- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Arcana.Heart.3.LOVE.MAX-RELOADED.nfo Arcana.Heart.3.LOVE.MAX-RELOADED

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                  Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX (c) Arc System Works

        09/2015 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Steam
              1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Action

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                    »»  »    »   » »»»» » »    »     »»   »»

  With its own unique battle system and a wide selection of characteristic
  angels, the girls are appearing on Steam for the first time in [Arcana
  Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!]!!

  Discover new meta gameplan as you play!
  From the basic battle mechanics such as performing "Arcana Combo" with the
  pressing of the correct buttons in sequence, "Homing Action" and "Arcana
  Burst", to the more advanced and spectacular "Extend Force", "Arcana
  Eclipse" and "Arcana Blaze", dozens of ways to decimate your opponent! Find
  out more about the mechanics in the game!

  23 playable Angels with 23 free selectable Arcanas!
  Equip the unique characters with an Arcana of your choice, and explore the
  boundless amount of strategies that can be derived!

  Plentiful story!
  Every character has their own "Main Story", as well as a special "After
  Story in the Hotspring", all fully voiced! (in Japanese).
  In addition, all characters have extra "Short Stories" (non-voiced), giving
  you the chance to understand your character more than ever!
  Dive into the world of Arcana Heart!

  More than just simply fighting!
  In short, there is "Story Mode", "After-Story Mode", "Survival Score Attack
  Mode", "Trial Mode", "Time Attack Mode", "Versus Mode", "Training Mode",
  "Replay Theatre Mode" etc. etc. and many more!
  Also, in the "Gallery Mode", you can unlock Event CG illustrations and
  Link-Animations, and view the Angels' short stories!

  Online Network capable!
  Players who are up to the task can test their prowess online, via the "Rank
  Match" or "Player Match" mode.
  Players can save their battle results and scores online, and compare their
  scores with other players in the Leaderboard too!
  Show the world that your Angel is the #1 wa-, *ahem*, Angel in the world!

  Special Purchase Bonus!
  Discover more about each Angel's charming points with the 144-page filled
  "Link Anime Drafts Collection" that comes with each purchase!
  When you're feeling exhausted after a heaty battle, open up the Collections
  and be refreshed!
  *They will be placed in your Steam folder:
  ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX\Digital Extras\

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             » »     »»   »»» »    »»» »»» »     »»   »»» »»»»  »»

  1. Unrar.
  2. Burn or mount the image.
  3. Install the game.
  4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to
     your game install directory.
  5. Play the game.
  6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

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This NFO File was rendered by

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                  Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX (c) Arc System Works

        09/2015 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Steam
              1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Action

                   _¯¯  _¯¯_ _¯_¯_ _¯¯  ¯ _¯¯_ _¯¯_ _¯¯_ _¯
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                    ¯¯  ¯    ¯   ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯    ¯     ¯¯   ¯¯

  With its own unique battle system and a wide selection of characteristic
  angels, the girls are appearing on Steam for the first time in [Arcana
  Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!]!!

  Discover new meta gameplan as you play!
  From the basic battle mechanics such as performing "Arcana Combo" with the
  pressing of the correct buttons in sequence, "Homing Action" and "Arcana
  Burst", to the more advanced and spectacular "Extend Force", "Arcana
  Eclipse" and "Arcana Blaze", dozens of ways to decimate your opponent! Find
  out more about the mechanics in the game!

  23 playable Angels with 23 free selectable Arcanas!
  Equip the unique characters with an Arcana of your choice, and explore the
  boundless amount of strategies that can be derived!

  Plentiful story!
  Every character has their own "Main Story", as well as a special "After
  Story in the Hotspring", all fully voiced! (in Japanese).
  In addition, all characters have extra "Short Stories" (non-voiced), giving
  you the chance to understand your character more than ever!
  Dive into the world of Arcana Heart!

  More than just simply fighting!
  In short, there is "Story Mode", "After-Story Mode", "Survival Score Attack
  Mode", "Trial Mode", "Time Attack Mode", "Versus Mode", "Training Mode",
  "Replay Theatre Mode" etc. etc. and many more!
  Also, in the "Gallery Mode", you can unlock Event CG illustrations and
  Link-Animations, and view the Angels' short stories!

  Online Network capable!
  Players who are up to the task can test their prowess online, via the "Rank
  Match" or "Player Match" mode.
  Players can save their battle results and scores online, and compare their
  scores with other players in the Leaderboard too!
  Show the world that your Angel is the #1 wa-, *ahem*, Angel in the world!

  Special Purchase Bonus!
  Discover more about each Angel's charming points with the 144-page filled
  "Link Anime Drafts Collection" that comes with each purchase!
  When you're feeling exhausted after a heaty battle, open up the Collections
  and be refreshed!
  *They will be placed in your Steam folder:
  ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX\Digital Extras\

             ¯ _¯¯_ _¯   ¦__  _¯¯_ ¦   ¦   _¯¯_ _¯¯_ ¦__  _¯¯  _¯
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             ¯ ¯     ¯¯   ¯¯¯ ¯    ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯     ¯¯   ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯  ¯¯

  1. Unrar.
  2. Burn or mount the image.
  3. Install the game.
  4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to
     your game install directory.
  5. Play the game.
  6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

               _¯¯  _¯¯¦ _¯¯_ ¦  _ _¯¯¦ _¯¯_ _¯¯_ ¦__  _¯¯  _¯
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¦ ¯¦ ¦¯¦  ¦  ¦ ¦  ¦ ¦¯¯  ¦  ¦ ¦  ¦ ¦  _ ¦¯ _ ¯¯¯¦ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
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This NFO File was rendered by

