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      ┌────  In Their 26th Year Of Glory, FairLight Released #1121  ────┐
 ┌┘                   Shadow Warrior (c) Devolver Digital                    ┌┘
 :   Supplied by: FAIRLIGHT            : : Release Date: 26.09.2013           :
 │   Cracked by:  FAIRLIGHT            │ │ Game Type:    FPS                  │
 │   Packaged by: FAIRLIGHT            │ │ Image Format: ISO                  │
 ├──────────────-----──────────────────┤ ├────────────────────────────────────┤
 │   DISCS: 1 DVD                      │ │ Protection: Steam                  │
 │ ────────────────────────────────────┘ └─────────────────────────────────── │
 │   System Requirements : (S)-1-phenylpropan-2-amine                         │

  Game information:

  Shadow Warrior is a bold reimagining of the  classic  3D  Realms'  shooter
  from independent developer Flying  Wild  Hog  (Hard  Reset)  starring  the
  legendary and quick-witted warrior Lo Wang. Combine  the  brute  force  of
  overwhelming  firepower  with  the  elegant  precision  of  a  katana   to
  annihilate the merciless armies of the shadow realm in an exhilarating and
  visually stunning transformation of the classic first-person shooter.

  Shadow Warrior tells the offbeat  tale  of  Zilla  Enterprise's  corporate
  shogun Lo Wang as he is ordered to acquire a legendary blade of  limitless
  power by his deceitful employer. Betrayed  and  left  for  dead,  Lo  Wang
  learns of the blade's  connection  to  ancient  gods  from  another  realm
  preparing to push our world to the brink of destruction. Now the reluctant
  hero must become legend through a masterful  combination  of  gun,  blade,
  magic and wit to uncover the truth behind the demonic invasion and  banish
  evil back into the darkness.


  * Shadow Warrior Reborn - A bold new vision of Shadow Warrior
    elegantly blends classic first-person shooter gameplay with
    thrilling action, inventive combat, and a contemporary
    retelling of the hilarious legend of Lo Wang.
  * Elegant Swordplay - Unsheathe your legendary katana to slice
    enemies apart with precisely targeted swings or unleash fluid
    combos and special attacks to cut down hordes of enemies
    with one swift pass through the enraged hordes.
  * Upgradeable Arsenal - Utilize every gun in your formidable
    armory - from stylish revolvers and quad barrel shotguns
    to explosive-tipped crossbow bolts and laser-guided rocket
    launchers. Each weapon offers several unique upgrades to
    increase power, speed, and add devastating alternative
    firing options.
  * Mystical Powers - Call upon mystical powers to protect yourself
    and paralyze your enemies or use their own severed heads and
    still-beating hearts to bring them to their knees.

  Installation Information:

  * Burn or mount
  * Install
  * Play the game

  NOTE: As usual, block the game exe in your firewall.

                                                              /TEAM FAiRLIGHT

 ┌┘                  +-+  QUALITY, TRADITION  AND PRIDE +-+                  ┌┘

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