- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Tracer.nfo Tracer

│ NFO                                                                  │_│▄│X│
│     ░░░░░░░░     ░░░░░░░░                                                  │
│    ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   ╓══════════════════════════════════════╖     │
│   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░     │────────────+ BRINGS YOU  +───────────│     │
│  ░░░░░░░░░   ░░░░░░░░░░░      └──>> a tiny handmade torrent-app  <<──┘     │
│    ░░░░░░   ░░░                                                            │
│            ░░░  ░░░░░ ░░░░░   ░░░░░░░░░      ░░░░░░      ░░░░░░   ░░░░░ ░░░│
│           ░░░░  ░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░    ░░░  ░░░░   ░░░░░░░░░  ░░░░░ ░░ │
│ ░░░░░░   ░░░░   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   ░░░░   ░░░░  ░░░░  ░░░░   ░░░  ░░░░░░░░ │
│▒▒▒▒▒▒   ▒▒▒▒▒   ▒▒▒▒▒      ▒▒▒▒▒  ▒▒▒▒   ▒▒▒▒▒       ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒   ▒▒▒▒▒    │
│▒▒░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒   ▒▒▒▒▒       ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒   ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒     ▒▒▒▒▒▒     │
│ ▓▓░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓     ▓▓▓▓▓       ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓  ▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓     │
│ █▓▓▒░░▒▓▓█     ▓▓▓▓        ▓▓▓▓  ▓▓▓▓▓▓  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓  ▓▓▓       │
│  ███████      ████        ████  ██████   ██████     █████████   ███        │
║▓│                           TORRENT LEECHER v1.1                         │▓║
║▓│                   [custom mini-tool, shared with audioz]               │▓║
║▓│ LANGUAGE......: A Bad "English"   │ OS..........: Win-All  x86x64      │▓║
║▓│ CODED BY......: Tracer            │ PROT.\TYPE..: N\A                  │▓║
║▓│ RELEASE DATE..: Feb-23-2014       │ SIZE........: 1 x 125 KB           │▓║

