- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: The.Talos.Principle.Update.v244371-BAT.nfo The.Talos.Principle.Update.v244371-BAT

                             ª    ª    ª_
     ª»ª__     -Battery        -      __ ª    ª
       ªªªª_             ª     ªªª» _ªªª    ª ª
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   »ª_     ªª»ª ªª»ª ªª»ª ªª__ »ª»ª ªª»_ ªª_ ªª__ _ »__     bumax ª
  _ »»ª_   ªª»» ªª   ªª__ ___ª ªª__ ªª ª ªª  ___ª _    »»»ª__
     ___»     _________     ___________»___________  ª       »          ª
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                            »»»»»ªª_____  ____»»»»               ª
   ª                                  ª»»»
  »_                                                              ª
          The Talos Principle v244371 update (c) Croteam
     »» ____                                                     _
  ª _     »»»»»»»ªªª___ª_______                              __ª»
   ª ª                     »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»ª_____________ªªªª»»»
    ªª  Release Date: 28/07/2015        Protection: Steam   ª
     ª                                                          ª
     ªª Cracked By..: BAT-TEAM          # of Files: few         ª
     ªª                                                         ª
  ___ ª _______________________________________________________ ª ______
      ª  ªª»ª ªª»ª ªª  ªª»ª ªª»ª ªª__ ªª»ª   ªª ªª»_ ªª»» ªª»ª  ª
         ªª   ªª__ ªª_ ªª__ ªª»ª ___ª ªª__   ªª ªª ª ªª»  ªª_ª

      This update adds French, German, Russian & Spanish to the
      Gehenna DLC.


      The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna follows the narrative
          of Uriel, Elohim's messenger, as he explores a strange,
          hidden part of the simulation on a mission of mercy and
          redemption in an attempt to free the souls of the damned
          at all costs.

      This substantial expansion consists of four episodes
          that take experienced players through some of the most
          advanced and challenging puzzles yet. The Talos Principle
          writers Tom Jubert and Jonas Kyratzes have returned to
          pen the expansion and show players an entirely different
          side of Elohim's world through a journey to Gehenna filled
          with new characters and a new society with its own history
          and philosophy.

     ª»                                                         ª
  ___ ª _______________________________________________________ ª ______
      ª    ªª ªª»_ ªª__ ªª_ ªª»ª ªª  ªª    ªª ªª»_ ªª»» ªª»ª    ª
           ªª ªª ª ___ª ªª  ªª»ª ªª_ ªª_   ªª ªª ª ªª»  ªª_ª

         1. Unpack the release and install to the game dir.
         2. Copy over the crack.
         3. Enjoy! ;)

                 Tested on: The.Talos.Principle.Road.To.Gehenna-RELOADED

     ª»                                                         ª
  ___ ª _______________________________________________________ ª ______
      ª   ªª»  ªª»ª ªª»_ ªª_ ªª»ª ªª»  ªª_   ªª ªª»_ ªª»» ªª»ª  ª
          ªª__ ªª_ª ªª ª ªª  ªª»ª ªª__ ªª    ªª ªª ª ªª»  ªª_ª
                       WE CONTACT YOU IF NEEDED!
             WEB: NEVER         - IRC: NEVER         - EMAIL: NEVER
    ª ª _                                                     ª   _
   _ ª»   »_                                                    ª
  ___ ª _______________________________________________________ ª ______
      ª                                                         ª
     ª         ªª»  ªª»ª ªª»ª ªª»ª ªª_ ªª ªª»_ ªª»  ªª__        ª
      _        ªª_ª ªª   ªª__ ªª__ ªª  ªª ªª ª ªª_ª ___ª        _
    ___»          ª                               ª            ª ª
   »_                                                           ª ª
     ª       Greetings to all of our friends around scene!        ªª
     ª                                                           ªª
     _                                                    _»ª___ªª
       _»»ªª_______                  __ª»»»»ªª____       ª   »»»
      ª    ª    »»»»»ªª____   _____ª»           ª»»»ª  »
      ª   _          ª    »»»»»
        »                               NFO UPDATED 13/11/2007

