- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: origin.nfo origin

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│  ■ ORIGIN PROUDLY PRESENTS ■                                               │
│    Centipede (c) Hasbro Interactive                                        │
│ Supplied By : ORIGIN USA               Release Date : 23th October, 1998   │
│ Cracked By  : -                        Game Genre   : Arcade Centipede Game│
│ Packager    : SPA DISC LIMIT 75 STILL! Protection   : FFC Level            │
│                                                                            │
│ Requirements: W9x, Pentium« 133, 16Mb RAM, and DIRECT-seX 5.x.             │
│                                                                            │

│   ■ RELEASE INFORMATION ■                                                  │
│                                                                            │
│ OI UPDATE <<< NEW:                                                         │
│ Before we go into the game notes, remember to read the SCENE NOTES after   │
│ as this explains all the confusion on DISC limits ;) Also addtional update │
│ on PDMs budget ware LUCKY LUKE, thanks to all those people who pointed this│
│ PDM lameness out to us :)                                                  │
│                                                                            │
│ Game Notes:                                                                │
│ Centipede, the classic arcade game of the '80s, is now revived and brought │
│ full speed into the '90s! You're Wally, an ordinary Wee person who must    │
│ defend the village against the onslaught of Centipedes and other           │
│ creatures, including spiders, army ants, fleas, scorpions and other        │
│ creepy-crawlies. Command a custom-built Centipede-fighting vehicle called  │
│ a Shooter. Battle across many different areas to the Centipede Temple,     │
│ saving captured and stranded Wee people along the way. Finally, meet up    │
│ with the mother of all bad creatures - the Queen Centipede. See if you can │
│ put an end to this menace once and for all.                                │
│                                                           Limeys'R Us      │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│ Ripped (not Raped): The Videos were given a BREAK. The foriegn files were  │
│                     sent to a FUSION.                                      │
│                                                                            │
│ Scene Notes:                                                               │
│ People lets be clear on one thing, SPA membership is comprised of the      │
│ following groups:                                                          │
│                                                                            │
│ BACKLASH                                                                   │
│ DIVINE                                                                     │
│ HYBRID                                                                     │
│ ORIGIN                                                                     │
│ REFLUX                                                                     │
│                                                                            │
│ All of these groups are FULL members of the SPA and have EQUAL vote.       │
│ Some of these groups are new groups that comprise OLD SCHOOL members like  │
│ Origin for example. Where CYPHER and RAKIM have been around since BEFORE   │
│ the Amiga days. Where as other groups like PARADIGM seem old but comprise  │
│ newbies like ZEUS who has only ever been on PC.                            │
│                                                                            │
│ For the lamers out there the SPA has not, I repeat NOT had a FINAL vote    │
│ on the DISC limit, thus the limit is still 75 and no greater. For those    │
│ people who think different or wish to try and force a higher limit upon    │
│ SPA members, guess what? No chance FUCKERS! Some people say who is SPA     │
│ to say what the limits are? Why do we need order ??? Why do need limits ?? │
│ 90 is needed ???                                                           │
│ Well SPA is made of the groups whos games you download time and time again.│
│ Game like this MAJOR title. If we have decided to set up a commmitie to    │
│ discuss scene matters when we the groups make up the majority of pirate    │
│ GAME releases, where that majority is +90% then you should at least        │
│ repect our wishes as a UNITED SPA on these issues. We need order/rules     │
│ of some kind in the scene to stop lameness. Lameness such as BETAS, RAPES, │
│ UNCRACKED games, BREAKS, DUPES, KIDDIEWARE and basiclly SHIT. Its about    │
│ bringing quality to our scene so, that its worth while. After all why      │
│ bother with pirate warez if its not worth it. Thus some sort of standards  │
│ has been developed to avoid the CRAP.                                      │
│ Disc limits are needed for various reasons. One of the biggest reasons is  │
│ the fact that not everyone has fast lines. And people do not want to leech │
│ hundreds of megs to find out its a load of crap. Others would argue that   │
│ if they do not have fast lines then they are lamers. Well there are two    │
│ points that provbe this wrong. One is that if you have a fast link then    │
│ you can leech the ISO anyway and warez should mean jack all to you anyway. │
│ The second is many elite people who contribute to the scene are still on   │
│ 28.8k and have done more for the scene than your lamo site or trader group.│
│ But by far the biggest reason and never answered reason is how does one    │
│ tell the difference between ISO and WAREZ? Where is the line drawn?. The   │
│ answer is with a DISC limit. And to keep that limit as small as possible   │
│ in order to greater distinguish the differences between WAREZ and ISO.     │
│ The surggested 90 limit also seems to be another bone of contention. For   │
│ the record the limit is still 75 DISCS of 1.44 MEG size and no larger.     │
│ Should this be increased? Well this is still be discussed by the SPA. But  │
