- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: CHAOS.nfo CHAOS

┌─┐      ╔═══════╗ ╔═╗ ╔═╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══╗        ┌─┐
│█│      ║░░░░░░░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░░░░░║ ║░░░░░║ ║░░░░░░║ ║░░║        │█│
│█│      ║░░╔════╝ ║░║ ║░║ ║░╔═╗░║ ║░╔═╗░║ ║░╔════╝ ║░░║        │█│
│█│      ║░░║      ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║      ║░░║        │█│
│█│      ║░░║      ║░╚═╝░║ ║░╚═╝░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░╚════╗ ║░░║        │█│
│█│      ║░░║      ║░░░░░║ ║░░░░░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░░░░░░║ ║░░║        │█│
│█│      ║░░║      ║░╔═╗░║ ║░╔═╗░║ ║░║ ║░║ ╚════╗░║ ║░░║        │█│
│█│      ║░░║      ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║      ║░║ ╚══╝        │█│
│█│      ║░░╚════╗ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░╚═╝░║ ╔════╝░║ ╔══╗        │█│
│█│      ║░░░░░░░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░║ ║░░░░░║ ║░░░░░░║ ║░░║        │█│
│█│      ╚══╦═══╦╩╦╩═╩╦╩╦╩═╩╦╩╦╩═╩╦╩╦═══╦╩╦╩══╦═╦═╩═╬══╝        │█│
│█│       ╔═╝≈≈≈╚═╝≈≈≈╚═╝≈≈≈╚═╝≈≈≈╚═╝≈≈≈╚═╝≈≈≈╚═╝≈≈≈╚═╗         │█│
│█│       ║≈≈≈R≈≈≈≈≈E≈≈≈≈≈L≈≈≈≈≈E≈≈≈≈≈A≈≈≈≈≈S≈≈≈≈≈E≈≈≈║         │█│
│█│       ╚═╗≈≈≈╔═╗≈≈≈╔═╗≈≈≈╔═╗≈≈≈╔═╗≈≈≈╔═╗≈≈≈╔═╗≈≈≈╔═╝         │█│
│█│         ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝           │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│      Acon.Digital.Equalize.v.1.1.12.VST.x86.x64.CHAOS       │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│                                   1897 «/NR                 │█│
│█│                     NOVEMBER.08TH.2015 «/DATE               │█│
│█│                     PATCH (EDiTED.iSS) «/TYPE               │█│
│█│                          (VST.x86.x64) «/TARGET             │█│
│█│                                 SERiAL «/PROTECTiON         │█│
│█│                 HTTP:// «/RELEASE(URL)       │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         This Release is dedicated to : HaJDaR :D            │█│
│█│         THX for the nice Setup tune.                        │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│                RELEASE iNFORMATiON ...                      │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         Equalize is a versatile, user friendly and great    │█│
│█│         sounding equalizer with several unique features.    │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         Unlike other equalizers, you can freely adjust      │█│
│█│         not only center frequency, gain and bandwidth,      │█│
│█│         but also the filter slope for each band.            │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         The filter slope can be set anywhere from 3 to      │█│
│█│         ultra sharp 120 dB per octave. Needless to say,     │█│
│█│         you can operate Equalize as a zero latency          │█│
│█│         plug-in when using the minimum phase mode or        │█│
│█│         choose to preserve the phase relationships in       │█│
│█│         the linear phase mode.                              │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         Equalize goes one step further, though, and         │█│
│█│         introduces the unique mixed phase mode that         │█│
│█│         allows you to set the latency freely in the         │█│
│█│         range 5 to 120 milliseconds while preserving        │█│
│█│         the phase relationships as far as possible.         │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         That gives a unique control over potential          │█│
│█│         pre-ringing artifacts which is a common problem     │█│
│█│         with linear phase filtering.                        │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         Latency values below 20 milliseconds ensure that    │█│
│█│         any pre-ringing is masked by the temporal masking   │█│
│█│         of the human hearing while preserving the time -    │█│
│█│         alignment across the audible frequency range.       │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         Great care has been taken to provide a user         │█│
│█│         interface that is straight forward to use.          │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         Band parameters can be adjusted using handles       │█│