This NFO File was rendered by

                             ¦    ¦    ¦_
     ¦¯¦__     -Battery        -      __ ¦    ¦
       ¦¦¦¦_             ¦     ¦¦¦¯ _¦¦¦    ¦ ¦
        ¦¦¦¦¦     _¯     ¦ ¦   ¦¦¦¯ ¯¯¯¯ ____ __ _        ¦¯ ¦
        ¦¦¦¦¦    ¯¯¦¯_____¯________¯¯¯¯¯¯   ¦¯             ,      ¦_
         ¦¦¦¦                  ___  ¦¦¦¦             _¦¦¦¦_ ¦      ¦¦
         ¦¦¦¦_¦_    _¦_¯¦¦¦_   ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦  _¦¦¯_¦_   ¦¦¦¦¯¦¦¦ ¦_     ¦
         ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦  ¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦  ¦¦   ¦¦
        ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¯¦¯    ¦_  ¦
  ¦     ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ _¦¦¯ ¦¦¦ ¯_   ¦   ¦¦¦¦
        ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    _ ¦¦¦¦  ¦_ _   ¦¦¦
  ¦     ¦¦¦¦ _¦¦¯  ¯¦¦¦_¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦ ¯¦¦¦_ _¦¦¯¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¯
 ¦ ¦     ¯¦¦¯            ¯¯¯¯ _¦¯    ¯¦¦_  ¯¯¯¯     ¯¦¦¦_ ¯¯¯  _
  ¯ ¯¯¯_____________________ ¦  ________ ¯ __________   ¯ _ ¦ ¯ ____    _
 ¦                            ¦                      _¦¯¯           ¯¯¯¦ ¦ _
   ¯¦_     ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦__ ¯¦¯¦ ¦¦¯_ ¦¦_ ¦¦__ _ ¯__     bumax ¦
  _ ¯¯¦_   ¦¦¯¯ ¦¦   ¦¦__ ___¦ ¦¦__ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦  ___¦ _    ¯¯¯¦__
     ___¯     _________     ___________¯___________  ¦       ¯          ¦
    ¯______¦¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¦¦¦___         ¦          __¯          ¯
                            ¯¯¯¯¯¦¦_____  ____¯¯¯¯               ¦
   ¦                                  ¦¯¯¯
  ¯_                                                              ¦
          The Talos Principle v244371 update (c) Croteam
     ¯¯ ____                                                     _
  ¦ _     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¦¦¦___¦_______                              __¦¯
   ¦ ¦                     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¦_____________¦¦¦¦¯¯¯
    ¦¦  Release Date: 28/07/2015        Protection: Steam   ¦
     ¦                                                          ¦
     ¦¦ Cracked By..: BAT-TEAM          # of Files: few         ¦
     ¦¦                                                         ¦
  ___ ¦ _______________________________________________________ ¦ ______
      ¦  ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦  ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦__ ¦¦¯¦   ¦¦ ¦¦¯_ ¦¦¯¯ ¦¦¯¦  ¦
         ¦¦   ¦¦__ ¦¦_ ¦¦__ ¦¦¯¦ ___¦ ¦¦__   ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¯  ¦¦_¦

      This update adds French, German, Russian & Spanish to the
      Gehenna DLC.


      The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna follows the narrative
          of Uriel, Elohim's messenger, as he explores a strange,
          hidden part of the simulation on a mission of mercy and
          redemption in an attempt to free the souls of the damned
          at all costs.

      This substantial expansion consists of four episodes
          that take experienced players through some of the most
          advanced and challenging puzzles yet. The Talos Principle
          writers Tom Jubert and Jonas Kyratzes have returned to
          pen the expansion and show players an entirely different
          side of Elohim's world through a journey to Gehenna filled
          with new characters and a new society with its own history
          and philosophy.

     ¦¯                                                         ¦
  ___ ¦ _______________________________________________________ ¦ ______
      ¦    ¦¦ ¦¦¯_ ¦¦__ ¦¦_ ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦  ¦¦    ¦¦ ¦¦¯_ ¦¦¯¯ ¦¦¯¦    ¦
           ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ___¦ ¦¦  ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦_ ¦¦_   ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¯  ¦¦_¦

         1. Unpack the release and install to the game dir.
         2. Copy over the crack.
         3. Enjoy! ;)

                 Tested on: The.Talos.Principle.Road.To.Gehenna-RELOADED

     ¦¯                                                         ¦
  ___ ¦ _______________________________________________________ ¦ ______
      ¦   ¦¦¯  ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦¯_ ¦¦_ ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦¯  ¦¦_   ¦¦ ¦¦¯_ ¦¦¯¯ ¦¦¯¦  ¦
          ¦¦__ ¦¦_¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦  ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦__ ¦¦    ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¯  ¦¦_¦
                       WE CONTACT YOU IF NEEDED!
             WEB: NEVER         - IRC: NEVER         - EMAIL: NEVER
    ¦ ¦ _                                                     ¦   _
   _ ¦¯   ¯_                                                    ¦
  ___ ¦ _______________________________________________________ ¦ ______
      ¦                                                         ¦
     ¦         ¦¦¯  ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦¯¦ ¦¦_ ¦¦ ¦¦¯_ ¦¦¯  ¦¦__        ¦
      _        ¦¦_¦ ¦¦   ¦¦__ ¦¦__ ¦¦  ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦_¦ ___¦        _
    ___¯          ¦                               ¦            ¦ ¦
   ¯_                                                           ¦ ¦
     ¦       Greetings to all of our friends around scene!        ¦¦
     ¦                                                           ¦¦
     _                                                    _¯¦___¦¦
       _¯¯¦¦_______                  __¦¯¯¯¯¦¦____       ¦   ¯¯¯
      ¦    ¦    ¯¯¯¯¯¦¦____   _____¦¯           ¦¯¯¯¦  ¯
      ¦   _          ¦    ¯¯¯¯¯
        ¯                               NFO UPDATED 13/11/2007

This NFO File was rendered by