│ the whole reason this came up was not actually becuase its XMAS and loads  │
│ of sizable games are comming, but becuase of another issue.                │
│ This issue was RAPES. A RAPE is where a game has been stripped down from   │
│ the CD but yet not all of the game is their within the release to make it  │
│ playable. For example a game with no sound or the game is missing the 3DFX │
│ or normal GFX files. One group was doing this and refused to believe its   │
│ releases were RAPES. Even though they had more addons than a Lego set.     │
│ Thus the discussion on the disc limit was raised and still argued about.   │
│ Origin have yet to vote on the DISC limit as we would like a VOTE on RAPES │
│ with surggested all group agreement on what is a RAPE so, they can be      │
│ banned and NUKED. Needless to say the group who started this all suddenly  │
│ refused to accept thispoint of view and then tried to move onto DISC       │
│ raising to escape the flak they received over RAPES. We don't mind this    │
│ except that we kind of get the idea that this group would eventually       │
│ start RAPING again even when the limit is 90. You see when you take away   │
│ their RAPES, DUPES, UN-CRACKED, BETAS and BREAKS. This group does not have │
│ many good release like this one. The group that has caused all this shit   │
│ is PARADIGM. I know that you maybe think that PDM stand for quality and in │
│ the past they used too. But they have let it slip and its slipped badly.   │
│                                                                            │
│ The Rise and Fall of PARADIGM:                                             │
│ PDM was started by newbies like Zeus, who before this group had never      │
│ started or ran his own group, unless you count group ZEUS. But enough said │
│ about that lameness the better. PDM when they started, were out to be the  │
│ most quality group on the scene. They even laid down some GREAT standards  │
│ for others to follow. As we shall see they themselevs have failed to follow│
│ those same high standards.At the start PDM laid out 5 goals that they would│
│ archive and contine to follow. Whilst they did indeed archive these most   │
│ noble standards as will be seen they failed to live upto them all the time.│
│ These texts are taken from an NFO on the PDM website:                      │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│  PDM GOALS:                                                                │
│  To help illustrate this point, here are the goals we intend to            │
│  fulfill in our release process:                                           │
│    1.)  No CD-RAPES                                                        │
│         ~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        │
│         Some games are best left unripped and we don't intend on           │
│         raping games just for the sake of a release. We feel that          │
│         if a game can't be stripped down to an enjoyable version,          │
│         its not worth releasing.                                           │
│    NOTE: PDM's original primary goal is what they seem to break the most.  │
│          F15 had no sound, MotorCross needed a level RAPED out as an addon │
│          by them. Ultimate Race Pro had how many addons ??? Might & Magic 6│
│          another blatent RAPE. And the list goes on. RAPING is what PDM    │
│          do best and it also happens to be against their own original      │
│          number 1 standard.                                                │
│                                                                            │
│    2.)  No KIDDY games                                                     │
│         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     │
│         At Paradigm, we feel kiddy games should be best left to            │
│         groups that specialize in those games, since they typically        │
│         do not appeal to any real fans of the game scene.                  │
│    NOTE: To be fair to PDM I have not seen a kiddie game from them.        │
│                                                                            │
│    3.)  No BUDGET titles                                                   │
│         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                   │
│         You may be asking yourself why certain game release groups         │
│         must resort to releasing below-standard, and sometimes             │
│         just plain cheezy games. Many of these games can be found          │
│         in the $10 game basket at your local CompUSA or OfficeDepot.       │
│         We feel this problem stems from a serious lack of                  │
│         professionalism, and Paradigm will refrain from releasing          │
│         those types of titles, and instead leave them for lesser           │
│         groups to gobble up.                                               │
│    NOTE: Thanks those people who pointed out the budget ware LUCKY LUKE    │
│          to us from PDM. Seems PDM fucked up on this promise as well!      │
│                                                                            │
│    4.)  No RE-releases                                                     │
│         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     │
│         If a game has been put out and its v1.0 or newer, that's           │
│         a good indication that it's a final and working version.           │
│         As we have stated before, we are not desperate for                 │
│         releases. We will always release final versions of games           │
│         we get, and don't intend to "finalize" any release just            │
│         because we are angry that we lost on the original release.         │
│    NOTE: Just when you thought PDM were only breaking one of their own rule│
│          They ignore another.  Two DUPES they have released that I know of │
│          are the infamous MACHINE HUNTER and PROJECT AIROS. Zeus claimed   │
│          MACHINE HUNTER wasn't final in the NFO. Well it was, just badly   │
