- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Trials.Fusion.Awesome.Level.Max.Edition-SKIDROW.nfo Trials.Fusion.Awesome.Level.Max.Edition-SKIDROW

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    »                          S  K  I  D  R  O  W                     _ª»   _
ªªª    _                       .the leading force.                    ªª    »ª»
ªªª    ªª                                                              »_  _  _
ªªª   _»                        proudly presents                         »ª_»ª_
ªª»_ª         Trials Fusion - The Awesome MAX Edition (c) Ubisoft            ªªªª
ªªªª                                                                        ªªª
ªªª»                                                                        ªªª
ªªª    20-07-2015......Release Date <-> Protection..Ubisoft+Steam+Custom    ªªª
ªªª    Racer..............Game Type <-> Disk(s).................1 BLURAY    ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ª»ª
ªª»_                                                                        _ª»
»ªªª                                                                    _ ª»ª
   » _ RELEASE NOTES                                                      »_
 __»                                                                       ªªª_
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª Take on an unlimited array of platform-racing challenges in the unreal  ªªª
ªªª world of Trials Fusion. Using your skills to traverse across            ªªª
ªªª obstacle-laden, ramp-ridden courses, you must strive to set track       ªªª
ªªª records against the best Trials players from around the globe. Whether  ªªª
ªªª you╞re racing alone, with friends, or in a global tournament,           ªªª
ªªª competition is always around you.                                       ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª Discover immersive worlds and face new challenges in each of the 6 DLCs ªªª
ªªª composing Trials Fusion╞s Season Pass.                                  ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª The Awesome MAX Edition also includes the new Awesome Level MAX DLC,    ªªª
ªªª which adds a collection of new tracks and gaming content, combined with ªªª
ªªª a unique Trials experience featuring an unexpected hero riding a very   ªªª
ªªª special bikeα This fresh DLC pack contains levels that are as much      ªªª
ªªª tracks as they are adventures!                                          ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª Features_                                                               ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª TRIALS FUSION FULL GAME                                                 ªªª
ªªª Rock-solid motocross physics and reality-bending course designs come    ªªª
ªªª together for an over-the-top racing experience that no other game can   ªªª
ªªª provide. Show your fearless side with the brand new FMX tricks system,  ªªª
ªªª and choose your path towards victory on branching courses. The finish   ªªª
ªªª line is the ultimate goal, but the challenge is everything before it!   ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª THE SEASON PASS (6 DLC PACKS)                                           ªªª
ªªª With Trials Fusion╞s Season Pass, you will ride your way through 6 DLCs ªªª
ªªª featuring new tracks, new bike parts and rider gear, but also new items ªªª
ªªª for the Track Editor. On top of that, each DLC will let you enjoy a new ªªª
ªªª Career Mode Event set in a spectacular universe.                        ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª THE NEW DLC ⌠AWESOME LEVEL MAX÷                                         ªªª
ªªª Immerse yourself in a unique Trials experience through the 2 themed     ªªª
ªªª events of this new content pack:                                        ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª - The Awesome Adventure is a funny and previously unseen Trials gaming  ªªª
ªªª   experience, including a unique unicorn-riding cat!                    ªªª
ªªª - RedLynx vs All-Stars is a collection of 22 new tracks, half of them   ªªª
ªªª   created by RedLynx╞s track developers and the other half made by the  ªªª
ªªª   very best track creators from all around the world!                   ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª In total, this new DLC pack features 30 all-new tracks plus 10          ªªª
ªªª Supercross tracks, 30 unexpected and various challenges to complete,    ªªª
ªªª unicorn bike & cat rider, 5 new garage items and more than 130 fresh    ªªª
ªªª new Editor objects.                                                     ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª                                                                     ___ªª»ª
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   » _ INSTALL NOTES      »ª»    ___ª»»»»     ª   __ª»»»  __ »»»    ª »    _
 __ª»                      _ª »»              _ »     _ª_                   ªª_
ªªªª                   ª»                              » _                  ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª 1. Unpack the release                                                   ªªª
ªªª 2. Mount or burn image                                                  ªªª
ªªª 3. Install                                                              ªªª
ªªª 4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation   ªªª
ªªª 5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as      ªªª
ªªª    secure/trusted in your antivirus program                             ªªª
ªªª 6. Play the game                                                        ªªª
ªªª 7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!            ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª                                                                     ___ªª»ª
ªªª  __ »                                                         ___ª»ª_ªª»ªªª
ªª_ª» _ ª »                                               ____ª»»»»__ªª»» _ªª»ª
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»ªªª                       _            _____ªª»»»» ª  ___ª»»»  ___ªª»» __»»ª
  » _ ADDITIONAL NOTES   »ª»    ___ª»»»»     ª   __ª»»»  __ »»»    ª »    _
 __ª»                      _ª »»              _ »     _ª_                   ªª_
ªªªª                   ª»                              » _                  ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª This release is the ultimate complete edition with the brand new        ªªª