│█│         directly in the graphical representation of the     │█│
│█│         frequency response, including bandwidths            │█│
│█│         and filter slopes.                                  │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         A flexible real-time analyzer lets you monitor      │█│
│█│         every aspect of the processing.                     │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         You can easily switch between full, mid, side,      │█│
│█│         left or right channel processing for each band      │█│
│█│         and Equalize automatically routes the audio         │█│
│█│         signal internally to ensure the best results        │█│
│█│         and lowest possible latency.                        │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         AAX Plug-ins REMOVED :D                             │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         The internal Pro-Tools-HD Release works bud         │█│
│█│         "PATCHED" AAX Plug-ins dosn't start because         │█│
│█│         more checks in serval files must be bypassed.       │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│         i hope TEAM V.R continue CRACKiNG the Avid BEAST.   │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│                "EVEN" dedicated to ...                      │█│
│█│                                                             │█│
│█│                (PRiVATE                  (SCENE             │█│
│█│              «/GiSELA                  «/AUDiO FORUM RU     │█│
│█│              «/iNGO & MARiO            «/TEAM R2R           │█│
│█│              «/RUDi & GELi(SFA)        «/TEAM V.R           │█│
│█│              «/ERRENN & FAMiLY         «/TEAM STUDiO        │█│
│█│              «/RiCO & TRAEGER(SFA)     «/TEAM DISCOVER      │█│
│█│              «/GOA MAiK & PETE(SFA)    «/TEAM SYNTHiC4TE    │█│
│█│              «/KiTSCHi(SFA)            «/copylefter         │█│
│█│              «/WolFFie(SFA)            «/QF1L               │█│
│█│              «/SCHoKo(SFA)             «/HORSEMEN           │█│
│█│              «/ANDRE & M.A.D 23(SFA)   «/TRACER             │█│
│█│              «/B3NN3 & L0TT3(NRW)      «/ArticStorm         │█│
│█│              «/JeRRy & DaViD(NRW)      «/DrFloyd            │█│
│█│              «/HaJDaR'RAP-Artist'(NRW)                      │█│
│███  B U Y  █  T H E  █  S O F T W A R E  █  Y O U  █  U S E  ███│

This NFO File was rendered by

³Û³      º°°°°°°°º º°º º°º º°°°°°º º°°°°°º º°°°°°°º º°°º        ³Û³
³Û³      º°°ÉÍÍÍͼ º°º º°º º°ÉÍ»°º º°ÉÍ»°º º°ÉÍÍÍͼ º°°º        ³Û³
³Û³      º°°º      º°º º°º º°º º°º º°º º°º º°º      º°°º        ³Û³
³Û³      º°°º      º°Èͼ°º º°Èͼ°º º°º º°º º°ÈÍÍÍÍ» º°°º        ³Û³
³Û³      º°°º      º°°°°°º º°°°°°º º°º º°º º°°°°°°º º°°º        ³Û³
³Û³      º°°º      º°ÉÍ»°º º°ÉÍ»°º º°º º°º ÈÍÍÍÍ»°º º°°º        ³Û³
³Û³      º°°º      º°º º°º º°º º°º º°º º°º      º°º ÈÍͼ        ³Û³
³Û³      º°°ÈÍÍÍÍ» º°º º°º º°º º°º º°Èͼ°º ÉÍÍÍͼ°º ÉÍÍ»        ³Û³
³Û³      º°°°°°°°º º°º º°º º°º º°º º°°°°°º º°°°°°°º º°°º        ³Û³
³Û³       Éͼ÷÷÷Èͼ÷÷÷Èͼ÷÷÷Èͼ÷÷÷Èͼ÷÷÷Èͼ÷÷÷Èͼ÷÷÷ÈÍ»         ³Û³
³Û³       º÷÷÷R÷÷÷÷÷E÷÷÷÷÷L÷÷÷÷÷E÷÷÷÷÷A÷÷÷÷÷S÷÷÷÷÷E÷÷÷º         ³Û³
³Û³       ÈÍ»÷÷÷ÉÍ»÷÷÷ÉÍ»÷÷÷ÉÍ»÷÷÷ÉÍ»÷÷÷ÉÍ»÷÷÷ÉÍ»÷÷÷Éͼ         ³Û³
³Û³         ÈÍÍͼ ÈÍÍͼ ÈÍÍͼ ÈÍÍͼ ÈÍÍͼ ÈÍÍͼ ÈÍÍͼ           ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³      Acon.Digital.Equalize.v.1.1.12.VST.x86.x64.CHAOS       ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³                                   1897 ®/NR                 ³Û³
³Û³                     NOVEMBER.08TH.2015 ®/DATE               ³Û³
³Û³                     PATCH (EDiTED.iSS) ®/TYPE               ³Û³
³Û³                          (VST.x86.x64) ®/TARGET             ³Û³
³Û³                                 SERiAL ®/PROTECTiON         ³Û³
³Û³                 HTTP:// ®/RELEASE(URL)       ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         This Release is dedicated to : HaJDaR :D            ³Û³
³Û³         THX for the nice Setup tune.                        ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³                RELEASE iNFORMATiON ...                      ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         Equalize is a versatile, user friendly and great    ³Û³
³Û³         sounding equalizer with several unique features.    ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         Unlike other equalizers, you can freely adjust      ³Û³
