- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-sevendust-black_out_the_sun-2013.nfo 00-sevendust-black_out_the_sun-2013

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          |                                                //       |
      . ..|..iNtERRUptiNG                                 /         |
          |  thE SilENCE!... .                                      |
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 :::       ..:.'      :     |                     |     .      `::..       :::
 :::      ::::'       .     | -+-[ PRESENTS! ]-+- |             `::::      :::
 :::      `:::.             :                     :             .:::'      :::
 ::: .      ``:.            .                     .            .:''      . :::
 ::: .          ``  . .                                 . .  ''          . :::
 ::: :.                                                                 .: :::
 :::.::::.. .                                                     . ..::::.:::
 :::.:::                                                               :::.:::
 ::: :::  ARTiST ...: Sevendust                                        ::: :::
 ::  :::  TiTLE ....: Black Out the Sun                                :::  ::
 :   ::: ............................................................. :::   :
 '   :::                                                               :::   `
     :::  LABEL ....: Asylum                                           :::
     :::  GENRE ....: Hard Rock                                        :::
     :::  RDATE ....: 2013-03-23                                       :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: ............................................................. :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::  QUALiTY ..: 279kbps/4410kHz                                  :::
     :::  MODE .....: Joint Stereo                                     :::
   . :::                                                               ::: .
  .  ::: ............................................................. :::  .
  `  :::                                                               :::  '
   `.:::  SiZE .....: 89,35 MB                                         :::.'
     `::  PLAYTiME .: 44:23 min                                        ::'
       `.                                                             .'
          URL ......:
    .                                                                     .
 .   :.                                                                 .:   .
     :::.       ' .                                         . `       .:::
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 ..... .........   ............ ...   . .   ... ...........   .......... .....
 :::       .::'      `::.                             .::'      `::.       :::
 :::      (:::   ':.  `::. -+-[ TRACKS & NOTES! ]-+- .::'  .:`   :::)      :::
 :::       ``::.. '    :::                           :::    ` ..::''       :::
 ::: :                 ::                             ::                 : :::
 ::: .                .'                               `.                . :::
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 :::.:::..  .   -                                             -   .  ..:::.:::
 ::: :::                                                               ::: :::
 ::  :::                                                               :::  ::
 :   :::                                                               :::   :
     :::  01. Memory                                             1:24  :::
     :::  02. Faithless                                          4:10  :::
     :::  03. Till Death                                         3:06  :::
     :::  04. Mountain                                           3:08  :::
     :::  05. Cold as War                                        4:03  :::
     :::  06. Black Out the Sun                                  3:27  :::
     :::  07. Nobody Wants It                                    3:10  :::
     :::  08. Dead Roses                                         3:01  :::
     :::  09. Decay                                              3:25  :::
     :::  10. Dark AM                                            3:28  :::
     :::  11. Picture Perfect                                    3:47  :::
     :::  12. Got a Feeling                                      4:32  :::
     :::  13. Murder Bar                                         3:42  :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: ............................................................. :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: Sevendust never hold anything back.                           :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: However, on their ninth studio album, Black Out the Sun,      :::
     ::: they go harder than ever before. In some ways, it's like      :::
     ::: they've transmuted the ferocity of their classic self-titled  :::
     ::: debut, Home, and Animosity into the sharp, succinct           :::
     ::: songwriting sensibility of Cold Day Memory. Be prepared to    :::
     ::: down a Molotov cocktail of razor sharp riffs, pounding        :::
     ::: rhythms, and soulful hooks.                                   :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: "Faithless" teeters between a bludgeoning groove and almost   :::
     ::: bluesy verses from vocalist Lajon Witherspoon before          :::
     ::: everything spirals out into a maddeningly heavy hook.         :::
     ::: Meanwhile, the guttural growls on "Till Death" make for one   :::
     ::: of the group's heaviest salvos ever. Morgan Rose's drumming   :::
     ::: pummels perfectly as the dual guitar assault of Clint Lowery  :::
     ::: and John Connolly volleys from vibrant to vicious on "The     :::
     ::: Mountain". Throughout Vinnie Hornsby bolts down a volatile    :::
     ::: bass groove that fortifies the heaviness. "Cold As War"       :::
     ::: rises from the wah-ed out effects Lowery and Connolly remain  :::
     ::: masters at into a soothing refrain. Then, there's the epic    :::
     ::: title track, which segues from clean strumming to a glorious  :::
     ::: elegaic hook.                                                 :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: The beatdown subsides during the shimmering acoustic "Got a   :::
     ::: Feeling". It's one of the group's most poignant and poetic    :::
     ::: ruminations. However, everything gets amped back up again on  :::
     ::: the final one-two punch of "Murder Bar".                      :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: Sevendust have made a landmark record in a career of          :::
     ::: landmark records, but they've still got even more to give.    :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: . ..       .                                     .       .. . :::
     :::     ::.                                               .::     :::
     :::    .::'    :       .                     .       :    `::.    :::
     :::..:::'              .                     .              `:::..:::
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        . -     . ::: |     |   . . . . . . . .   |     | ::: .     - .