║▓│ DESCRiPTiON ▓▓▒▒▒░░│─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
╙─┼────────────────────┘                                                     │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││  Torrent-Leecher has the mainfocus on MUSIC\AUDIO Files (in all his      │
 ││  shapes, eg. mp3\concert dvd\audio-app) and as the app-name say's:       │
 ││  simply aviable\ to download as torrent...                               │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││  Maybe try  it if you would like to search\find\download just quick      │
 ││  files (based on torrent) in a uncomplicated way , or just inspirate     │
 ││  your self (if ya dont know what you need *lol*) after clicking eg. a    │
 ││  "music-quicktag" genre ( as example eg.: "VA HOUSE") which list's you   │
 ││  the latest aviable house-music compilation CD\DVD releases inclusive    │
 ││  a detailed info-text and if you like what you see ->  just click "dow   │
 ││  nload-torrent" to grab the marked entry...                              │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││  CHANGES , UPDATE v1.1:                                                  │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││    Because of: the usual custom Search-Engine (The Blue Button)  based   │
 ││    on extratorrents (still growing with custom setups and engines) , br  │
 ││    ings you the best possible results for mainrelated MUSIC\AUDIO Files  │
 ││    -> i decide to ADD now also a alternate Engine (The Orange Button) ,  │
 ││    who crawl the whole Web for also good torrents BUT better result's    │
 ││    IF YOU: also watch out for Sampling-DVDs \ Audiorelated Appz etc. st  │
 ││    ored on torrentz (as example: if you eg. use a search tag like "SYNT  │
 ││    HiC4TE" you have now much more possibilities to grab some fresh & re  │
 ││    lated stuff from that group (Compared to the single Main-Engine insi  │
 ││    de version 1.0 of Torrent-Leecher) - so you can use now totally 3 Mul │
 ││    ti\Meta-Engines with your Search-Query (which simply means: really co │
 ││    untless quality download possibilities for the stuff you looking for) │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││    Fixed \ optimate a few more or less tiny Things (eg. at the "custom   │
 ││    user tags" entrys , which now appears also in the textbox for the alt │
 ││    ernate search-engines)                                                │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││  some more features coming next...                                       │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││  A  D  D  I  T  I  O  N  A  L   R  E  L  E  A  S  E    N  O  T  E  S     │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││  Usually i have written the tool for my private use, the reason was: i   │
 ││  wanted to have the best possible torrent results provided on all audio  │
 ││  related i was looking for, instead of thousand HITS but 50% of the tor  │
 ││  rents without enough seeders etc. , so i have to customize all to my    │
 ││  personal taste by coding this . furthermore i wanted a tool which  do   │
 ││  esn't force me going on various web pages (inclusive some nerving iss   │
 ││  ues like eg. POP-UPs \ hashcodes) to just quick look for some torrents. │
 ││  So i begin with Torrent-Leecher and what you now see is a early Version │
 ││  of the things that spins in my head how it should work , to earn quick  │
 ││  and uncomplicate a lot of "things" with a fast download-range and good  │
 ││  search-results...  (decide 2 share it with a few ppl on AudioZ who fou  │
 ││  nd this app maybe usefull enough to use it sometimes for theire own...) │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││  by the way:                                                             │
 ││  [torrent-leecher is between "social-Leecher" & "MP3 Direct Leecher" the │
 ││   3. audio-related minitool, if you like it, watch also out for the both │
 ││  listed above...]                                                        │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││                                                                          │
╓┴───────────────────────┐                                                   │
║▓│ INSTALL NOTES ▓▓▒▒▒░░│───────────────────────────────────────────────────│
╙─│──────────────────────┘                                                   │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││      Apply the "TORRENT-LEECHER.exe" as Admin, that's all                │
 ││      (the rest is more or less self-explaining!)                         │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││                                                                          │
 ││      A D D I T I O N A L:                                                │
 ││      This App is coded in , that means : You need to have         │
 ││      installed "MS-Framework" 2.0+ to avoid Errors at the Applica        │
 ││      tion-Startup...                                                     │
 ││                                                                          │
╓┴────────────────────────┐                 *BTW: SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH*  │
║▓│ REGARDS ▓▓▒▒▒░░       │──────────────────────────────────────────────────│
╙─│───────────────────────┘                                                  │
 ││    ╓──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐      │
 ││    ║      GR33TZ fly out to: TEAM-REPT - AUDIOZ - AUDIOFORUM      │      │
 ││    ║         -=olymoon-chaos-horsemen-articstorm-navid=-          │      │
 ││    ╙──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘      │
 ││    ___                    _      __        _  _                          │
 ││   | _ \___ ____ __ ___ __| |_   / _|___   | || |___ _ _  ___ _  _ _ _    │
 ││   |   / -_(_-| '_ / -_/ _|  _|  > _|_ _|  | __ / _ | ' \/ _ | || | '_|   │
 ││   |_|_\___/__| .__\___\__|\__|  \_____|   |_||_\___|_||_\___/\_,_|_|     │
 ││              |_|                                                         │
 ││                               ________                                   │
 ││                               \_____  \                                  │
 ││                                /  ____/                                  │
 ││                               /       \                                  │
 ││                               \_______ \                                 │
 ││                                       \/                                 │
 ││                          SANDOR 'n' DEEPZ0NE                             │
 ││             ..: with the whole story that 1997 began :..                 │
 ││                                   │                                      │
 ││                    [   AIR    ] ..... [   R2R    ]                       │
 ││                    [  Assign  ] ..... [   H2o    ]                       │
 ││                    [   Zone   ] ..... [  Oxygen  ]                       │
 ││                    [ 0xdBass  ] ..... [ Delirium ]                       │
 ││                    [   Beat   ] ..... [ Dynamics ]                       │
 ││                    [  Arctic  ] ..... [ Invision ]                       │
 ││                    [  Talio   ] ..... [ AudioP2P ]                       │
 ││                    [ Digisan  ] ..... [ Embrace  ]                       │
 ││                    [   Ind    ] ..... [   Mpt    ]                       │
 ││                    [  Union   ] ..... [   Doa    ]                       │
 ││                    [  CHAOS   ]  <->  [ HORSEMEN ]                       │
 ││                                   │                                      │
 ││    ..:=all groups'n'ppl working hard, who bring quality releases=:..     │
 ││                                                                          │
 └─NFO updated 05-2013─┼═─■ try before buy (quote"Radium") r.i.p ■─═─┼TR4C3R┘

