- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Microsoft.Office.365.v2301.Build.16.0.16026.20002.x64-BTCRiSO.nfo Microsoft.Office.365.v2301.Build.16.0.16026.20002.x64-BTCRiSO
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ░░ ▀▀▀▒▒ ░░░░ ▀▀▀▄▄ ▄▄░░▀ ░░ ▄▒▒▀ ▄ ▒▀ ░░▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ ░░ ▒▒░ ▄▄ ░▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▄▄ ░░▄ ▄▄░░▀▀ ▄ ▄▄▀▀░░ ▄▄▄▄▄░░░ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀░░░░ ▄▄▄▄ ░░ ▄▄ ▄▄▓▀▀▀ ░░▄▄▄ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▄ ░░ ░░ ░░ ░░░▀ ▄▄▄▄░░░▀▀▀ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░░ ░░ ▄ ▄▒▒▀▄▄▄▓▓█▀█▄▄█████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█████▓▓▓▄▄▄░░░ ▀▄ ▀ ▀▄▄██████▀▀▀█▄▄▄▄▓▓▓█████████████▄▄▄█▀▀░░▄ ▒▒ ░░ ░░▄▒▒██░░▀█▄▄▓▓███████████████████████████████░░░▄ ░░ ▄████▀ ▄▄████████████████▒▒▀▀▀▀▒░█▓▓▓▀▀▀█████████▓▓▄ ░░ ▄▓███░░▓▓█████████▀▀░░▄▄▄█████████████████████▄▄▄░░▀▀▓▓░ ░░███▀ ▓▓▓██████▀▓███████████████████████████████████████▀▓░ ░░ ███▀ ▄███████▀██▓▓▓▓▓███████████████████████████▓▓▓███████▓▓░ ▓▓█ ▄██████▀░░███████████████████▀▀▀▒▒▄▄▄██████▄▄▄▄▄██▀░░█████ ░▓▀ ███████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓██████████████████████████████████▓▓▄█▀▀▒▒ ░░ █████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██████████████████████████████████████▄ ░░ ▄▓█▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒████████████████████████████████████████░ ░░ ░ ░███▓▓▓░░ ░░░▒▒▒▄▄█████████████████████████████████▓▓▀▀▀▀█░ ▒ ███▓░░░ ░░▒▒▒██████████████████████▄█▀▀███████▀█▄▄▓▓▓▓▒▄▄ ▀ ▓ ██▓░░ ░▒▒▒███████████▓▓▓▓▓▓███████████░░█████████████████░ ▓▓ █▓░ ▒▒████████▒▒▀▀░░░░ ▀▀▀▒▒███░░██████████▀▀████░ ░ ▒▓ ░█████████▀░░ ░▀▀██████████▒▒▀ ░░▀█ ▒▒ ░ █████████▀ ░ ▀█████▓▓▀ ░ ░ ▀ ░ ██████▓▓▀ ░▒ ░░██▓▓▀░ ░ ▄ █████▓▓▀░░ ░░ ░▄▒▒███▌ ░ ▓▓██▀▀███░█ ▓ ░▓█████▓ ▒░ ░░▀ ██████░ ▓ ░▓███████▌ ▓▓ ░ ▒▒███████░█ ░▓████████▓ ▓▓▓ ░ █████████████ ▒▒██████████▓ ▐█▓▀ ░ ░░▒████████████▄ ▄█████████████▓ ▄ ▄██▀░░ ░░▒█████████████░░▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█████ ████████░░ █▒▒░░█▀ ▒▒▄▄▄▄░░ ░░▀▀▀█████████████████████████████ ██████▀ ███▀░░ ▄ ▀▀▀▀▀░░▄▄▄▄░░░▀▀▓██████████████████████ ██▓▓▀ █▓░ ▀░░ ░░░▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▀▀▀▀▄▄░▀▀▓▓███▓▓▄ ▀▀▒███ █▀▀░░ ▓▓░ ▀░░ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ▀▀▄░▀▓▓████▒ █████░ ▓▓░ ░░░ ▀▀▄▄ ░░░▀▓▓███░ ███ ░ ▓▓░ ▄▄▀ ▄ ░ ▀░▄ ░░▓███▓░ ███░░░▓▓▓▄▄▄▄░░░█▒ ▄▄▄▀▀ ░░ ░ ░░░▄▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░ ▄▄▄ ░░ ░▓███▓▓░░ █████████▀▀▀▀▒▒▄▄▄ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄▀▀ ░ ▄▄▄▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀░░ ▀░░███████▀▀▀▓▓▄███▀▀▀▀ ▄▄▄▀▀▀ ▄░░ ▀▀▀▄░▄▄▀ ░░░█▀▀▀ ▄▄░░░▀▀ ▄ ▀▀▀▀▀████████▓▓▓▓▓░░▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░ ▀▀██▄▄▄ ▀▀ ░░▄▄▄▄ ░░ ■▀▀▀ ▀▀▒▒██████████████████▒▀▀▒▒▓██▄▄▒▀▀██████████▓▓░░ ▄░▓▓▓▓░ ░ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄░░ ████░░▄█▀ ▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▒▒▄▄▀▀▀░█████▄▄ ■ ░ ░░░░▄▄░░▀▀▀ ▄▄▓░▀███ ▐█░ ▄▀ ▄▄▒▀▀ ▀██▒ ▀▀▒▒█▓▓▄▄ ▄ ░░▄ ▀▄▄░▄▄▒▒░░ ▀▄▄▄▀█▄██ ▐█░░▄███▀░ ███░▒█▄▄░░▀▀███▓▓▄ ■ ■ ▄▄████▀▀░░ ███████ ▐█▐▀█▓▓▀▀ ▀░░ ██░▒██ ░░■▄░░▓█████░░ ▀░ ░░ ▄▓▓▓▓▀▀ ▐██████▌▐█▄███ ▀ ▒▒██ ░░ ▀▀ ▄█████▄ ▀ ▀ ▀░░▄▒ ▄░░ ▐▓▒░███▌▐████░ ▀ ████▄■ ▀▀████░ ░░ ░ ■▀ ▄▄▀▓▓█ █▓░ ███▌▐████░ ████▌ ████░ ▀ ▓▓▀ ████ ▄█▓░ ███▌░████ ░ ▐███▌ ▐██▀░ ▀ ░░ ▓███ ▄██▀ ▐▓██░███▒ ░■▀ ▀ ▐███▌ ██▀▒▀ ░ ▄ ░▓███░ ▄██▀░░ ░░▐▓██▓▓██░ ░▀ ░░ ▐██▀ ▄█▒░░▄▄▀░▄▀ ░████░███▓▄▄███░░▒▒▄██▓▓██▄█▌ ▐███░ ■░░ ▄░■▀▒▒▄▄▀▀▄■▀ ▄░░▄▄▓▓▓▄▄▓▓▓▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▒▀▀██░▓████ ▀ ████ ▄▄██▓▓▀▀ ░■▀░ ▄▄▓▓█▀▀░░ ▀▀▀██▄░▌░████ ▄░░ █▀░░▄▄▄▒▒██▀▀░░ ▀ ▄▄█▀▀████░ ▀█▌ ████ ░░ ░░█████████▄ ▄▓▀ ████░ ▄ ■░░▐█ ████▄ ░▀ ■░▄░ ██████▓▓▀▀█▄▄ ▀░░ ████░░▀ ██ ████░ ▀▐████░░▀▀█▄▄▀▓▓▄▄ ■ ███▓ ▄██▀▓▄ ████░ █████▌ ▀▀▓▓▄▄▄▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ■░░▀ ■░ █▒▒░ ▄█▀▄░█▌ ▀▄██▄█▄ ░█████▌ ▀░░▄ ▀▀▓▓█▓▄▄▄ ▀▀ ▀ ▀░░░ ▄▄▒▀░▄▀░███ ▀██▄▀▄▄ ▄▄▓▓▀▀▄███ ▀ ▀░░ ▀▀███▓▓ ░░ ■░▒ ░░▄▒▀▀▀░░▄░░ ▓██ ▀███▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▀ ███ ░░ ▄ iks ▀▀░ ▀ ▀░░ ▀▀░░░▄▄░▀▀ █ ▐█▓░ ░░ ▀████▓▓▒▒▀▀ ▒▓▓░ ▀ ▐▌titan ░░ ▀ ■ ▄▄░░ ▀▀░░░ ░■▄ ▓▓▓ ░▒▒░ ▀▀▀ ░░░░ ░░ ▄░▀ ▀ &impure ░░ ▄ ░░ ░░ ▀░■░▄▄░░ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▄▄ ■■░░▀ ▄░░ crews █ ■░░ ░░░ ░░ ░░░░▀▓▓▓███▓▓▓░░▀▀ ░░ ░░▓▓ ░ ░ ▄ ▄░░ ░░░ ░░░ ▒▒▒ ▀██████████ ░░▀ ▓ ▒ ░ ▀░░ ░░░ ▒▒▒▒▄ ░░░ ▓█████████ ■ ░░ ░░ ░█ ▓ ░ ■ ▀░░▄ ▀▀▀▀▀ ░█████░░░░ ▄ ▀ ▀ ░▓ █ ▒ ░░▄ ▀ ■░░ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ■■ ░░ ▄ ▀ ░░▒ █ ▓ ░░ ░▀■ █▄▄▄ █ ░░ ░░ ▀ ░ █ █ ▄ ░░▀ ▄░░ █████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄░░ ▄▄▀ ▄▀ ▀ █ █ ▄▄ ▀▀ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░■░░▀ ▄▄ ▀▀ ▄▄▀▀ ▀ ░░ █ █ ░░ ░░▄ ▄▄▄ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▀▀ ░░ ▀ █ █ ▄ ▄ ░░░ ░░ ▀▀ ▀ ▀ █ ▓ ▓▓ ▀ ░░ ▄ ▄▄▀▀ ░ █ ▒ ▀ ▄ RELEASE iNFORMATION ░░ ▒▀ ▒ █ ░ ▀▀ ░░ ▓ █ Microsoft.Office.365.v2301.Build.16.0.16026.20002.x64-BTCRiSO ░ █ █ ░ █ █ Release Date............................................2022-01-28 ▓ █ █ Protection....................................................Some █ █ █ ▄ Release Type.......................................Patch/Activator █ █ █ Program Url................ ▓ █ ░░ Cracked By...............................................TEAM BTCR ▒ █ Packed By................................................TEAM BTCR ░ █ █ ▀ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▀ ▓ █ ░░▄ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒░░ ▄▄▀ ▒▒░░ ░█ ░░░ ████▓▓▓██████▄ ▀▀ ▄▄ ▀ ▄ ▓█ ░▄▓▄ ░░▄ ▀▀▀▀ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄█████ ▄░░ ▒▒ ▒ ▀ ▀▀ ▄▄▄░░░░░ ▀▀ ▄▄▄▄▄▄████████▒▒░░ ▄▄ ▀ ▀ ░░▀ ░ ▓ ░░■ ░░░ ░░ ▀▀ ░░▀ ▒ █▄ HOW TO iNSTALL ▄ ▀ ░ ▓ █▌ ▄░░ ▒ █ █ █ █ █ NOTE: If there's an existing Office / Microsoft 365 trial on your █ █ █ ░ system (OEMs love to preinstall it), then you need to fully █ █ █ ▒ uninstall it: █ █ █ ▒ - First run "RemoveTrialLicenses.exe" █ █ █ ▒ - Then fully uninstall the existing installation. █ █ █ ▒ █ █ █ ▒ (1) Run setup. █ █ █ ▒ (2) Click "install" and let the install run to completion. █ █ █ ▒ This means a notification and dialog should show saying install █ █ █ ▒ is complete. █ █ █ ▒ (3) Click "patch" in our installer to apply the crack. █ █ █ ▒ (4) Enjoy! █ █ █ ▒ █ █ █ ▒ Please note: █ █ █ ▒ When you run an Office application for the first time, there may █ █ █ ▒ be a dialog that pops up offering to start a trial. █ █ █ ▒ Choose to accept/start the trial. █ █ █ ▒ █ █ █ ▒ This will install "MondoRetail" edition, which is the only edition █ █ █ ▒ that contains everything, including Visio and Project. █ █ █ ▒ You can run the installer again to install or remove additional █ █ █ ▒ components; but every time you do so, you need to apply the crack █ █ █ ▒ again. █ █ █ ▒ █ █ █ ▒ For additional languages (non-English), you can