     .::          ::: |     |                     |     | :::          ::.
     :::    .     ::: |     |  ...iNtERRUptiNG    |     | :::     .    :::
     :::   :      ::: |     |    thE..SilENCE...  |     | :::      :   :::
     :::  ::      ::: |     |       - --- -       |     | :::      ::  :::
     ::: :::  .   ::: |     |__ _  . .aSc. .  _ __|     | :::   .  ::: :::
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                                      . .


This NFO File was rendered by

          _____________________________________________)    //_______
          |                                                //       |
      . ..|..iNtERRUptiNG                                 /         |
          |  thE SilENCE!... .                                      |
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 ____  ______ _ __ _)  \_____ _\   .___.___.   /_______/  (_ __ _ ______  ____
 \__\\ \   _ _\ ___________     \__|       |__/     ___________ /_ _f3!/ //__/
   ___  \____ \\          //      __       __      \\   ___    // ____/  ___
  /__/\   ____ \___      /\_______\|       |/______ /   `(_____/ ____   /\__\
  \__\/ _ /  /___/       |__  ...  |       |  ... _\_______     \\  \ _ \/__/
        \/  //______________\ ::: _|       |_ ::: /       _______\\  \/
   - ---\\ /---------------------/___________\---/_______/---------\ //--- -
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          :...........|     |.....................|     |...........:
                      |     |                     |     |
                - --- |     | ----+-[ iTS ]-+---- |     | --- -
 ..... . .........    |     |     . ....... .     |     :    ......... . .....
 :::       ..:.'      :     |                     |     .      `::..       :::
 :::      ::::'       .     | -+-[ PRESENTS! ]-+- |             `::::      :::
 :::      `:::.             :                     :             .:::'      :::
 ::: .      ``:.            .                     .            .:''      . :::
 ::: .          ``  . .                                 . .  ''          . :::
 ::: :.                                                                 .: :::
 :::.::::.. .                                                     . ..::::.:::
 :::.:::                                                               :::.:::
 ::: :::  ARTiST ...: Sevendust                                        ::: :::
 ::  :::  TiTLE ....: Black Out the Sun                                :::  ::
 :   ::: ............................................................. :::   :
 '   :::                                                               :::   `
     :::  LABEL ....: Asylum                                           :::
     :::  GENRE ....: Hard Rock                                        :::
     :::  RDATE ....: 2013-03-23                                       :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: ............................................................. :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::  QUALiTY ..: 279kbps/4410kHz                                  :::
     :::  MODE .....: Joint Stereo                                     :::
   . :::                                                               ::: .
  .  ::: ............................................................. :::  .
  `  :::                                                               :::  '
   `.:::  SiZE .....: 89,35 MB                                         :::.'
     `::  PLAYTiME .: 44:23 min                                        ::'
       `.                                                             .'
          URL ......:
    .                                                                     .
 .   :.                                                                 .:   .