│          cracked. He then claimed later that it was final but not cracked  │
│          properly. Well then they should have done it as a fix and not a   │
│          release. Also even if that was true, if you read above closely    │
│          PDM state they will not finalise any other groups release anyway. │
│          So, you see Zeus is talking shit on that release anyway. PROJECT  │
│          AIROS was of course proven to be another game and that was just   │
│          its euro name. Mistakes happen they would say. But what about     │
│          when you dupe on purpose becuase you feel like it? They would say │
│          they never do that. But they did! Ultra Violent Worlds was a DUPE │
│          of the DIVINE release. They even say so in the NFO:               │
│                                                                            │
│       "While i was working DVN beat us but i still put it out - maybe you  │
│        like it more on 2 disks instead of 18 :) - its the same game. "     │
│                                                                            │
│        While 2 discs is nice, as the NFO says "its the same game." clearly │
│        breaking PDM's own standards.                                       │
│                                                                            │
│    5.)  No NON-WORKING releases                                            │
│         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                            │
│         Unworking releases are the single most irritating thing            │
│         people in the scene have to deal with. Allowing this to            │
│         happen at a constant rate is a disgrace to the scene, and          │
│         should not be tolerated by any major game release group            │
│         out there. Many of the bad rips and botched cracks by the          │
│         groups in the early days of the CD scene could at least be         │
│         attributed to not having prior experience with this new            │
│         media. But seeing this still happen on a regular basis by          │
│         today's CD release groups can only be the product of sheer         │
│         laziness and just not caring enough about the quality of           │
│         a release. Paradigm intends to break this trend, and by            │
│         doing so, guarantee a level of integrity to all of our             │
│         releases, so that people out there don't have to be afraid         │
│         of grabbing the latest and greatest release for fear that          │
│         it won't work.                                                     │
│    NOTE: PDM used to be quite good at this in the past. Unfortnatly its    │
│          all gone to shit recently. V2000 SAVE fix, many fixes for Might   │
│          & Magic. The list goes on. Their Monaco release will also only    │
│          work on some peoples machines as its badly cracked.               │
│                                                                            │
│   CONCLUSION:                                                              │
│   Its not very impressive when you set out 5 clear goals and then fail     │
│   to keep to these standards with success being only obtained with 1 out   │
│   the 5. Before you start a slagging match with anyone from ORIGIN.        │
│   Remember these are PDM's standards not anyone elses. This is what PDM    │
│   belives to be elite! Yet they fail to meet these so called great goals   │
│   of theirs. Therefore by their own definition they are LAME! They used to │
│   have a good repuatation, but now its all gone down the shitter.The cracks│
│   are more like the old fuck ups FFC used to do. Some poeple have even said│
│   FFC cracks for PDM as the amount of fixes are about the same level! But  │
│   we belive this to be false, as not even FFC needed as many fixes as PDM  │
│   PDM claim no one is running the group and its open. Yet we all know ZEUS │
│   is a stalinist dictator and runs the group with a kulak style operation. │
│   Hes even black mailed people from other groups into rejoining PDM after  │
│   they have left or he would NARC them. And has stolen money from poor     │
│   Russians who need software to sell for bread. Yes ZEUS sells! Its all    │
│   one big corprate biz from ZEUS INC. That one good HARDWARE supplier he   │
│   keeps advertising for is actually number 3-4 now. And the selling of     │
│   DAT tapes must bring in a few thousand dollors! Thats why ZEUS needs to  │
│   raise the limit, to keep the releases going now that they have lost the  │
│   quality. So, the business can keep selling. And he can rake the profits  │
│   in. Yes not only are PDM lame, but they are moeny lamers as well.And they│
│   do it at the expense of the good scene people. BAN PDM WAREZ now!        │
│   After all, its over the limit and a load of uncracked raped duped shit   │
│   anyway. And when it isn't, its BETA!                                     │
│   Do not put up with newbie ZEUS lameness anymore, BAN PDM warez NOW!      │
│                                                                            │
│                                           CYPHER (THE LORD PROTECTOR)      │
│                                                                            │

│    ■ INSTALL INFORMATION ■                                                 │
│                                                                            │
│ Unzip it, then unace it (e.g. xace.exe centiped.ace <YOUR DIR>)            │
│ Run the RegSetUp.exe file to make the correct entires within your registry.│
│ Before you play the game you MUST run CHGRES.EXE to setup your gfx mode... │
│ Once this is done run CENTI.EXE to play this revamped blast from the past. │
│                                                                            │

│    ■ GREETINGS AND NEWS ■                                                  │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│ ************************************************************************** │
│   NOTE: Origin will >>PAY<< back the full retail costs of any original     │
│         supplied to us within a reasonable amount of time, of course :)    │
