- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: ly-cbearersd.nfo ly-cbearersd

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                  .          .


                  Released...: 07/20/2014

                  DVD Date...: 06/30/2014

 .                Theatrical.: 00/00/0000

                  Runtime....: 71 minutes
 .                Genre......: Horror
 :                Codec......: x264
 |                Bitrate....: 1030
 |                Resolution.: 700x394
 |                Asp. Ratio.: 16:9
 |                Format.....: .mkv
 |                Language...: English
 |                Audio......: AAC 2.0 VBR 128kbps
 |                Subtitles..: -
 |      .
 |     .          iMDB Rating: 6,8/10 from 93 users
 |    /
 !  //            iMDB Link..:
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                  .          . - ------------------- '
                  .          .
                  i         .i
                  !    .: .::!
                  Heather is broke. She has a soul sucking job as a stripper. Her live-in
                  girlfriend Victoria has a baby and a coke problem. Her boss Harry is an
                  abusive maniac. Life cannot get much worse... or so she thought. Determined
                  to get out of this living hell, Heather and her lover, Bunny, plan to rip off
                  Harry, ditch Victoria, and leave town to live out their days on the Greek
                  islands in peaceful bliss. One big score is all they need, and Harry gives
                  them the opportunity when he asks them to take care of a drug deal with one
                  of his clients at an old warehouse. As Heather and her friends arrive, everything
                  seems to be going fine until they make a grizzly discovery and are trapped inside
                  by a rambling, religious maniac hell-bent on purifying the Earth of its sins
                  through murder and destruction. Armed with a carpenter's hammer and a fanatic
                  passion, the Cross Bearer hunts Heather and her friends down one-by-one in a
                  sadistic crusade to burn clean the filth of the world. Heather's dreams are
                  shattered and if she survives nothing will ever be the same. Unflinchingly
                  raw, primal, and horrifying, Cross Bearer is a trip to the darkest, most vile
                  side of humanity.
                  i::' :'    i
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                  '          '
                  '          '
                   ....  .... ....  ....  .      ...
                  :...: :   ' :...: :...: :""   :.....
                    ..' :     `..   `..   `...:    ..'


                  and especially a big THX goes out to SCOUR from the mighty SAC!

                  .          .
                  .          .
                  :          :
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                  l:         !+ ''""                   '

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                   :         |
                   .         :


   There are many fishes in the water but only a few aren┤t that stupid to get hooked up

This NFO File was rendered by

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            _  _ ______________ _  _
                  :          :
                  '          `
                  '          `
                  .          .


                  Released...: 07/20/2014

                  DVD Date...: 06/30/2014

 .                Theatrical.: 00/00/0000

                  Runtime....: 71 minutes
 .                Genre......: Horror
 :                Codec......: x264
 |                Bitrate....: 1030
 |                Resolution.: 700x394
 |                Asp. Ratio.: 16:9
 |                Format.....: .mkv
 |                Language...: English
 |                Audio......: AAC 2.0 VBR 128kbps
 |                Subtitles..: -
 |      .
 |     .          iMDB Rating: 6,8/10 from 93 users
 |    /
 !  //            iMDB Link..:
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                  .          . - ------------------- '
                  .          .
                  i         .i
                  !    .: .::!
                  Heather is broke. She has a soul sucking job as a stripper. Her live-in
                  girlfriend Victoria has a baby and a coke problem. Her boss Harry is an
                  abusive maniac. Life cannot get much worse... or so she thought. Determined
                  to get out of this living hell, Heather and her lover, Bunny, plan to rip off
                  Harry, ditch Victoria, and leave town to live out their days on the Greek
                  islands in peaceful bliss. One big score is all they need, and Harry gives
                  them the opportunity when he asks them to take care of a drug deal with one
                  of his clients at an old warehouse. As Heather and her friends arrive, everything
                  seems to be going fine until they make a grizzly discovery and are trapped inside
                  by a rambling, religious maniac hell-bent on purifying the Earth of its sins
                  through murder and destruction. Armed with a carpenter's hammer and a fanatic
                  passion, the Cross Bearer hunts Heather and her friends down one-by-one in a
                  sadistic crusade to burn clean the filth of the world. Heather's dreams are
                  shattered and if she survives nothing will ever be the same. Unflinchingly
                  raw, primal, and horrifying, Cross Bearer is a trip to the darkest, most vile
                  side of humanity.
                  i::' :'    i
                  !'         !
                  '          '
                  '          '
                   ....  .... ....  ....  .      ...
                  :...: :   ' :...: :...: :""   :.....
                    ..' :     `..   `..   `...:    ..'


                  and especially a big THX goes out to SCOUR from the mighty SAC!

                  .          .
                  .          .
                  :          :
                  i`         i        __   _
                  l:         !+ ''""                   '

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                 .                  :                     .
                 |          .       |                     |
                 |_i        .       |_i                   |_i
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                `            \     \_                 .
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                   |::'"     |++ .. __
                   |:        |           ``     `
                   |         |
                   :         |
                   .         :


   There are many fishes in the water but only a few aren´t that stupid to get hooked up

This NFO File was rendered by