     :::.       ' .                                         . `       .:::
 :   ::: '         ':..                                 ..:`         ` :::   :
 :   :::  '          ::::.                           .::::          `  :::   :
 ::  :::   :          :::::                         :::::          :   :::  ::
 ::. :::              ::::'                         `::::              ::: .::
 :::.:::  '         .:''                               ``:.         `  :::.:::
 :::.:::.'        -                                         -        `.:::.:::
 ::: ::'      . '                                             ` .      `:: :::
 ::: '     .::                                                   ::.     ` :::
 :::       `:::...                                           ...:::'       :::
 :::... . .....:.:::::..... ..  .             .  .. .....:::::.:..... . ...:::
 ..... .........   ............ ...   . .   ... ...........   .......... .....
 :::       .::'      `::.                             .::'      `::.       :::
 :::      (:::   ':.  `::. -+-[ TRACKS & NOTES! ]-+- .::'  .:`   :::)      :::
 :::       ``::.. '    :::                           :::    ` ..::''       :::
 ::: :                 ::                             ::                 : :::
 ::: .                .'                               `.                . :::
 :::.:.             .                                     .             .:.:::
 :::.:::..  .   -                                             -   .  ..:::.:::
 ::: :::                                                               ::: :::
 ::  :::                                                               :::  ::
 :   :::                                                               :::   :
     :::  01. Memory                                             1:24  :::
     :::  02. Faithless                                          4:10  :::
     :::  03. Till Death                                         3:06  :::
     :::  04. Mountain                                           3:08  :::
     :::  05. Cold as War                                        4:03  :::
     :::  06. Black Out the Sun                                  3:27  :::
     :::  07. Nobody Wants It                                    3:10  :::
     :::  08. Dead Roses                                         3:01  :::
     :::  09. Decay                                              3:25  :::
     :::  10. Dark AM                                            3:28  :::
     :::  11. Picture Perfect                                    3:47  :::
     :::  12. Got a Feeling                                      4:32  :::
     :::  13. Murder Bar                                         3:42  :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: ............................................................. :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: Sevendust never hold anything back.                           :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: However, on their ninth studio album, Black Out the Sun,      :::
     ::: they go harder than ever before. In some ways, it's like      :::
     ::: they've transmuted the ferocity of their classic self-titled  :::
     ::: debut, Home, and Animosity into the sharp, succinct           :::
     ::: songwriting sensibility of Cold Day Memory. Be prepared to    :::
     ::: down a Molotov cocktail of razor sharp riffs, pounding        :::
     ::: rhythms, and soulful hooks.                                   :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: "Faithless" teeters between a bludgeoning groove and almost   :::
     ::: bluesy verses from vocalist Lajon Witherspoon before          :::
     ::: everything spirals out into a maddeningly heavy hook.         :::
     ::: Meanwhile, the guttural growls on "Till Death" make for one   :::
     ::: of the group's heaviest salvos ever. Morgan Rose's drumming   :::
     ::: pummels perfectly as the dual guitar assault of Clint Lowery  :::
     ::: and John Connolly volleys from vibrant to vicious on "The     :::
     ::: Mountain". Throughout Vinnie Hornsby bolts down a volatile    :::
     ::: bass groove that fortifies the heaviness. "Cold As War"       :::
     ::: rises from the wah-ed out effects Lowery and Connolly remain  :::
     ::: masters at into a soothing refrain. Then, there's the epic    :::
     ::: title track, which segues from clean strumming to a glorious  :::
     ::: elegaic hook.                                                 :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: The beatdown subsides during the shimmering acoustic "Got a   :::
     ::: Feeling". It's one of the group's most poignant and poetic    :::
     ::: ruminations. However, everything gets amped back up again on  :::
     ::: the final one-two punch of "Murder Bar".                      :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: Sevendust have made a landmark record in a career of          :::
     ::: landmark records, but they've still got even more to give.    :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     :::                                                               :::
     ::: . ..       .                                     .       .. . :::
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     :::   :      ::: |     |    thE..SilENCE...  |     | :::      :   :::
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