│ ************************************************************************** │
│                                                                            │
│     Please feel free to contact us about any new PATCHES or ORIGINALS      │
│     or ADDONS. But make sure they are very NEW. And the only ADDONS we     │
│     like are the ones that are made by the same company that made the      │
│     original game or that are officially licensed. CONTACT US NOW!         │
│                                                                            │
│                                                                            │
│              Do you want to be a part of the Origin team?                  │
│              ════════════════════════════════════════════                  │
│        We are ALWAYS looking for talented PEOPLE to be a part of Origin.   │
│            Are you able to help in any of following areas:                 │
│                                                                            │
│ Do you work for a software house, store/shop, distributor, or publisher?   │
│ Can you supply un-released games, utilities, or even some hardware?        │
│ Are you working for a fast ISP, or other supplier of shell accounts, etc?  │
│ Can you donate something else of value to the group?                       │
│                                                                            │
│        Do you want your site/board to be part of the Origin team?          │
│        ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════          │
│   If you run a site/board  and are ready to contribute to the success      │
│   of the only OPEN cracking group on the PC, get in touch with us. All     │
│   our siteops must actively participate in the success of the group, so    │
│   if you plan to just only sit there and run a board/site, forget it.      │
│                                                                            │
│  Group Greetings:                                                          │
│                                                                            │
│  People Greetings:                                                         │
│  AgentEx, Snoop-Maverick, Red Leader, Ultimate, G-Rom, Hankman, Leno,      │
│  Beowulf, Angwee, Brainski, Trainman, Smokey, Bluewater, Sektiod, Cyric,   │
│  Devil, The Blue Adept, Animal & Dogfriend, ATM, Pale Horse, Temp, Zoldan, │
│  Teacher, OFD, Sakic, Beck, Grudge, Sentinel, Beep, Rotox, Moonsabre,      │
│  Magnetic King, Jaydee, Jammer, Speed Master, Fallen Angel, Rosco, Beep,   │
│  Wolverine, Sensi, X-Con, Miramax, Tklp, Thor, Manhunter and Hoson.        │

│■ ORIGIN MEMBERS & NET DIVISION ■                                           │
│                                                                            │
│ MEMBERS:                                                                   │
│ Avoolz. Axen. Beck. Cypher. DaJackal. Dark Rebellion. Darkman. Delta.      │
│ Dread. Dvst8. Gogolie. ][ce. Jode. Marbitoz. Morph. Mr Nop. Nitr8.         │
│ Optimus Prime. Possible. Rakim. Recoil. Rosco. The Krazy Nomad. Toe Jam.   │
│                            Zamu. Zima Man.                                 │
│                                                                            │
│ TRADERS:                                                                   │
│ Mr Pumpkin. (Do not ask for trial, we choose the trialists).               │
│                                                                            │
│ ORIGIN HEADQUARTERS:                                                       │
│      WHQ    POSITION OPEN                                                  │
│      EHQ    POSITION OPEN                                                  │
│      IHQ    TRX            XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   T3            Unlisted        │
│     UKHQ    TFR2           XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   T3            Unlisted        │
│     UKHQ    PR             XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   T3            Unlisted        │
│     UKHQ    DL             XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   T3            Unlisted        │
│                                                                            │
│  NOTE: If a site is not listed above, then that site is NOT in Origin.     │
│        Beware fake Origin members! Anyone not listed is NOT in Origin!     │
│                                                                            │

│                      HOW TO REACH AND CONTACT US:                          │
│                                                                            │
│                      Origin IRC Chat Channel                               │
│                      ════════════════════════                              │
│                      Connect to an Efnet IRC                               │
│                      server. Then join our                                 │
│                      channel /join #ORIGIN                                 │
│                                                                            │
│                      Origin Retro Supply Mail                              │
│                      ════════════════════════                              │
│                      (No Name)                                             │
│                      PO Box 907                                            │
│                      London                                                │
│                      SW11 6TL                                              │
│                      United Kingdom                                        │
│                                                                            │
│                      Origin Supply E-Mail                                  │
│                      ═════════════════════                                 │
│                                             │
│                                                                            │
 "Slingo is Kiddieware, ages 5 and up!  Seems the FUCKTION is LAME already!"