³Û³         not only center frequency, gain and bandwidth,      ³Û³
³Û³         but also the filter slope for each band.            ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         The filter slope can be set anywhere from 3 to      ³Û³
³Û³         ultra sharp 120 dB per octave. Needless to say,     ³Û³
³Û³         you can operate Equalize as a zero latency          ³Û³
³Û³         plug-in when using the minimum phase mode or        ³Û³
³Û³         choose to preserve the phase relationships in       ³Û³
³Û³         the linear phase mode.                              ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         Equalize goes one step further, though, and         ³Û³
³Û³         introduces the unique mixed phase mode that         ³Û³
³Û³         allows you to set the latency freely in the         ³Û³
³Û³         range 5 to 120 milliseconds while preserving        ³Û³
³Û³         the phase relationships as far as possible.         ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         That gives a unique control over potential          ³Û³
³Û³         pre-ringing artifacts which is a common problem     ³Û³
³Û³         with linear phase filtering.                        ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         Latency values below 20 milliseconds ensure that    ³Û³
³Û³         any pre-ringing is masked by the temporal masking   ³Û³
³Û³         of the human hearing while preserving the time -    ³Û³
³Û³         alignment across the audible frequency range.       ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         Great care has been taken to provide a user         ³Û³
³Û³         interface that is straight forward to use.          ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         Band parameters can be adjusted using handles       ³Û³
³Û³         directly in the graphical representation of the     ³Û³
³Û³         frequency response, including bandwidths            ³Û³
³Û³         and filter slopes.                                  ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         A flexible real-time analyzer lets you monitor      ³Û³
³Û³         every aspect of the processing.                     ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         You can easily switch between full, mid, side,      ³Û³
³Û³         left or right channel processing for each band      ³Û³
³Û³         and Equalize automatically routes the audio         ³Û³
³Û³         signal internally to ensure the best results        ³Û³
³Û³         and lowest possible latency.                        ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         AAX Plug-ins REMOVED :D                             ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         The internal Pro-Tools-HD Release works bud         ³Û³
³Û³         "PATCHED" AAX Plug-ins dosn't start because         ³Û³
³Û³         more checks in serval files must be bypassed.       ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³         i hope TEAM V.R continue CRACKiNG the Avid BEAST.   ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³                "EVEN" dedicated to ...                      ³Û³
³Û³                                                             ³Û³
³Û³                (PRiVATE                  (SCENE             ³Û³
³Û³              ®/GiSELA                  ®/AUDiO FORUM RU     ³Û³
³Û³              ®/iNGO & MARiO            ®/TEAM R2R           ³Û³
³Û³              ®/RUDi & GELi(SFA)        ®/TEAM V.R           ³Û³
³Û³              ®/ERRENN & FAMiLY         ®/TEAM STUDiO        ³Û³
³Û³              ®/RiCO & TRAEGER(SFA)     ®/TEAM DISCOVER      ³Û³
³Û³              ®/GOA MAiK & PETE(SFA)    ®/TEAM SYNTHiC4TE    ³Û³
³Û³              ®/KiTSCHi(SFA)            ®/copylefter         ³Û³
³Û³              ®/WolFFie(SFA)            ®/QF1L               ³Û³
³Û³              ®/SCHoKo(SFA)             ®/HORSEMEN           ³Û³
³Û³              ®/ANDRE & M.A.D 23(SFA)   ®/TRACER             ³Û³
³Û³              ®/B3NN3 & L0TT3(NRW)      ®/ArticStorm         ³Û³
³Û³              ®/JeRRy & DaViD(NRW)      ®/DrFloyd            ³Û³
³Û³              ®/HaJDaR'RAP-Artist'(NRW)                      ³Û³
³ÛÛÛ  B U Y  Û  T H E  Û  S O F T W A R E  Û  Y O U  Û  U S E  ÛÛÛ³

This NFO File was rendered by

