- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: lycan-bpalms.nfo lycan-bpalms

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  $                                                             $
  $           Burning.Palms.2010.BRRip.XviD.AC3-LYCAN           $
  $                                                             $
  $                                                             $
  $ Director: Christopher B. Landon                             $
  $ Cast: Zoe Saldana, Jamie Chung, Rosamund Pike, Lake Bell,   $
  $       Paz Vega, Shannen Doherty, Adriana Barraza            $
  $ Genre: Comedy, Drama                                        $
  $ Year: 2010                                                  $
  $ Country: USA                                                $
  $ Duration: 01:51:41                                          $
  $ IMDb:                  $
  $                                                             $
  $                                                             $
  $ Video Coding: XviD                                          $
  $ Video Bitrate: 1474kbps                                     $
  $ Aspect Ratio: 16:9                                          $
  $ Video Resolution: 720x400                                   $
  $ Audio Coding: AC3                                           $
  $ Audio Bitrate: 384kbps                                      $
  $ Channel(s): 5.1                                             $
  $ Languages: English                                          $
  $ Subtitle: Non                                               $
  $ Size: 1.45GB                                                $
  $ FPS: 23.976                                                 $
  $ Source: 720p.BluRay.x264-aAF                                $
  $                                                             $
  $                                                             $
  $ A subversive tale that interlaces five stories set in       $
  $ Los Angeles, where no taboo is left unexplored as each      $
  $ character careens toward a dark and often comic fate.       $
  $                                                             $

This NFO File was rendered by

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  $                                                             $
  $           Burning.Palms.2010.BRRip.XviD.AC3-LYCAN           $
  $                                                             $
  $                                                             $
  $ Director: Christopher B. Landon                             $
  $ Cast: Zoe Saldana, Jamie Chung, Rosamund Pike, Lake Bell,   $
  $       Paz Vega, Shannen Doherty, Adriana Barraza            $
  $ Genre: Comedy, Drama                                        $
  $ Year: 2010                                                  $
  $ Country: USA                                                $
  $ Duration: 01:51:41                                          $
  $ IMDb:                  $
  $                                                             $
  $                                                             $
  $ Video Coding: XviD                                          $
  $ Video Bitrate: 1474kbps                                     $
  $ Aspect Ratio: 16:9                                          $
  $ Video Resolution: 720x400                                   $
  $ Audio Coding: AC3                                           $
  $ Audio Bitrate: 384kbps                                      $
  $ Channel(s): 5.1                                             $
  $ Languages: English                                          $
  $ Subtitle: Non                                               $
  $ Size: 1.45GB                                                $
  $ FPS: 23.976                                                 $
  $ Source: 720p.BluRay.x264-aAF                                $
  $                                                             $
  $                                                             $
  $ A subversive tale that interlaces five stories set in       $
  $ Los Angeles, where no taboo is left unexplored as each      $
  $ character careens toward a dark and often comic fate.       $
  $                                                             $

This NFO File was rendered by