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³  þ ORIGIN PROUDLY PRESENTS þ                                               ³
³    Centipede (c) Hasbro Interactive                                        ³
³ Supplied By : ORIGIN USA               Release Date : 23th October, 1998   ³
³ Cracked By  : -                        Game Genre   : Arcade Centipede Game³
³ Packager    : SPA DISC LIMIT 75 STILL! Protection   : FFC Level            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Requirements: W9x, Pentium® 133, 16Mb RAM, and DIRECT-seX 5.x.             ³
³                                                                            ³

³   þ RELEASE INFORMATION þ                                                  ³
³                                                                            ³
³ OI UPDATE <<< NEW:                                                         ³
³ Before we go into the game notes, remember to read the SCENE NOTES after   ³
³ as this explains all the confusion on DISC limits ;) Also addtional update ³
³ on PDMs budget ware LUCKY LUKE, thanks to all those people who pointed this³
³ PDM lameness out to us :)                                                  ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Game Notes:                                                                ³
³ Centipede, the classic arcade game of the '80s, is now revived and brought ³
³ full speed into the '90s! You're Wally, an ordinary Wee person who must    ³
³ defend the village against the onslaught of Centipedes and other           ³
³ creatures, including spiders, army ants, fleas, scorpions and other        ³
³ creepy-crawlies. Command a custom-built Centipede-fighting vehicle called  ³
³ a Shooter. Battle across many different areas to the Centipede Temple,     ³
³ saving captured and stranded Wee people along the way. Finally, meet up    ³
³ with the mother of all bad creatures - the Queen Centipede. See if you can ³
³ put an end to this menace once and for all.                                ³
³                                                           Limeys'R Us      ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Ripped (not Raped): The Videos were given a BREAK. The foriegn files were  ³
³                     sent to a FUSION.                                      ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Scene Notes:                                                               ³
³ People lets be clear on one thing, SPA membership is comprised of the      ³
³ following groups:                                                          ³
³                                                                            ³
³ BACKLASH                                                                   ³
³ DIVINE                                                                     ³
³ HYBRID                                                                     ³
³ ORIGIN                                                                     ³
³ REFLUX                                                                     ³
³                                                                            ³
³ All of these groups are FULL members of the SPA and have EQUAL vote.       ³
³ Some of these groups are new groups that comprise OLD SCHOOL members like  ³
³ Origin for example. Where CYPHER and RAKIM have been around since BEFORE   ³
³ the Amiga days. Where as other groups like PARADIGM seem old but comprise  ³
³ newbies like ZEUS who has only ever been on PC.                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ For the lamers out there the SPA has not, I repeat NOT had a FINAL vote    ³
³ on the DISC limit, thus the limit is still 75 and no greater. For those    ³
³ people who think different or wish to try and force a higher limit upon    ³
³ SPA members, guess what? No chance FUCKERS! Some people say who is SPA     ³
³ to say what the limits are? Why do we need order ??? Why do need limits ?? ³
³ 90 is needed ???                                                           ³
³ Well SPA is made of the groups whos games you download time and time again.³
³ Game like this MAJOR title. If we have decided to set up a commmitie to    ³
³ discuss scene matters when we the groups make up the majority of pirate    ³
³ GAME releases, where that majority is +90% then you should at least        ³
³ repect our wishes as a UNITED SPA on these issues. We need order/rules     ³
³ of some kind in the scene to stop lameness. Lameness such as BETAS, RAPES, ³
³ UNCRACKED games, BREAKS, DUPES, KIDDIEWARE and basiclly SHIT. Its about    ³
³ bringing quality to our scene so, that its worth while. After all why      ³
³ bother with pirate warez if its not worth it. Thus some sort of standards  ³
³ has been developed to avoid the CRAP.                                      ³
³ Disc limits are needed for various reasons. One of the biggest reasons is  ³
³ the fact that not everyone has fast lines. And people do not want to leech ³
³ hundreds of megs to find out its a load of crap. Others would argue that   ³
³ if they do not have fast lines then they are lamers. Well there are two    ³
³ points that provbe this wrong. One is that if you have a fast link then    ³
³ you can leech the ISO anyway and warez should mean jack all to you anyway. ³
³ The second is many elite people who contribute to the scene are still on   ³
³ 28.8k and have done more for the scene than your lamo site or trader group.³
³ But by far the biggest reason and never answered reason is how does one    ³
³ tell the difference between ISO and WAREZ? Where is the line drawn?. The   ³
³ answer is with a DISC limit. And to keep that limit as small as possible   ³
³ in order to greater distinguish the differences between WAREZ and ISO.     ³
³ The surggested 90 limit also seems to be another bone of contention. For   ³
³ the record the limit is still 75 DISCS of 1.44 MEG size and no larger.     ³
³ Should this be increased? Well this is still be discussed by the SPA. But  ³
³ the whole reason this came up was not actually becuase its XMAS and loads  ³