          -=these p2p-filez passed slow as hell through N.D.A.T.W=-
            [ : 0Mbit│0kb│-hq│-us│-eu]

This NFO File was rendered by

³ NFO                                                                  ³_³Ü³X³
³     °°°°°°°°     °°°°°°°°                                                  ³
³    °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°   ÖÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ·     ³
³   °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°     ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ BRINGS YOU  +ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij     ³
³  °°°°°°°°°   °°°°°°°°°°°      ÀÄÄ>> a tiny handmade torrent-app  <<ÄÄÙ     ³
³    °°°°°°   °°°                                                            ³
³            °°°  °°°°° °°°°°   °°°°°°°°°      °°°°°°      °°°°°°   °°°°° °°°³
³           °°°°  °°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°    °°°  °°°°   °°°°°°°°°  °°°°° °° ³
³ °°°°°°   °°°°   °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°   °°°°   °°°°  °°°°  °°°°   °°°  °°°°°°°° ³
³±±±±±±   ±±±±±   ±±±±±      ±±±±±  ±±±±   ±±±±±       ±±±±±±±±±±   ±±±±±    ³
³±±°±±±±±±±±±±   ±±±±±       ±±±±±±±±±±±   ±±±±±±± ±±± ±±±±±±     ±±±±±±     ³
³ ²²°²²²²²²²     ²²²²²       ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²  ²²² ²²²²²     ³
³ Û²²±°°±²²Û     ²²²²        ²²²²  ²²²²²²  ²²²²²²²²    ²²²²²²²²²²  ²²²       ³
³  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ      ÛÛÛÛ        ÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛÛÛ     ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛ        ³
º²³                           TORRENT LEECHER v1.1                         ³²º
º²³                   [custom mini-tool, shared with audioz]               ³²º
º²³ LANGUAGE......: A Bad "English"   ³ OS..........: Win-All  x86x64      ³²º
º²³ CODED BY......: Tracer            ³ PROT.\TYPE..: N\A                  ³²º
º²³ RELEASE DATE..: Feb-23-2014       ³ SIZE........: 1 x 125 KB           ³²º

ÓÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                     ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³  Torrent-Leecher has the mainfocus on MUSIC\AUDIO Files (in all his      ³
 ³³  shapes, eg. mp3\concert dvd\audio-app) and as the app-name say's:       ³
 ³³  simply aviable\ to download as torrent...                               ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³  Maybe try  it if you would like to search\find\download just quick      ³
 ³³  files (based on torrent) in a uncomplicated way , or just inspirate     ³
 ³³  your self (if ya dont know what you need *lol*) after clicking eg. a    ³
 ³³  "music-quicktag" genre ( as example eg.: "VA HOUSE") which list's you   ³
 ³³  the latest aviable house-music compilation CD\DVD releases inclusive    ³
 ³³  a detailed info-text and if you like what you see ->  just click "dow   ³
 ³³  nload-torrent" to grab the marked entry...                              ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³  CHANGES , UPDATE v1.1:                                                  ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³    Because of: the usual custom Search-Engine (The Blue Button)  based   ³
 ³³    on extratorrents (still growing with custom setups and engines) , br  ³
 ³³    ings you the best possible results for mainrelated MUSIC\AUDIO Files  ³
 ³³    -> i decide to ADD now also a alternate Engine (The Orange Button) ,  ³
 ³³    who crawl the whole Web for also good torrents BUT better result's    ³
 ³³    IF YOU: also watch out for Sampling-DVDs \ Audiorelated Appz etc. st  ³
 ³³    ored on torrentz (as example: if you eg. use a search tag like "SYNT  ³
 ³³    HiC4TE" you have now much more possibilities to grab some fresh & re  ³
 ³³    lated stuff from that group (Compared to the single Main-Engine insi  ³
 ³³    de version 1.0 of Torrent-Leecher) - so you can use now totally 3 Mul ³
 ³³    ti\Meta-Engines with your Search-Query (which simply means: really co ³
 ³³    untless quality download possibilities for the stuff you looking for) ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³    Fixed \ optimate a few more or less tiny Things (eg. at the "custom   ³
 ³³    user tags" entrys , which now appears also in the textbox for the alt ³
 ³³    ernate search-engines)                                                ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³  some more features coming next...                                       ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³  A  D  D  I  T  I  O  N  A  L   R  E  L  E  A  S  E    N  O  T  E  S     ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³  Usually i have written the tool for my private use, the reason was: i   ³
 ³³  wanted to have the best possible torrent results provided on all audio  ³
 ³³  related i was looking for, instead of thousand HITS but 50% of the tor  ³
 ³³  rents without enough seeders etc. , so i have to customize all to my    ³
 ³³  personal taste by coding this . furthermore i wanted a tool which  do   ³
 ³³  esn't force me going on various web pages (inclusive some nerving iss   ³
 ³³  ues like eg. POP-UPs \ hashcodes) to just quick look for some torrents. ³
 ³³  So i begin with Torrent-Leecher and what you now see is a early Version ³
 ³³  of the things that spins in my head how it should work , to earn quick  ³
 ³³  and uncomplicate a lot of "things" with a fast download-range and good  ³
 ³³  search-results...  (decide 2 share it with a few ppl on AudioZ who fou  ³
 ³³  nd this app maybe usefull enough to use it sometimes for theire own...) ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³  by the way:                                                             ³
 ³³  [torrent-leecher is between "social-Leecher" & "MP3 Direct Leecher" the ³
 ³³   3. audio-related minitool, if you like it, watch also out for the both ³
 ³³  listed above...]                                                        ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
ÖÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                                                   ³
ÓijÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                   ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³      Apply the "TORRENT-LEECHER.exe" as Admin, that's all                ³
 ³³      (the rest is more or less self-explaining!)                         ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ³³      A D D I T I O N A L:                                                ³
 ³³      This App is coded in , that means : You need to have         ³
 ³³      installed "MS-Framework" 2.0+ to avoid Errors at the Applica        ³
 ³³      tion-Startup...                                                     ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
ÓijÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                                  ³
 ³³    º      GR33TZ fly out to: TEAM-REPT - AUDIOZ - AUDIOFORUM      ³      ³
 ³³    º         -=olymoon-chaos-horsemen-articstorm-navid=-          ³      ³
 ³³    ___                    _      __        _  _                          ³
 ³³   | _ \___ ____ __ ___ __| |_   / _|___   | || |___ _ _  ___ _  _ _ _    ³
 ³³   |   / -_(_-| '_ / -_/ _|  _|  > _|_ _|  | __ / _ | ' \/ _ | || | '_|   ³
 ³³   |_|_\___/__| .__\___\__|\__|  \_____|   |_||_\___|_||_\___/\_,_|_|     ³
 ³³              |_|                                                         ³
 ³³                               ________                                   ³
 ³³                               \_____  \                                  ³
 ³³                                /  ____/                                  ³
 ³³                               /       \                                  ³
 ³³                               \_______ \                                 ³
 ³³                                       \/                                 ³
 ³³                          SANDOR 'n' DEEPZ0NE                             ³
 ³³             ..: with the whole story that 1997 began :..                 ³
 ³³                                   ³                                      ³
 ³³                    [   AIR    ] ..... [   R2R    ]                       ³
 ³³                    [  Assign  ] ..... [   H2o    ]                       ³
 ³³                    [   Zone   ] ..... [  Oxygen  ]                       ³
 ³³                    [ 0xdBass  ] ..... [ Delirium ]                       ³
 ³³                    [   Beat   ] ..... [ Dynamics ]                       ³
 ³³                    [  Arctic  ] ..... [ Invision ]                       ³
 ³³                    [  Talio   ] ..... [ AudioP2P ]                       ³
 ³³                    [ Digisan  ] ..... [ Embrace  ]                       ³
 ³³                    [   Ind    ] ..... [   Mpt    ]                       ³
 ³³                    [  Union   ] ..... [   Doa    ]                       ³
 ³³                    [  CHAOS   ]  <->  [ HORSEMEN ]                       ³
 ³³                                   ³                                      ³
 ³³    ..:=all groups'n'ppl working hard, who bring quality releases=:..     ³
 ³³                                                                          ³
 ÀÄNFO updated 05-2013ÄÅÍÄþ try before buy (quote"Radium") r.i.p þÄÍÄÅTR4C3RÙ

          -=these p2p-filez passed slow as hell through N.D.A.T.W=-
            [ : 0Mbit³0kb³-hq³-us³-eu]

This NFO File was rendered by

