does track your mp progress, however it appears as if the mp data is stored on a remote server >> and your progress will be lost unfortunately. Will see if this can be fixed somehow, although I doubt it. - Sometimes after you did manage to play mp, and want to retry it again, you might get errors of "Unable >> to join host" when inviting a friend. This is also a bug, however, from what I've read on the official Relic forums >> if you play some singleplayer and then retry multiplayer it will work again (I haven't tested this myself) - If you create a Private Game, you can play by yourself and rank up on your own if you host a SEIZE GROUND game. At least in this way you can rank to lvl 4 to unlock the Customizer :) WE'LL NEED LOTS OF PEOPLE TO GET MATCHMAKING TO WORK PROPERLY, IF THERE AREN'T A LOT OF PEOPLE USING >> THIS CRACK, YOU WON'T FIND ANYONE TO PLAY AGAINST UNLESS YOU INVITE SOMEONE TO YOUR GAME.SO PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD >> ON HOW TO GET THE MP WORKING! ==================================================================================================== >> ================= 6) Final word There you have it, if you follow the instructions exactly it should work for you as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me on warez-bb (username: StoneCold_ZA) Special thanks to ShadowDuke who helped me in testing the mp and giving the initial instructions on how to get the mp working for Spacemarine. Lastly, if anyone uses or posts these instructions elsewhere, please credit me (StoneCold_ZA) at least. Happy gaming! ==================================================================================================== >> ================= This NFO File was rendered by