³ of sizable games are comming, but becuase of another issue.                ³
³ This issue was RAPES. A RAPE is where a game has been stripped down from   ³
³ the CD but yet not all of the game is their within the release to make it  ³
³ playable. For example a game with no sound or the game is missing the 3DFX ³
³ or normal GFX files. One group was doing this and refused to believe its   ³
³ releases were RAPES. Even though they had more addons than a Lego set.     ³
³ Thus the discussion on the disc limit was raised and still argued about.   ³
³ Origin have yet to vote on the DISC limit as we would like a VOTE on RAPES ³
³ with surggested all group agreement on what is a RAPE so, they can be      ³
³ banned and NUKED. Needless to say the group who started this all suddenly  ³
³ refused to accept thispoint of view and then tried to move onto DISC       ³
³ raising to escape the flak they received over RAPES. We don't mind this    ³
³ except that we kind of get the idea that this group would eventually       ³
³ start RAPING again even when the limit is 90. You see when you take away   ³
³ their RAPES, DUPES, UN-CRACKED, BETAS and BREAKS. This group does not have ³
³ many good release like this one. The group that has caused all this shit   ³
³ is PARADIGM. I know that you maybe think that PDM stand for quality and in ³
³ the past they used too. But they have let it slip and its slipped badly.   ³
³                                                                            ³
³ The Rise and Fall of PARADIGM:                                             ³
³ PDM was started by newbies like Zeus, who before this group had never      ³
³ started or ran his own group, unless you count group ZEUS. But enough said ³
³ about that lameness the better. PDM when they started, were out to be the  ³
³ most quality group on the scene. They even laid down some GREAT standards  ³
³ for others to follow. As we shall see they themselevs have failed to follow³
³ those same high standards.At the start PDM laid out 5 goals that they would³
³ archive and contine to follow. Whilst they did indeed archive these most   ³
³ noble standards as will be seen they failed to live upto them all the time.³
³ These texts are taken from an NFO on the PDM website:                      ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³  PDM GOALS:                                                                ³
³  To help illustrate this point, here are the goals we intend to            ³
³  fulfill in our release process:                                           ³
³    1.)  No CD-RAPES                                                        ³
³         ~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        ³
³         Some games are best left unripped and we don't intend on           ³
³         raping games just for the sake of a release. We feel that          ³
³         if a game can't be stripped down to an enjoyable version,          ³
³         its not worth releasing.                                           ³
³    NOTE: PDM's original primary goal is what they seem to break the most.  ³
³          F15 had no sound, MotorCross needed a level RAPED out as an addon ³
³          by them. Ultimate Race Pro had how many addons ??? Might & Magic 6³
³          another blatent RAPE. And the list goes on. RAPING is what PDM    ³
³          do best and it also happens to be against their own original      ³
³          number 1 standard.                                                ³
³                                                                            ³
³    2.)  No KIDDY games                                                     ³
³         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     ³
³         At Paradigm, we feel kiddy games should be best left to            ³
³         groups that specialize in those games, since they typically        ³
³         do not appeal to any real fans of the game scene.                  ³
³    NOTE: To be fair to PDM I have not seen a kiddie game from them.        ³
³                                                                            ³
³    3.)  No BUDGET titles                                                   ³
³         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                   ³
³         You may be asking yourself why certain game release groups         ³
³         must resort to releasing below-standard, and sometimes             ³
³         just plain cheezy games. Many of these games can be found          ³
³         in the $10 game basket at your local CompUSA or OfficeDepot.       ³
³         We feel this problem stems from a serious lack of                  ³
³         professionalism, and Paradigm will refrain from releasing          ³
³         those types of titles, and instead leave them for lesser           ³
³         groups to gobble up.                                               ³
³    NOTE: Thanks those people who pointed out the budget ware LUCKY LUKE    ³
³          to us from PDM. Seems PDM fucked up on this promise as well!      ³
³                                                                            ³
³    4.)  No RE-releases                                                     ³
³         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     ³
³         If a game has been put out and its v1.0 or newer, that's           ³
³         a good indication that it's a final and working version.           ³
³         As we have stated before, we are not desperate for                 ³
³         releases. We will always release final versions of games           ³
³         we get, and don't intend to "finalize" any release just            ³
³         because we are angry that we lost on the original release.         ³
³    NOTE: Just when you thought PDM were only breaking one of their own rule³
³          They ignore another.  Two DUPES they have released that I know of ³
³          are the infamous MACHINE HUNTER and PROJECT AIROS. Zeus claimed   ³
³          MACHINE HUNTER wasn't final in the NFO. Well it was, just badly   ³