install the █ █ █ ▒ language pack from MS website (for "Microsoft 365 subscription"). █ █ █ ▒ The crack will need to be reapplied after installing language packs. █ █ █ ▒ █ █ █ ▒ Office Lime is the "internal" UI testing tool. █ █ █ ▒ It requires the en-US language pack, and will crash on start if █ █ █ ▒ it's not present. █ █ █ ▒ █ █ █ ░ █ ▓ █▌ ▄ ▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▀ █ ▒ ▓▀ ░░ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ░░▀ ░░ █ ░ ▒ ▀ ▓▓▓█████████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ░░▀ ▀ █ ▓ ░░ ▀ ████████████████████ ▄▄ ▀ ▄▀ █ ▒▄ ▀ ░░ ██████████████████▄▄ ▀▀▀░░ ▄ █ ▓ ▀░░ ▀ ░░ ▄▄██████████████▓▓▄▄▄░ ▄░░ █ ▀ ▀ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░▄ ▓ ░ ▀░░ ▀░░ ░░ ▄▄ ▒ ▒ ░ ▀░░▄ ▀ TEAM NEWS ▀▀ ▄▄ ░ ▓ ░ ▀ ■ ▀▀░░ ▄▄ ▀░░ █ ▒ We Are Looking For : ▀░░ ░░ █ ▒ ▀ ░░ █ ▓ Talented Crackers (Platform doesn't matter) ░ ▒ █ ▓ 1. JAVA crackers who can work with obfuscated class files. ▒ ▓ █ ▓ 2. Keygenners who are familar with common crypto libraries on any ▓ ▓ █ ▓ architecture. █ ▓ █ ▓ 3. Unpackers who can remove protectors like Armadillo, ASProtect, █ ▓ █ ▓ Obsidium, Themida, VMProtect. █ ▓ █ ▓ 4. Dongle/LM Crackers familar with Sentinel, Guardant, FlexLM, █ ▓ █ ▓ HASP, iLok. █ ▓ ░ █ █ █ █ ░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓ █ █ ▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ░░ ▓ ▓ ████████████████████ ▀ ▒ ▒ ████████████████████ ░░▀ ░ ▒ ████████████████████ ▒▒ ░ ▒ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ ▀ ░ ▒ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ GREETiNGs ░ ░ ░ ░ Greets Fly Out to : ▓▓ ░ All friends in CRD , X-FORCE , PH , BLiZZARD , AMPED , rG and most of it all ▒▒ Titan and iMPURE CREWS ░ ░░ ░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ░░ ░░ ▀███████████████████ ▀ ░░ ░░ CONTACT ▄▀ ▄▀ ░░ ▄ ▄ ▄▀ ▀▄ ▀░░░░▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄██████░░░░ ▀▄ ▄ ▄ ▀▓▓███████████████ ▀▄ ░░ ██▄█▀██████████████░ ▄▀ ▀█▄ ▄ ██████████████████▒ ▄▀ ▄ ▀█▄ ▀░▀███████████████▀▄▓ ▄█▀ ▀█▄▄▀▄█████████████▄█████ ░░ ░░ ▀███▀█████████▀██████▀ ▄ ░▀▓▓████████▄█████▀ ▓▓ █▄ ░ ▀███████████▓▓▀ ▄▓ ▀█▄ ▀▄ ▀███████▓▓▀░ ▄█▀░ ▀█▄ ▀▄ ▀█████▀░ ▄█▀ ░ ░ ▀▓▓ ▀█▀ ░ ▄█▀ iks ░ ▀█▄ ░░ ▒▓▀ ░ ▀█▄ ▄█▀ ▓ ░░ ▀█▄█▀ ░░ ▀▀ This NFO File was rendered by