- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: camelot/camelot-push.nfo camelot/camelot-push

  _________     _____      _____  ___________.____    ___________________
  \_   ___ \   /  _  \    /     \ \_   _____/|    |   \_____  \__    ___/
  /    \  \/  /  /_\  \  /  \ /  \ |    __)_ |    |    /   |   \|    |
  \     \____/    |    \/    Y    \|        \|    |___/    |    \    |
   \______  /\____|__  /\____|__  /_______  /|_______ \_______  /____|
          \/         \/         \/        \/         \/       \/
            <>               8@8        *~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,.
          .::::.             888
      @\\/W\/\/W\//@         8@8          .:>Push.CAM.XviD-CAMELOT<:.
       \\/^\/\/^\//     _    )8(    _
        \_O_<>_O_/     (@)__/8@8\__(@)
   ____________________ `~"-=):(=-"~`
  |<><><>  |  |  <><><>|     |.|         Resolution - 624x336
  |<>      |  |      <>|     |N|         Length     - 01:46:29
  |<>      |  |      <>|     |'|         Bitrate    - 785 kb/s
  |<>   .--------.   <>|     |.|
  |     |   ()   |     |     |O|
  |_____| (O\/O) |_____|     |'|
  |     \   /\   /     |     |.|
  |------\  \/  /------|     |T|
  |       '.__.'       |     |'|
  |        |  |        |     |.|
  :        |  |        :     |E|
   \<>     |  |     <>/      |'|
    \<>    |  |    <>/       |.|
     \<>   |  |   <>/        |S|
      `\<> |  | <>/'         |'|
        `-.|  |.-`           \ /
           '--'               ^

Once upon a time, when ppl were not using myspace and the
music came off Napster and Kazaa, along with she-male porn,
there was a group called FTF that released the most horrible
CAMs known to man. Those cams, as we now know, came from silvers
bought from the streets of various cities. Now, when you can't
trow a rock on the internets without hitting a torrent site,
various other ppl decide it's better to get the silvers, rip them
and upload them on torrents - we'll call them Tards from now on.
So, the Tard picks up the disk, rips it and uploads the vobs to piratebay.
Anyone can see his ip, he's a sitting duck for ppl that look for
sitting ducks. Another grp of ppl - let's call them FUCKFACES - take
those vobs, encode them and release them on the scene. You know who you
are. And there's the 3rd grp of ppl - let's call them CAMELOT - that
have the actual disk with a higher bitrate than the p2p ones.
So, to make it short - as if - we have our own source, you can
check the vobsample and we'll never get something off p2p, we're
Oh, and one more note for the nukers...We're sure you'll find something
wrong with this :). And from the sheeps that will see this, once it gets
on p2p...why bother releasing cams when the r5 is just around the corner,
right? WRONG, you selfish, ungrateful semen spots!!!

Got something to offer? if you can't find us, it's not worth it.
Or leave a message somewhere and we'll find you :P

This NFO File was rendered by

  _________     _____      _____  ___________.____    ___________________
  \_   ___ \   /  _  \    /     \ \_   _____/|    |   \_____  \__    ___/
  /    \  \/  /  /_\  \  /  \ /  \ |    __)_ |    |    /   |   \|    |
  \     \____/    |    \/    Y    \|        \|    |___/    |    \    |
   \______  /\____|__  /\____|__  /_______  /|_______ \_______  /____|
          \/         \/         \/        \/         \/       \/
            <>               8@8        *~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,.
          .::::.             888
      @\\/W\/\/W\//@         8@8          .:>Push.CAM.XviD-CAMELOT<:.
       \\/^\/\/^\//     _    )8(    _
        \_O_<>_O_/     (@)__/8@8\__(@)
   ____________________ `~"-=):(=-"~`
  |<><><>  |  |  <><><>|     |.|         Resolution - 624x336
  |<>      |  |      <>|     |N|         Length     - 01:46:29
  |<>      |  |      <>|     |'|         Bitrate    - 785 kb/s
  |<>   .--------.   <>|     |.|
  |     |   ()   |     |     |O|
  |_____| (O\/O) |_____|     |'|
  |     \   /\   /     |     |.|
  |------\  \/  /------|     |T|
  |       '.__.'       |     |'|
  |        |  |        |     |.|
  :        |  |        :     |E|
   \<>     |  |     <>/      |'|
    \<>    |  |    <>/       |.|
     \<>   |  |   <>/        |S|
      `\<> |  | <>/'         |'|
        `-.|  |.-`           \ /
           '--'               ^

Once upon a time, when ppl were not using myspace and the
music came off Napster and Kazaa, along with she-male porn,
there was a group called FTF that released the most horrible
CAMs known to man. Those cams, as we now know, came from silvers
bought from the streets of various cities. Now, when you can't
trow a rock on the internets without hitting a torrent site,
various other ppl decide it's better to get the silvers, rip them
and upload them on torrents - we'll call them Tards from now on.
So, the Tard picks up the disk, rips it and uploads the vobs to piratebay.
Anyone can see his ip, he's a sitting duck for ppl that look for
sitting ducks. Another grp of ppl - let's call them FUCKFACES - take
those vobs, encode them and release them on the scene. You know who you
are. And there's the 3rd grp of ppl - let's call them CAMELOT - that
have the actual disk with a higher bitrate than the p2p ones.
So, to make it short - as if - we have our own source, you can
check the vobsample and we'll never get something off p2p, we're
Oh, and one more note for the nukers...We're sure you'll find something
wrong with this :). And from the sheeps that will see this, once it gets
on p2p...why bother releasing cams when the r5 is just around the corner,
right? WRONG, you selfish, ungrateful semen spots!!!

Got something to offer? if you can't find us, it's not worth it.
Or leave a message somewhere and we'll find you :P

This NFO File was rendered by