³          cracked. He then claimed later that it was final but not cracked  ³
³          properly. Well then they should have done it as a fix and not a   ³
³          release. Also even if that was true, if you read above closely    ³
³          PDM state they will not finalise any other groups release anyway. ³
³          So, you see Zeus is talking shit on that release anyway. PROJECT  ³
³          AIROS was of course proven to be another game and that was just   ³
³          its euro name. Mistakes happen they would say. But what about     ³
³          when you dupe on purpose becuase you feel like it? They would say ³
³          they never do that. But they did! Ultra Violent Worlds was a DUPE ³
³          of the DIVINE release. They even say so in the NFO:               ³
³                                                                            ³
³       "While i was working DVN beat us but i still put it out - maybe you  ³
³        like it more on 2 disks instead of 18 :) - its the same game. "     ³
³                                                                            ³
³        While 2 discs is nice, as the NFO says "its the same game." clearly ³
³        breaking PDM's own standards.                                       ³
³                                                                            ³
³    5.)  No NON-WORKING releases                                            ³
³         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                            ³
³         Unworking releases are the single most irritating thing            ³
³         people in the scene have to deal with. Allowing this to            ³
³         happen at a constant rate is a disgrace to the scene, and          ³
³         should not be tolerated by any major game release group            ³
³         out there. Many of the bad rips and botched cracks by the          ³
³         groups in the early days of the CD scene could at least be         ³
³         attributed to not having prior experience with this new            ³
³         media. But seeing this still happen on a regular basis by          ³
³         today's CD release groups can only be the product of sheer         ³
³         laziness and just not caring enough about the quality of           ³
³         a release. Paradigm intends to break this trend, and by            ³
³         doing so, guarantee a level of integrity to all of our             ³
³         releases, so that people out there don't have to be afraid         ³
³         of grabbing the latest and greatest release for fear that          ³
³         it won't work.                                                     ³
³    NOTE: PDM used to be quite good at this in the past. Unfortnatly its    ³
³          all gone to shit recently. V2000 SAVE fix, many fixes for Might   ³
³          & Magic. The list goes on. Their Monaco release will also only    ³
³          work on some peoples machines as its badly cracked.               ³
³                                                                            ³
³   CONCLUSION:                                                              ³
³   Its not very impressive when you set out 5 clear goals and then fail     ³
³   to keep to these standards with success being only obtained with 1 out   ³
³   the 5. Before you start a slagging match with anyone from ORIGIN.        ³
³   Remember these are PDM's standards not anyone elses. This is what PDM    ³
³   belives to be elite! Yet they fail to meet these so called great goals   ³
³   of theirs. Therefore by their own definition they are LAME! They used to ³
³   have a good repuatation, but now its all gone down the shitter.The cracks³
³   are more like the old fuck ups FFC used to do. Some poeple have even said³
³   FFC cracks for PDM as the amount of fixes are about the same level! But  ³
³   we belive this to be false, as not even FFC needed as many fixes as PDM  ³
³   PDM claim no one is running the group and its open. Yet we all know ZEUS ³
³   is a stalinist dictator and runs the group with a kulak style operation. ³
³   Hes even black mailed people from other groups into rejoining PDM after  ³
³   they have left or he would NARC them. And has stolen money from poor     ³
³   Russians who need software to sell for bread. Yes ZEUS sells! Its all    ³
³   one big corprate biz from ZEUS INC. That one good HARDWARE supplier he   ³
³   keeps advertising for is actually number 3-4 now. And the selling of     ³
³   DAT tapes must bring in a few thousand dollors! Thats why ZEUS needs to  ³
³   raise the limit, to keep the releases going now that they have lost the  ³
³   quality. So, the business can keep selling. And he can rake the profits  ³
³   in. Yes not only are PDM lame, but they are moeny lamers as well.And they³
³   do it at the expense of the good scene people. BAN PDM WAREZ now!        ³
³   After all, its over the limit and a load of uncracked raped duped shit   ³
³   anyway. And when it isn't, its BETA!                                     ³
³   Do not put up with newbie ZEUS lameness anymore, BAN PDM warez NOW!      ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                           CYPHER (THE LORD PROTECTOR)      ³
³                                                                            ³

³    þ INSTALL INFORMATION þ                                                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Unzip it, then unace it (e.g. xace.exe centiped.ace <YOUR DIR>)            ³
³ Run the RegSetUp.exe file to make the correct entires within your registry.³
³ Before you play the game you MUST run CHGRES.EXE to setup your gfx mode... ³
³ Once this is done run CENTI.EXE to play this revamped blast from the past. ³
³                                                                            ³

³    þ GREETINGS AND NEWS þ                                                  ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³ ************************************************************************** ³