ªªª Awesome Level Max expansion.                                            ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª This release does also contain Riders of the Rustlands, Empire of the   ªªª
ªªª Sky, Welcome to the Abyss,Fire in the Deep, Fault One Zero and After    ªªª
ªªª the Incident released content.                                          ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª                                                                     ___ªª»ª
ªªª  __ »                                                         ___ª»ª_ªª»ªªª
ªª_ª» _ ª »                                               ____ª»»»»__ªª»» _ªª»ª
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»ªªª                       _            _____ªª»»»» ª  ___ª»»»  ___ªª»» __»»ª
   » _ GREETINGS          »ª»    ___ª»»»»     ª   __ª»»»  __ »»»    ª »    _
 __ª»                      _ª »»              _ »     _ª_                   ªª_
ªªªª                   ª»                              » _                  ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!                ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª                                                                         ªªª
ªªª                                        »___                             ª»ª
ªª»_                                        ªªªªª                           _ª»
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ªªªªªªªª»ª_ªªªªªªªªªªª»ªªªªªªªªª»   ascii art by the      ª__    _  »_      ªªª
»»ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª   godlike & terrific duo  ªªªª___ ª_ » _   ªªª
  ª  »»»_ªªªª_ª»ªªªªªª_ª»ªªªªªªª_      malodix + irokos     ªªªªªªªªª»ª___»ª_ªª
          »_ »»ª  »»ªªªªªª_»»ªªªªª_     titan artdivision    »ªªªªªªªªªªªªªª__ª
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¦¦                  ¯    ¦¯¯¯__                                              ¦¦
¯¦_                              ¯                                         _¦¯_
    ¯                          S  K  I  D  R  O  W                     _¦¯   _
¦¦¦    _                       .the leading force.                    ¦¦    ¯¦¯
¦¦¦    ¦¦                                                              ¯_  _  _
¦¦¦   _¯                        proudly presents                         ¯¦_¯¦_
¦¦¯_¦         Trials Fusion - The Awesome MAX Edition (c) Ubisoft            ¦¦¦¦
¦¦¦¦                                                                        ¦¦¦
¦¦¦¯                                                                        ¦¦¦
¦¦¦    20-07-2015......Release Date <-> Protection..Ubisoft+Steam+Custom    ¦¦¦
¦¦¦    Racer..............Game Type <-> Disk(s).................1 BLURAY    ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¯¦
¦¦¯_                                                                        _¦¯
¯¦¦¦                                                                    _ ¦¯¦
   ¯ _ RELEASE NOTES                                                      ¯_
 __¯                                                                       ¦¦¦_
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Take on an unlimited array of platform-racing challenges in the unreal  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ world of Trials Fusion. Using your skills to traverse across            ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ obstacle-laden, ramp-ridden courses, you must strive to set track       ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ records against the best Trials players from around the globe. Whether  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ youÆre racing alone, with friends, or in a global tournament,           ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ competition is always around you.                                       ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Discover immersive worlds and face new challenges in each of the 6 DLCs ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ composing Trials FusionÆs Season Pass.                                  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ The Awesome MAX Edition also includes the new Awesome Level MAX DLC,    ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ which adds a collection of new tracks and gaming content, combined with ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ a unique Trials experience featuring an unexpected hero riding a very   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ special bikeà This fresh DLC pack contains levels that are as much      ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ tracks as they are adventures!                                          ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Features_                                                               ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ TRIALS FUSION FULL GAME                                                 ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Rock-solid motocross physics and reality-bending course designs come    ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ together for an over-the-top racing experience that no other game can   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ provide. Show your fearless side with the brand new FMX tricks system,  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ and choose your path towards victory on branching courses. The finish   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ line is the ultimate goal, but the challenge is everything before it!   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ THE SEASON PASS (6 DLC PACKS)                                           ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ With Trials FusionÆs Season Pass, you will ride your way through 6 DLCs ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ featuring new tracks, new bike parts and rider gear, but also new items ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ for the Track Editor. On top of that, each DLC will let you enjoy a new ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Career Mode Event set in a spectacular universe.                        ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ THE NEW DLC ôAWESOME LEVEL MAXö                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Immerse yourself in a unique Trials experience through the 2 themed     ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ events of this new content pack:                                        ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ - The Awesome Adventure is a funny and previously unseen Trials gaming  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦   experience, including a unique unicorn-riding cat!                    ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ - RedLynx vs All-Stars is a collection of 22 new tracks, half of them   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦   created by RedLynxÆs track developers and the other half made by the  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦   very best track creators from all around the world!                   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ In total, this new DLC pack features 30 all-new tracks plus 10          ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Supercross tracks, 30 unexpected and various challenges to complete,    ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ unicorn bike & cat rider, 5 new garage items and more than 130 fresh    ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ new Editor objects.                                                     ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                     ___¦¦¯¦
¦¦¦  __ ¯                                                         ___¦¯¦_¦¦¯¦¦¦
¦¦_¦¯ _ ¦ ¯                                               ____¦¯¯¯¯__¦¦¯¯ _¦¦¯¦
¦¦¯_¯                                             ____¦¯¯¯¯  ___¦¦¯¯¯ __¦¯ _¦¦¯
¯¦¦¦                       _            _____¦¦¯¯¯¯ ¦  ___¦¯¯¯  ___¦¦¯¯ __¯¯¦
   ¯ _ INSTALL NOTES      ¯¦¯    ___¦¯¯¯¯     ¦   __¦¯¯¯  __ ¯¯¯    ¦ ¯    _
 __¦¯                      _¦ ¯¯              _ ¯     _¦_                   ¦¦_
¦¦¦¦                   ¦¯                              ¯ _                  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ 1. Unpack the release                                                   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ 2. Mount or burn image                                                  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ 3. Install                                                              ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ 4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ 5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as      ¦¦¦
¦¦¦    secure/trusted in your antivirus program                             ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ 6. Play the game                                                        ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ 7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!            ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                     ___¦¦¯¦
¦¦¦  __ ¯                                                         ___¦¯¦_¦¦¯¦¦¦
¦¦_¦¯ _ ¦ ¯                                               ____¦¯¯¯¯__¦¦¯¯ _¦¦¯¦
¦¦¯_¯                                             ____¦¯¯¯¯  ___¦¦¯¯¯ __¦¯ _¦¦¯
¯¦¦¦                       _            _____¦¦¯¯¯¯ ¦  ___¦¯¯¯  ___¦¦¯¯ __¯¯¦
  ¯ _ ADDITIONAL NOTES   ¯¦¯    ___¦¯¯¯¯     ¦   __¦¯¯¯  __ ¯¯¯    ¦ ¯    _
 __¦¯                      _¦ ¯¯              _ ¯     _¦_                   ¦¦_
¦¦¦¦                   ¦¯                              ¯ _                  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ This release is the ultimate complete edition with the brand new        ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Awesome Level Max expansion.                                            ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ This release does also contain Riders of the Rustlands, Empire of the   ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ Sky, Welcome to the Abyss,Fire in the Deep, Fault One Zero and After    ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ the Incident released content.                                          ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                     ___¦¦¯¦
¦¦¦  __ ¯                                                         ___¦¯¦_¦¦¯¦¦¦
¦¦_¦¯ _ ¦ ¯                                               ____¦¯¯¯¯__¦¦¯¯ _¦¦¯¦
¦¦¯_¯                                             ____¦¯¯¯¯  ___¦¦¯¯¯ __¦¯ _¦¦¯
¯¦¦¦                       _            _____¦¦¯¯¯¯ ¦  ___¦¯¯¯  ___¦¦¯¯ __¯¯¦
   ¯ _ GREETINGS          ¯¦¯    ___¦¯¯¯¯     ¦   __¦¯¯¯  __ ¯¯¯    ¦ ¯    _
 __¦¯                      _¦ ¯¯              _ ¯     _¦_                   ¦¦_
¦¦¦¦                   ¦¯                              ¯ _                  ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦ To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!                ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                                                         ¦¦¦
¦¦¦                                        ¯___                             ¦¯¦
¦¦¯_                                        ¦¦¦¦¦                           _¦¯
¦¦¦¦         __¯                           _¦¦¦¦                        _ ¦¯¦
¦¦¦¦¯____¦¦¦¯¯   ___¯         _       ___¦¦¦¯¯                               ¦¦
¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¯¦____¦¦¦¦¯¯      ___¦¯ ___¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¯                          _¦      ¦¦¦
¦¦¦¯_¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¦¦____¦¦¦¦¦¯¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¯  ¦                 _     _   ¦¦       ¦¦¦
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¦_¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¯   ascii art by the      ¦__    _  ¯_      ¦¦¦
¯¯¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦   godlike & terrific duo  ¦¦¦¦___ ¦_ ¯ _   ¦¦¦
  ¦  ¯¯¯_¦¦¦¦_¦¯¦¦¦¦¦¦_¦¯¦¦¦¦¦¦¦_      malodix + irokos     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¦___¯¦_¦¦
          ¯_ ¯¯¦  ¯¯¦¦¦¦¦¦_¯¯¦¦¦¦¦_     titan artdivision    ¯¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦__¦
                ¯    ¯¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¯¯¯¦¦                          ¯¦¦¦¦¦¦¦_¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
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                     _¦¯¯                                            ¦¯¦¦¦¦ ¯¯¦
                   ¯                                                   ¦¦¯

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