³   NOTE: Origin will >>PAY<< back the full retail costs of any original     ³
³         supplied to us within a reasonable amount of time, of course :)    ³
³ ************************************************************************** ³
³                                                                            ³
³     Please feel free to contact us about any new PATCHES or ORIGINALS      ³
³     or ADDONS. But make sure they are very NEW. And the only ADDONS we     ³
³     like are the ones that are made by the same company that made the      ³
³     original game or that are officially licensed. CONTACT US NOW!         ³
³                                                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³              Do you want to be a part of the Origin team?                  ³
³        We are ALWAYS looking for talented PEOPLE to be a part of Origin.   ³
³            Are you able to help in any of following areas:                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Do you work for a software house, store/shop, distributor, or publisher?   ³
³ Can you supply un-released games, utilities, or even some hardware?        ³
³ Are you working for a fast ISP, or other supplier of shell accounts, etc?  ³
³ Can you donate something else of value to the group?                       ³
³                                                                            ³
³        Do you want your site/board to be part of the Origin team?          ³
³   If you run a site/board  and are ready to contribute to the success      ³
³   of the only OPEN cracking group on the PC, get in touch with us. All     ³
³   our siteops must actively participate in the success of the group, so    ³
³   if you plan to just only sit there and run a board/site, forget it.      ³
³                                                                            ³
³  Group Greetings:                                                          ³
³                                                                            ³
³  People Greetings:                                                         ³
³  AgentEx, Snoop-Maverick, Red Leader, Ultimate, G-Rom, Hankman, Leno,      ³
³  Beowulf, Angwee, Brainski, Trainman, Smokey, Bluewater, Sektiod, Cyric,   ³
³  Devil, The Blue Adept, Animal & Dogfriend, ATM, Pale Horse, Temp, Zoldan, ³
³  Teacher, OFD, Sakic, Beck, Grudge, Sentinel, Beep, Rotox, Moonsabre,      ³
³  Magnetic King, Jaydee, Jammer, Speed Master, Fallen Angel, Rosco, Beep,   ³
³  Wolverine, Sensi, X-Con, Miramax, Tklp, Thor, Manhunter and Hoson.        ³

³þ ORIGIN MEMBERS & NET DIVISION þ                                           ³
³                                                                            ³
³ MEMBERS:                                                                   ³
³ Avoolz. Axen. Beck. Cypher. DaJackal. Dark Rebellion. Darkman. Delta.      ³
³ Dread. Dvst8. Gogolie. ][ce. Jode. Marbitoz. Morph. Mr Nop. Nitr8.         ³
³ Optimus Prime. Possible. Rakim. Recoil. Rosco. The Krazy Nomad. Toe Jam.   ³
³                            Zamu. Zima Man.                                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³ TRADERS:                                                                   ³
³ Mr Pumpkin. (Do not ask for trial, we choose the trialists).               ³
³                                                                            ³
³ ORIGIN HEADQUARTERS:                                                       ³
³      WHQ    POSITION OPEN                                                  ³
³      EHQ    POSITION OPEN                                                  ³
³      IHQ    TRX            XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   T3            Unlisted        ³
³     UKHQ    TFR2           XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   T3            Unlisted        ³
³     UKHQ    PR             XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   T3            Unlisted        ³
³     UKHQ    DL             XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   T3            Unlisted        ³
³                                                                            ³
³  NOTE: If a site is not listed above, then that site is NOT in Origin.     ³
³        Beware fake Origin members! Anyone not listed is NOT in Origin!     ³
³                                                                            ³

³                      HOW TO REACH AND CONTACT US:                          ³
³                                                                            ³
³                      Origin IRC Chat Channel                               ³
³                      ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ                              ³
³                      Connect to an Efnet IRC                               ³
³                      server. Then join our                                 ³
³                      channel /join #ORIGIN                                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³                      Origin Retro Supply Mail                              ³
³                      ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ                              ³
³                      (No Name)                                             ³
³                      PO Box 907                                            ³
³                      London                                                ³
³                      SW11 6TL                                              ³
³                      United Kingdom                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³                      Origin Supply E-Mail                                  ³
³                      ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ                                 ³
³                                             ³
³                                                                            ³
 "Slingo is Kiddieware, ages 5 and up!  Seems the FUCKTION is LAME already!"

This NFO File was rendered by

